Does Anybody Agree With Me

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
That the last few months have been very bad for DJT?
1). His own party defied him on funding his beloved wall.
2). His world-wide unnecessary trade war is backfiring on him.
3) His beloved tariffs are having the opposite result he expected (even though virtually every economist on Earth told him it would).

Who wants to add to the list? Please, PLEASE! keep it to legitimate topics. All this “Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, shirking of fiduciary responsibility, show your taxes, look at all his friends in legal trouble, etc.” is all for show, all designed to keep the minions chasing after a stick like dogs. What ya got?
That the last few months have been very bad for DJT?
1). His own party defied him on funding his beloved wall.
2). His world-wide unnecessary trade war is backfiring on him.
3) His beloved tariffs are having the opposite result he expected (even though virtually every economist on Earth told him it would).

Who wants to add to the list? Please, PLEASE! keep it to legitimate topics. All this “Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, shirking of fiduciary responsibility, show your taxes, look at all his friends in legal trouble, etc.” is all for show, all designed to keep the minions chasing after a stick like dogs. What ya got?
Oh, crap, I forgot to list a big one.

4). He lost the House, which will probably neuter his agenda for the next two years.
knowing the alternative was cankasorous

might temper your glee
I don’t know if you meant the indefinite “you” in “your” or if you are meaning me. But if your remark was aimed at me I assure I have no glee. Just making an observation. Trump started strong, but seems to be petering out. He hasn’t had very many wins in the last few months. Do you agree? If so, why do you suppose that is?
Well he certainly can’t do all things by himself and I think we are seeing just how little politicians give a shyt about what their constituents want. As for the wall, funding could have and SHOULD have been secured long before now. This sudden “push” to force it through only to be told “shucks, we should have brought it to a vote last week when we had the votes” is bull shyt.

We have no wall funding and there has been no exceptional change to healthcare. Their is a bigger agenda inplay and it sure as hell isnt n the best interest of you or I. If Trump caves and signs the bill without funding the wall it’s going to be a major problem for me.
Well he certainly can’t do all things by himself and I think we are seeing just how little politicians give a shyt about what their constituents want. As for the wall, funding could have and SHOULD have been secured long before now. This sudden “push” to force it through only to be told “shucks, we should have brought it to a vote last week when we had the votes” is bull shyt.

We have no wall funding and there has been no exceptional change to healthcare. Their is a bigger agenda inplay and it sure as hell isnt n the best interest of you or I. If Trump caves and signs the bill without funding the wall it’s going to be a major problem for me.

Pom Poms got it
When trump is the only one in that town that wants to secure the border what could he do? It is long known republicans suck as bad as Dems.
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That the last few months have been very bad for DJT?
1). His own party defied him on funding his beloved wall.
2). His world-wide unnecessary trade war is backfiring on him.
3) His beloved tariffs are having the opposite result he expected (even though virtually every economist on Earth told him it would).

Who wants to add to the list? Please, PLEASE! keep it to legitimate topics. All this “Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, shirking of fiduciary responsibility, show your taxes, look at all his friends in legal trouble, etc.” is all for show, all designed to keep the minions chasing after a stick like dogs. What ya got?

I know your positions on tariffs, but why do you think they aren't working? They've brought the various countries back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, European Trade partnerships, as well as new found visibility to the absurd trade abuses that China has enacted since being allowed to join the WTO.

The biggest mistake that Trump has done was appoint a Fed commissioner who would raise rates more in one year under Trump than was done for the entire Obama presidency. That's the source of the economic slowdown we are now seeing and why everyone's favorite stock indexes are going to hell. Its amazing how a supposedly apolitical Fed can be so slow to even consider rate hikes under some presidents then look forward with glee to jacking them up under others.
I know your positions on tariffs, but why do you think they aren't working? They've brought the various countries back to the table to renegotiate NAFTA, European Trade partnerships, as well as new found visibility to the absurd trade abuses that China has enacted since being allowed to join the WTO.

