Fatman, WTH is going on in Virginia?

Twitter is convinced Trump is winning

What exactly has Youngkin been doing?
Lots of smoke with the polls in that they are way off. The sampling has been goofy, and the results are not matching what people are seeing on a day to day basis in thier offices and among thier friend groups.

Not sure I would say that but the polls have me scratching my head. I think the polling places are working on bad data to build thier sample pools. It would not surprise me to hear that Kamala and Trump are getting very favorable internals. The question is who is sampling correctly.

James Carville chewed out Kamala staffers for being overly optimistic and making commercials that only appealed to soy boys and women when they attempted to connect with men. Everything is just speculation at this point. I would trust any poll one way or the other.
Lots of smoke with the polls in that they are way off. The sampling has been goofy, and the results are not matching what people are seeing on a day to day basis in thier offices and among thier friend groups.

Not sure I would say that but the polls have me scratching my head. I think the polling places are working on bad data to build thier sample pools. It would not surprise me to hear that Kamala and Trump are getting very favorable internals. The question is who is sampling correctly.

James Carville chewed out Kamala staffers for being overly optimistic and making commercials that only appealed to soy boys and women when they attempted to connect with men. Everything is just speculation at this point. I would trust any poll one way or the other.
The comments from that PAC about how there can't be fraud in VA this time are what threw me off. Youngkin must have done something but don't see how no fraud is possible.

They ARE right that if Trump wins VA, no sane person will buy the steal.
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The comments from that PAC about how there can't be fraud in VA this time are what threw me off. Youngkin must have done something but don't see how no fraud is possible.

They ARE right that if Trump wins VA, no sane person will buy the steal.
I think they are being overly optimistic. DC proximity to Northern Virginia brings a very large voter population itself. Add on Richmind and it's an uphill climb. I would hold my breath but I'm sure they made some improvement, but will it be enough?
@GhostOfMatchesMalone With all these posts you're making about Trump doing so well, do you think it's a slam dunk that Trump gets elected?
Left will again try to steal the election. If they feel they cannot get away with it, they will attempt to suspend it. If they cannot do either and the election is somehow allowed to be carried out fairly, they will likely attempt to start a Civil War to avoid being removed from power.

Regardless, 6 months from now you and every other 'bonafide conservative' will understand with crystal clarity why we begged you guys to give Trump your 100% support.

Bookmark this post.
The comments from that PAC about how there can't be fraud in VA this time are what threw me off. Youngkin must have done something but don't see how no fraud is possible.

They ARE right that if Trump wins VA, no sane person will buy the steal.
They bought Biden receiving 81 million votes. They will buy anything that keeps their ideology in power.
They bought Biden receiving 81 million votes. They will buy anything that keeps their ideology in power.
Biden had two campaign rallies. The dozens who showed saw many wearing MAGA hats and jeering. Then Biden earned an all-time record 81 million legal votes. Is my_20mills really buying in?

Has my_2cents read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway? I know my_20mills has made derogatory remarks about one of our most respected investigative reporters.
Regardless, 6 months from now you and every other 'bonafide conservative' will understand with crystal clarity why we begged you guys to give Trump your 100% support.

Bookmark this post.

LOL. You speak as though you're the only one around here that supports Trump 100%, and that you're the oracle, speaking on authority to the lowly commoners. Dude, this is your first presidential election cycle on 24/7. Many of us have been around for several of them. You barely know the political beliefs of "you guys". What exactly am I to bookmark?
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Twitter is convinced Trump is winning

What exactly has Youngkin been doing?
I’m not sure what the last post is referring to. It sounds like to me, just from the context, his campaign has done a terrible job of getting out the vote and getting new R voters to register.

Trying to find the data I’m failing (it doesn’t seem VA tracks registration by party affiliation).

But I did find this…

But Youngkin has cleaned up our process and voter rolls. You have to show ID to vote and they go through a multi stage verification process, mark your name off a list, make you recite your name and full address out loud, make you confirm your voting district out loud, etc. It takes a few minutes to actually get your ballot here. I don’t see how someone would cheat in-person.

Left will again try to steal the election. If they feel they cannot get away with it, they will attempt to suspend it. If they cannot do either and the election is somehow allowed to be carried out fairly, they will likely attempt to start a Civil War to avoid being removed from power.

Regardless, 6 months from now you and every other 'bonafide conservative' will understand with crystal clarity why we begged you guys to give Trump your 100% support.

