Got Him

Explain Trump's own words and actions apart from what I said he desires.

Go ahead.
Here’s a link to the platform. Show us where any of your FaScIsM claims are supported, punkass.

We were? We stopped importing energy from foreign countries during that time?

The evidence doesn't back this up. I mean, in 2020 alone, the USA imported over 7.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. Per day.

Can you provide any evidence that we stopped importing energy from foreign countries, and therefore was energy independent, from 2017-2020
Here’s a link to the platform. Show us where any of your FaScIsM claims are supported, punkass.

Nice attempt at dodging the question. I didn't ask or mention the platform that Trump didn't write.

Again, explain Trump's own words and actions apart from what I said he desires.
Why are you so triggered by our southern flag?
I'm a southern. I was born and raised in a southern state. With the exception of five years of my life, I have lived in southern states (four of those five years were in a "border state"). And that flag you love to display and promote isn't "our" southern flag.

It was adopted as the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia after confederate rebels committed treason against our country and rebelled to save/protect slavery. It eventually grew in popularity among many of the traitors in the confederacy and became known as the confederate battle flag. A flag of traitors, agitators, regressives, and racists. And it continue to be their flag, especially during the civil rights period of the 1950s/1960s.

That flag isn't my southern flag nor is it the flag of many southern Americans who love their country (the USA). Don't equate all southerns with your hate.
Nice attempt at dodging the question. I didn't ask or mention the platform that Trump didn't write.

Again, explain Trump's own words and actions apart from what I said he desires.
His words are off the cuff remarks, with no context provided, punkass. I don’t vote for off the cuff remarks. I vote for platforms. Now, answer the question, punkass.
I'm a southern. I was born and raised in a southern state. With the exception of five years of my life, I have lived in southern states (four of those five years were in a "border state"). And that flag you love to display and promote isn't "our" southern flag.

It was adopted as the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia after confederate rebels committed treason against our country and rebelled to save/protect slavery. It eventually grew in popularity among many of the traitors in the confederacy and became known as the confederate battle flag. A flag of traitors, agitators, regressives, and racists. And it continue to be their flag, especially during the civil rights period of the 1950s/1960s.

That flag isn't my southern flag nor is it the flag of many southern Americans who love their country (the USA). Don't equate all southerns with your hate.
The overwhelming majority of southern men would consider you to be a punkass. Just sayin.
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We were? We stopped importing energy from foreign countries during that time?

The evidence doesn't back this up. I mean, in 2020 alone, the USA imported over 7.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. Per day.

Can you provide any evidence that we stopped importing energy from foreign countries, and therefore was energy independent, from 2017-2020
That is not the test, dumbfvck. We were a net exporter all those years.
We were a net exporter all those years.
Net exporter still doesn't make us energy independent. To be energy independent means we are not dependent on foreign energy sources. This was never the case during 2017-2020. Our country clearly relied on foreign energy sources during 2017-2020. Very much so in fact

Now, if you can present some evidence that we were not relying on foreign energy sources at any point between 2017-202, go right ahead. Let's see the evidence.
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His words are off the cuff remarks,
So now everything Trump says is an off the cuff remark and can't be trusted . . . we can't determine what Trump believes and wants from what he says he believes and wants?

Is this now your official position and do you apply this position equally as it concerns President Biden and other Democrats?
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Net exporter still doesn't make us energy independent. To be energy independent means we are not dependent on foreign energy sources. This was never the case during 2017-2020. Our country clearly relied on foreign energy sources during 2017-2020. Very much so in fact

Now, if you can present some evidence that we were not relying on foreign energy sources at any point between 2017-202, go right ahead. Let's see the evidence.
Net exporter means that after what we import, and then consume, we have left overs to export. Ie. Energy independence, dumbass. SMH.

Also, the lion’s share of the world’s crude finds its way to the U.S. due to its manufacturing capacity. You do realize that you can’t just pour crude oil into your gas tank, right?
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Net exporter means that after what we import, and then consume, we have left overs to export. Ie. Energy independence
Wrong, that is not what it means. That is a misrepresentation based on political spin.

The USA was at no time energy "independent" between 2017-2020. We were still very much dependent on foreign sources of oil. Did you see Trump declare an end of the import of those foreign sources during that time period? No, of course not lol!

We never were going it along during those years as it related to energy. We were never independent.

Try again maybe? Or maybe just admit the truth for once.
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Wrong, that is not what it means. That is a misrepresentation based on political spin.

The USA was at no time energy "independent" between 2017-2020. We were still very much dependent on foreign sources of oil. Did you see Trump declare an end of the import of those foreign sources during that time period? No, of course not lol!

We never were going it along during those years as it related to energy. We were never independent.

Try again maybe? Or maybe just admit the truth for once.
Now you’re going into some Orwellian double speak alternate reality where you invent meanings to words. You have no concept of “excess capacity”. kind of hard to have a discussion when I’m speaking English and you’re speaking dumbass.
Now you’re going into some Orwellian double speak alternate reality where you invent meanings to words. You have no concept of “excess capacity”. kind of hard to have a discussion when I’m speaking English and you’re speaking dumbass.
It's what leftist do. If the facts don't line up with their narrative they change the definition of words to change the facts. Remember the "Don't Say Gay" narrative the LGBTQ supporters put out there? It's what they do.
Now you’re going into some Orwellian double speak alternate reality where you invent meanings to words.
There is no double speak. There is just your current attempt to spin and change the meaning of words.

Again, the USA was at no time energy "independent" between 2017-2020. We were still very much dependent on foreign sources of oil. Did you see Trump declare an end of the import of those foreign sources during that time period? Energy intensive products? No, of course not lol!