The biggest mistake that Trump has done was appoint a Fed commissioner who would raise rates more in one year under Trump than was done for the entire Obama presidency. That's the source of the economic slowdown we are now seeing and why everyone's favorite stock indexes are going to hell. Its amazing how a supposedly apolitical Fed can be so slow to even consider rate hikes under some presidents then look forward with glee to jacking them up under others.
The tariffs are having the opposite effect that Trump’s economic team expected. They expected raising tariffs would reduce the trade deficit (I won’t get into how badly they misunderstand a trade deficit), and today, after the tariffs have been imposed partially the trade deficit is worse than before.

The renegotiation of NAFTA, the new trade agreement hailed by the administration has not been put into effect yet, but it is nothing more than a charade, almost identical to the old one.

I agree the rate hike by the Fed has added to the drop in the stock market, but the trade war has been at least as responsible.

Trade with China is unsettled to say the least. There is no knowing how that will eventually play out.
1. Losing the house is pretty common for the party in not a huge deal there especially given that he picked up seats in the Senate, which hasn't been done but 3 other times in the last 100 years.
2. What the trade wars did was bring the discussion to unfair trade to the front. Jury is still out IMHO. Did renegotiate NAFTA which is a good, got out of the Paris Accord also good and got out of the BS pacific trade package also good. The truth of the matter is if CEO's want to sell out American workers to the dam Chinese and EU, so they can get their golden parachute later at the expense of the US workers and US economy what difference does it make if the trade war is now or later? A gaggle of economists may or may not be right, but to hold them as the gold standard always seems a bit tricky. Same with all the scientists that believe in climate change. Usually is a giant echo chamber.
3. Agreed dumb calling Tillerson dumb as a rock and lazy even if he is. Guy started at the bottom and worked his way up, so he has to be extremely shrewd.
4. The wall (insert beat a dead horse here). Maybe he and his party realized that instead of giving up the farm to a bunch of lying liberal POS now, they can club them with this as a campaign issue in 18 months.
5. The guy is still doing pretty good given the avalanche of lousy coverage he and his family has gotten from even before the election was over.
6. As of yesterday he is getting US troops out of Syria that is fantastic news BTW.

Trump creates a ton of unforced errors but don't underestimate his support as he continues to concentrate on immigration reform and upgrading the military.

1. Losing the house is pretty common for the party in not a huge deal there especially given that he picked up seats in the Senate, which hasn't been done but 3 other times in the last 100 years.
2. What the trade wars did was bring the discussion to unfair trade to the front. Jury is still out IMHO. Did renegotiate NAFTA which is a good, got out of the Paris Accord also good and got out of the BS pacific trade package also good. The truth of the matter is if CEO's want to sell out American workers to the dam Chinese and EU, so they can get their golden parachute later at the expense of the US workers and US economy what difference does it make if the trade war is now or later? A gaggle of economists may or may not be right, but to hold them as the gold standard always seems a bit tricky. Same with all the scientists that believe in climate change. Usually is a giant echo chamber.
3. Agreed dumb calling Tillerson dumb as a rock and lazy even if he is. Guy started at the bottom and worked his way up, so he has to be extremely shrewd.
4. The wall (insert beat a dead horse here). Maybe he and his party realized that instead of giving up the farm to a bunch of lying liberal POS now, they can club them with this as a campaign issue in 18 months.
5. The guy is still doing pretty good given the avalanche of lousy coverage he and his family has gotten from even before the election was over.
6. As of yesterday he is getting US troops out of Syria that is fantastic news BTW.

Trump creates a ton of unforced errors but don't underestimate his support as he continues to concentrate on immigration reform and upgrading the military.

Totally agree with Number 6.
That the last few months have been very bad for DJT?
1). His own party defied him on funding his beloved wall.
2). His world-wide unnecessary trade war is backfiring on him.
3) His beloved tariffs are having the opposite result he expected (even though virtually every economist on Earth told him it would).