Bookmark this post.
Oh for God’s sake! I want Trump to beat Harris, too, but don’t think you’re voting for a bonafide conservative when you vote for Trump. You’re voting for a nationalist, a protectionist and a mercantilist, and all three of those things are anathema to conservatism.
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Biden had two campaign rallies. The dozens who showed saw many wearing MAGA hats and jeering. Then Biden earned an all-time record 81 million legal votes. Is my_20mills really buying in?

Has my_2cents read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway? I know my_20mills has made derogatory remarks about one of our most respected investigative reporters.
By all accounts Ms. Hemingway is a fine woman. A respected investigative reporter? Eh. She’s a rabid Trump partisan. That does not discount her contribution to the conversation, but let’s not pretend she’s an objective reporter. She must be read with the understanding she started writing her book knowing in advance what she was going to say.
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LOL. You speak as though you're the only one around here that supports Trump 100%, and that you're the oracle, speaking on authority to the lowly commoners. Dude, this is your first presidential election cycle on 24/7. Many of us have been around for several of them. You barely know the political beliefs of "you guys". What exactly am I to bookmark?
I'm speaking from a position of knowledge that you simply do not possess. I am basing this off the comments 'you guys' are making here and where your attention is focused. You are focusing on Trump's character and the character of his supporters as if that has anything in the world to do with what this election is about.

I understand what's at stake in this election. That's why I don't care that Trump is an asshole, or that he's not a 'bonafide' conservative.

I care that he's fighting to save us from things that 'you guys' don't know you need saving from.

That's why I said bookmark that post. Cause in 6 months, you'll understand.
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One thing about “their” ideology that probably makes you happy: it’s in lockstep with Zionist ideology. “They” have that going for them.
You're so full of shit Dan. You cry about the Israelis fighting back against on ideology that wants to wipe Jews from the face of the earth but have no where near the same concerns of all the people dying as a result of the Ukraine War. Half a million people have been killed in the Ukraine war but we never hear anything from you on that one. If you are the anti-war anti violence puritan you claim, why not the same obsession? As if it's not plainly obvious you are a Anti-Semite.
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You're so full of shit Dan. You cry about the Israelis fighting back against on ideology that wants to wipe Jews from the face of the earth but have no where near the same concerns of all the people dying as a result of the Ukraine War. Half a million people have been killed in the Ukraine war but we never hear anything from you on that one. If you are the anti-war anti violence puritan you claim, why not the same obsession? As if it's not plainly obvious you are a Anti-Semite.
I’m not an anti-Semite no matter how often you call me one. What is obvious is you don’t know what an anti-Semite is, but you’ve watched the left use the “racist” tactic to great success and decided you could use the same tactic in defense of Zionism.
I’m not an anti-Semite no matter how often you call me one. What is obvious is you don’t know what an anti-Semite is, but you’ve watched the left use the “racist” tactic to great success and decided you could use the same tactic in defense of Zionism.

If you were ant-war the way you claim wouldn't you obsess over the casualties in Ukraine? Once again your actions show you speak with forked tongue.
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If you were ant-war the way you claim wouldn't you obsess over the casualties in Ukraine? Once again your actions show you speak with forked tongue.
Good point. Since you’ve asked for it I’ll start posting about America’s multi-billion dollar investment in the proxy war.
You're so full of shit Dan. You cry about the Israelis fighting back against on ideology that wants to wipe Jews from the face of the earth but have no where near the same concerns of all the people dying as a result of the Ukraine War. Half a million people have been killed in the Ukraine war but we never hear anything from you on that one. If you are the anti-war anti violence puritan you claim, why not the same obsession? As if it's not plainly obvious you are a Anti-Semite.
Can we stop feeding the attention-starved troll and get back to discussing how awesome our President Trump is?
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I'm speaking from a position of knowledge that you simply do not possess. I am basing this off the comments 'you guys' are making here and where your attention is focused. You are focusing on Trump's character and the character of his supporters as if that has anything in the world to do with what this election is about.

I understand what's at stake in this election. That's why I don't care that Trump is an asshole, or that he's not a 'bonafide' conservative.

I care that he's fighting to save us from things that 'you guys' don't know you need saving from.

That's why I said bookmark that post. Cause in 6 months, you'll understand.

