And right on cue, you throw your pompoms high into the air and lift your frilly short skirt to show your Obama bloomers to everyone. I couldn't have scripted this better if I wrote it for you. Conthervatifth conthpirathieth!!!!!!1. You shouldn't pick on any POTUS for sensible mideast decisions. It's an impossible deal. I adamantly opposed Iraq wars, giving up on OBL for obvious reasons. Beyond that, I'm not gonna nitpick. All of the sides are varying degrees of crazy. If Obama wanted to finally take out Ghadaffi, then fine. Remember Lockerbie? He literally orgainized and funded terrorism against U.S. citizens and if he communicated to the world that eventually we'll take you out..... worst things to do imo. And yeah, I like Obama and he was good and after umpteen investigations about everything under the sum nobody came up with shit on him.
2. Egypt, Syria, etc. There are no "right" moves other than generally stay out. There just aren't. If there are, it would take an analysis and facts that are way over the head of anyone on this board. I think any President that has a sensible strategy should be given the benefit of the doubt. Biff included. Doubtful he's gonna be sensible, but every POTUS is dealing with impossible facts there.
3. I'm not wasting time trying to reason through fantasy narratives. You and your conservative brethren are so deceptive and have such loony facts. I literally do not follow them -- every time I do they're silly and usually are based on a lie. The Hillary uranium russian deal is an example -- it was claimed as a fact that Hillary sold our Uranium to russia. So I take time and look and it's simply not true, and it was legitimate. Obama knowingly arming cartels -- there's another one. I'm not even looking it up, I know what you present as fact is likely a gross exaggeration and spin of something. Benghazi? Let's make a chart and look at the loss of american life between that and Iraq, and then look at right wing outrage over both. Iraq is literally like 3,000 times worse, and Benghazi generated 3,000 times the outrage. Like I'm taking that serious coming from the same people that just HAD to invade Iraq? Why listen to them about anything? In another thread Head says Trump really got some concessions from the Chinese. I look it up and nope -- already int he works under Obama. It goes on and on. Ya'll are too deceptive to take your "facts" seriously.
You, CowboyUp, and Clintoon Scott are identical triplet cheerleaders. You're just a little less creepy overall.
Thanks for taking the time proving my point.