Because we were not independent.

kind of hard to have a discussion when I’m speaking English .
You are not speaking English. You are speaking political spin. False political spin at that.

Nice try at repeating the spin, but still a failure. Now, do you any real evidence showing how we were truly energy independent from 2017-2020?
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If the facts don't line up with their narrative they change the definition of words to change the facts.
lol, we liberals aren't changing the meaning of "energy" and "independent." Those words have clear meanings, and as a political slogan, it has a clear meaning.

And it was never realized between 2017-2020.
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lol, we liberals aren't changing the meaning of "energy" and "independent." Those words have clear meanings, and as a political slogan, it has a clear meaning.

And it was never realized between 2017-2020.
“energy independence is a tricky concept” and said it was often quantified by comparing energy production to energy consumption, but cautioned that the implications of this may be misunderstood.

In the classic sense yes energy independence was achieved but a better term to use would be "Net Exporter"
“energy independence is a tricky concept” and said it was often quantified by comparing energy production to energy consumption, but cautioned that the implications of this may be misunderstood.

In the classic sense yes energy independence was achieved but a better term to use would be "Net Exporter"

For Andrew Campbell, Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Berkeley Haas ( here ) “energy independence” is a “political slogan, not an economic or technical concept with a clear definition” often used by politicians to “imply that a country is insulated from global energy markets”.
“This is rarely the case,” he said.
“If a country produces all of the energy that it consumes, does not participate in international trade in energy, does not import energy-intensive products and does not send energy-related pollution to its neighbors or the atmosphere, then I would consider it energy independent. I don't think any country meets that definition.”

You’re a fvcking idiot.

carry on
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For Andrew Campbell, Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Berkeley Haas ( here ) “energy independence” is a “political slogan, not an economic or technical concept with a clear definition” often used by politicians to “imply that a country is insulated from global energy markets”.
“This is rarely the case,” he said.
“If a country produces all of the energy that it consumes, does not participate in international trade in energy, does not import energy-intensive products and does not send energy-related pollution to its neighbors or the atmosphere, then I would consider it energy independent. I don't think any country meets that definition.”

You’re a fvcking idiot.

carry on
Coming from you, that's a compliment.
For Andrew Campbell, Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Berkeley Haas ( here ) “energy independence” is a “political slogan, not an economic or technical concept with a clear definition” often used by politicians to “imply that a country is insulated from global energy markets”.
“This is rarely the case,” he said.
“If a country produces all of the energy that it consumes, does not participate in international trade in energy, does not import energy-intensive products and does not send energy-related pollution to its neighbors or the atmosphere, then I would consider it energy independent. I don't think any country meets that definition.”

You’re a fvcking idiot.

carry on
Idk what the Convo is here because I'm just here for the comedy but Clinton's feathers are ruffled.
For Andrew Campbell, Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Berkeley Haas ( here ) “energy independence” is a “political slogan, not an economic or technical concept with a clear definition” often used by politicians to “imply that a country is insulated from global energy markets”.
“This is rarely the case,” he said.
“If a country produces all of the energy that it consumes, does not participate in international trade in energy, does not import energy-intensive products and does not send energy-related pollution to its neighbors or the atmosphere, then I would consider it energy independent. I don't think any country meets that definition.”

You’re a fvcking idiot.

carry on
For normal people speaking normal English and understanding normal math, net exporter means that you produce more than you need, otherwise you wouldn’t be exporting it. It’s really quite simple, but apparently not as simple as that bipolar schizo brain of yours.

Delude on, three faces of Evescott.
For normal people speaking normal English and understanding normal math, net exporter means that you produce more than you need, otherwise you wouldn’t be exporting it. It’s really quite simple, but apparently not as simple as that bipolar schizo brain of yours.

Delude on, three faces of Evescott.

Would the oil industry and America be able to survive without importing foreign crude and exporting refined products? The economy is global. There is no such thing as independent economies…even North Korea has to trade.

Unfvck your cuckfederate Ku Klux Klan-hood-wearing head from your ass occasionally.

carry on
Would the oil industry and America be able to survive without importing foreign crude and exporting refined products? The economy is global. There is no such thing as independent economies…even North Korea has to trade.

Unfvck your cuckfederate Ku Klux Klan-hood-wearing head from your ass occasionally.

carry on
Moving goal posts.

Kick on, RaphaelSeptienScott. (IYKYK)
We were? We stopped importing energy from foreign countries during that time?

The evidence doesn't back this up. I mean, in 2020 alone, the USA imported over 7.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. Per day.

Can you provide any evidence that we stopped importing energy from foreign countries, and therefore was energy independent, from 2017-2020
Under Trump we imported loads of petroleum. Under Trump we exported oceans of natural gas making us energy independent. Trump stole many Putin nat gas customers. Biden gave them back. Now Putin can fund his war in Ukraine.

soonerinlOUisiana and 2012Bearcat would abuse their opponents in my 60 question 60 minute time limit Mensa exercise. When your ready I'll throw out some questions and directives.
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Under Trump we imported loads of petroleum. Under Trump we exported oceans of natural gas making us energy independent. Trump stole many Putin nat gas customers. Biden gave them back. Now Putin can fund his war in Ukraine.

soonerinlOUisiana and 2012Bearcat would abuse their opponents in my 60 question 60 minute time limit Mensa exercise. When your ready I'll throw out some questions and directives.

Key word: “my”

carry on


“It is not clear that the Facebook user who posted was related to any juror or had any prior knowledge of the verdict. It could also have been a random Facebook user looking to stir controversy or confusion.

The profile for Anderson claims to be a 'professional s**t poster.'”

carry on
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