You’re a bonafide know-nothing corntard. Go back to Gab.
I’m not sure what the last post is referring to. It sounds like to me, just from the context, his campaign has done a terrible job of getting out the vote and getting new R voters to register.

Trying to find the data I’m failing (it doesn’t seem VA tracks registration by party affiliation).

But I did find this…

But Youngkin has cleaned up our process and voter rolls. You have to show ID to vote and they go through a multi stage verification process, mark your name off a list, make you recite your name and full address out loud, make you confirm your voting district out loud, etc. It takes a few minutes to actually get your ballot here. I don’t see how someone would cheat in-person.

BTW it's worth noting, Trump has no trips to VA planned coming up and none of his surrogates do either. That tends to suggest he's not seeing it as being close.

Also interesting, they are hammering MI and WI, two states the media tells us Kamala has in the bag. MI, WI and PA are pretty much all they are visiting over the next 10 days.
By all accounts Ms. Hemingway is a fine woman. A respected investigative reporter? Eh. She’s a rabid Trump partisan. That does not discount her contribution to the conversation, but let’s not pretend she’s an objective reporter. She must be read with the understanding she started writing her book knowing in advance what she was going to say.
I'll add: Ms. Hemingway's Notes on pages 339-423 come from every angle and are extremely compelling. Biden did not receive an all-time record 81 million legal votes. Biden couldn't draw 5 cars to a Taco Bell Drive Thru. The US avg. IQ is a paltry 97.4 from 2023 testing. On the lower end we find those who see Ms. Hemingway as minus respect as an investigative reporter.
I'll add: Ms. Hemingway's Notes on pages 339-423 come from every angle and are extremely compelling. Biden did not receive an all-time record 81 million legal votes. Biden couldn't draw 5 cars to a Taco Bell Drive Thru. The US avg. IQ is a paltry 97.4 from 2023 testing. On the lower end we find those who see Ms. Hemingway as minus respect as an investigative reporter.
Mollie is one of the best journalists covering American politics. Sharyl Attkisson is another good one, Catherine Herridge as well.
BTW it's worth noting, Trump has no trips to VA planned coming up and none of his surrogates do either. That tends to suggest he's not seeing it as being close.

Also interesting, they are hammering MI and WI, two states the media tells us Kamala has in the bag. MI, WI and PA are pretty much all they are visiting over the next 10 days.
Just got back from Michigan last night. Was really surprised to see all the Harris/Walz signs in the wealthy vacation home communities. Don't get me wrong there were plenty of Trump signs but I don't remember these areas having Hillary of Biden signs n the past elections. The rural areas are all Trump with an occasional Harris sign.
When people found out we were from Texas most of the conversations turned to the border asking us if it was really as bad as they were seeing on the news and they were all bitching about the illegals that have started infecting their communities. That is a huge sore spot even for the Harris voters.
I was hoping I would be able to get a read on how Michigan was going to vote, like I did back in 2016 but I have no idea after this latest visit. From my expereince Michigan is a toss up and could go either way.
Just got back from Michigan last night. Was really surprised to see all the Harris/Walz signs in the wealthy vacation home communities. Don't get me wrong there were plenty of Trump signs but I don't remember these areas having Hillary of Biden signs n the past elections. The rural areas are all Trump with an occasional Harris sign.
When people found out we were from Texas most of the conversations turned to the border asking us if it was really as bad as they were seeing on the news and they were all bitching about the illegals that have started infecting their communities. That is a huge sore spot even for the Harris voters.
I was hoping I would be able to get a read on how Michigan was going to vote, like I did back in 2016 but I have no idea after this latest visit. From my expereince Michigan is a toss up and could go either way.
That is not bad news. Digging into that you could see the positives from the questions about the border. They are feeling it finally.

My take on the signs is that Democrats have become the party of the wealthy, college educated. Those neighborhoods would be filled with them. The better test would be what kind of signs are you seeing in middle class neighborhoods, and blue collar neighborhoods? They have numbers on the wealthy, college educated.
Precisely the response I expected.
I’m sorry if I offended you. Ms. Hemingway is a fine writer who writes books to prove her point of view. The other two are hard working journalists who go where the story takes them. Hemingway simply is not in their journalistic league.

Let me put it this way. Do you believe if she had done her research and it showed her that the Democrats had not cheated she would have written a book saying that? I don’t.
I’m sorry if I offended you. Ms. Hemingway is a fine writer who writes books to prove her point of view. The other two are hard working journalists who go where the story takes them. Hemingway simply is not in their journalistic league.