Who wants to add to the list? Please, PLEASE! keep it to legitimate topics. All this “Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, shirking of fiduciary responsibility, show your taxes, look at all his friends in legal trouble, etc.” is all for show, all designed to keep the minions chasing after a stick like dogs. What ya got?

1) This is about as big of a surprise as congress not really trying to undo the ACA (in other words, its not)
2) I don't know if it will work in the long run or not
3) I don't know if it will work in the long run or not
4) Losing the house instead of the House and Senate was a toss up at worse and could be a win if RBG ends up being replaced on the SCOTUS

My disdain for politicians is growing. They get rich by "serving" the people and do little more than grandstand for a few years and preach about how the other side is the root of all evil. A weaker federal gov't would be a good thing as it would be less attractive to the power hungry to use for their own purposes.
I hope he vetos any stop gap bill and says to hell with shutting it down. Maybe if it is shutdown for a while people will get the picture that it has too much control in the first place. Watching the left leaning news if that happens will be worth every second. I’ll have the popcorn ready.

401ks are stinking to high heavens and the DOW is down for the year. He won't jeopardize the economy by shutting the gov't down.

Then again, I thought we would go 8-5 this year so... may not want to read much into my predictions.
401ks are stinking to high heavens and the DOW is down for the year. He won't jeopardize the economy by shutting the gov't down.

Then again, I thought we would go 8-5 this year so... may not want to read much into my predictions.

I agree the economy may play a part in his decision. I just wish someone would stand up and say no to these continuing resolutions. We are like an abused wife. We keep going back thinking things will be different but in the end we just keep getting smacked again and again.
1) This is about as big of a surprise as congress not really trying to undo the ACA (in other words, its not)
2) I don't know if it will work in the long run or not
3) I don't know if it will work in the long run or not
4) Losing the house instead of the House and Senate was a toss up at worse and could be a win if RBG ends up being replaced on the SCOTUS

My disdain for politicians is growing. They get rich by "serving" the people and do little more than grandstand for a few years and preach about how the other side is the root of all evil. A weaker federal gov't would be a good thing as it would be less attractive to the power hungry to use for their own purposes.

1) I agree it should not come as a surprise. Congress does not seem to have the stomach to fund a wall, especially since DJT insisted he would make the Mexicans pay for it. Why do you suppose congress refuses to act? I know a lot of people on this board say congress is stifling the will of the people. I'm not sure that's right. I would guess at least half the population does not want to build wall under any circumstances, regardless of who pays for it. So congress isn't stifling the will of at least half the people. Most of us on this board hate Democrats for their anti-Trump practices. But those same Democrats keep getting reelected, so they must think they're doing something right. The country seems to be deeply divided on this issue. And I'm of the opinion when the country is as divided on an issue as this it is probably best if congress does not pursue it.

2) Donald Trump has total ownership of the trade war. Nobody wanted it but him. He has caused massive uncertainty within the world-wide business community with his bully tactics, and uncertainty is one of the worst things there is. No one knows for certain how the trade war will play out, but we all would be better if Trump would admit his mistake and stop it.

3) We should all know how the tariff situation will end. History has shown that tariffs prove disastrous for the country that imposes them. This is probably the most hare=brained policy Trump has instituted in his presidency. The trade deficit is larger, not smaller, since he imposed the tariffs. China has wavered from pretending to want to negotiate to outraged defiance. Trump thought the bully tactics he used against smaller partners in his business deals would be just as successful if he used them as president. So far it has not worked out well for him.

4) The House is the one that handles the money. Democrats have shown they are completely unwilling to work with Trump on any issue. They have considerably more leverage now that they have the House. Brace yourself to see him "cave" to the Dems several times in the next two years.
As regards the Supreme Court, I agree we don't want to see another RBG. I did see somewhere, I forget where, that Gorsuch's record has been more "liberal" than Anthony Kennedy's had been. And didn't Kavanaugh just vote in favor of Planned Parenthood? There is no guarantee that Trump will continue to vote for justices conservatives will favor.