Let me put it this way. Do you believe if she had done her research and it showed her that the Democrats had not cheated she would have written a book saying that? I don’t.
I wouldn't buy a book saying the Democrats didn't cheat in an election. Or Republicans. Why would anyone write such a book?

Ms. Hemingway's 94 pages of very compelling Notes very likely took her to many places requiring much hard work.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million on the 2020 Election. Please enlighten us on what Mr. Zuckerberg's bucks went for. Tell me Chapter Seven in Ms. Hemingway's book doesn't nail it.
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I listened to JD Vance on Tucker the other day. Vance thinks there is a 60% chance the election will not be close and will be called early election night (40% chance it will be close). He was pretty confident. This is based on conversations with journalists close to the Kamala campaign and their (Trump’s) internal polling.
I wouldn't buy a book saying the Democrats didn't cheat in an election. Or Republicans. Why would anyone write such a book?

Ms. Hemingway's 94 pages of very compelling Notes very likely took her to many places requiring much hard work.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million on the 2020 Election. Please enlighten us on what Mr. Zuckerberg's bucks went for. Tell me Chapter Seven in Ms. Hemingway's book doesn't nail it.
You misunderstand me. I don’t dispute what Hemingway wrote, I dispute (with you) her intention in writing it. I do not think she began her investigation as an objective reporter curious where the story would lead her, the way actual investigative reporters would do, the way someone like Matt Taibbi does. I believe her intention from the very beginning was to find enough evidence to write a book proving what she wanted very badly to prove. I believe if the trail of evidence proved to her there was no cheating she would not have written a book saying so. IMO she’s not an objective reporter, she’s a partisan pundit. And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. All I’m saying is when you read her writing you should know who she is.
You misunderstand me. I don’t dispute what Hemingway wrote, I dispute (with you) her intention in writing it. I do not think she began her investigation as an objective reporter curious where the story would lead her, the way actual investigative reporters would do, the way someone like Matt Taibbi does. I believe her intention from the very beginning was to find enough evidence to write a book proving what she wanted very badly to prove. I believe if the trail of evidence proved to her there was no cheating she would not have written a book saying so. IMO she’s not an objective reporter, she’s a partisan pundit. And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. All I’m saying is when you read her writing you should know who she is.
Taibbi is awesome. You’d never know his political leanings from reading his work (he’s a classical liberal).

Did you ever read his four-part series on why Youngkin was elected? (Pulitzer-level reporting right here)

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Taibbi is awesome. You’d never know his political leanings from reading his work (he’s a classical liberal).

Did you ever read his four-part series on why Youngkin was elected? (Pulitzer-level reporting right here)

I love the man. I read everything of his I can find, and follow his conversations with Walter Kirn every week.
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Poor Dan is trying SO hard to get a rise out of us. lol

"Mollie isn't a good reporter!"
"Trump isn't a good conservative!"

We appreciate the constant entertainment that our slowest provide.
Mollie writes fact/based opinions. She is not a “reporter” as originally defined. She’s a partisan.

Trump is not a conservative, good or otherwise.
Your lack of self awareness is hilarious.
I’ll admit I haven’t read everything Mollie Hemmingway has written, nor have I heard her every time she’s been on a tv or radio show. There may have been times, maybe a lot of times she has been *harshly* critical of something Trump has said or advocated, in which case I am wrong about her. But I personally have never read a single harshly critical comment she has written about Trump, nor have I heard her say such a thing. Her diatribes against Democrats, OTOH, are common and legendary. She’s a partisan distributing partisan spin for folks like youto glom onto and repeat. And there’s nothing wrong about that. It is more common in the political discourse than uncommon. The Matt Taibbi’s of the world are very very rare.

DJT is not a conservative. I don’t know if there is a category he fits into. He’s a grifter, a conman, a carnival barker, a guy standing outside the club at the French Quarter opening the door just long enough for you to get a peek and hear the music to attract you in. I honestly don’t think the man has a single political principle he could explain in thirty minutes. He tosses out things like “building a wall” and “eliminate the Dept. of Education” knowing he wouldn’t do it even if he could, it’s just the con man talking.

Anyone who can’t see the truth about either Hemingway or Trump just doesn’t want to see it.

And by the way, Trump is still preferable to Harris.

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