Do Any Of The Boards Leftists Feel They Were Duped?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010
Leftists are basically the people of Salem during the witch trials. They are the kinds of brains that can be manipulated into anything.

It's clear as mud. What is it you are asserting with this question and link?
FBI offering Al-Quada level reward money to coalberate a phoney dossier and Steele couldn't collect.

You don't see the problem with this shit?

David I know you are a super intelligent guy but you have your head so far up the ass of liberal narrative it's f'ing pathetic.
I get this is your mentality. Just asking what it is that makes you think this is big news - some other than that sheep asshole in your face that you've been following for years.
Oh this is not news at all, those of us that can think for ourselves have known this for years. What this is, is proof the FBI/DOJ and Congressional Democrats knowingly conspired to remove a duly elected President they didn't like based on insanely crafted fraudulent information and accusations. You and every easily manipulated leftist fell for the story because you wanted it to be true. Seems to me what the FBI/DOJ and Congressional Democrats did was commit Sedition.

Definition of Sedition:
  1. Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
  2. Insurrection; rebellion.
  3. A factious commotion in a state; the stirring up of such a commotion; incitement of discontent against government and disturbance of public tranquillity, as by inflammatory speeches or writings, or acts or language tending to breach of public order: as, to stir up a sedition; a speech or pamphlet, abounding in sedition.
FBI offering Al-Quada level reward money to coalberate a phoney dossier and Steele couldn't collect.

You don't see the problem with this shit?

David I know you are a super intelligent guy but you have your head so far up the ass of liberal narrative it's f'ing pathetic.

he is book smart which is a hindrance to so many. He can’t be humbled, it’s not in his dna
Oh this is not news at all, those of us that can think for ourselves have known this for years. What this is, is proof the FBI/DOJ and Congressional Democrats knowingly conspired to remove a duly elected President they didn't like based on insanely crafted fraudulent information and accusations. You and every easily manipulated leftist fell for the story because you wanted it to be true. Seems to me what the FBI/DOJ and Congressional Democrats did was commit Sedition.

Definition of Sedition:
  1. Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
  2. Insurrection; rebellion.
  3. A factious commotion in a state; the stirring up of such a commotion; incitement of discontent against government and disturbance of public tranquillity, as by inflammatory speeches or writings, or acts or language tending to breach of public order: as, to stir up a sedition; a speech or pamphlet, abounding in sedition.
What you don’t understand about David, what you’ve never understood, is he hasn’t fallen for any of it, he has always known it is/was poppycock, he just doesn’t care that it’s corrupt because he’s convinced the other side is also corrupt (and he’s right about that) and it is important to him that his team’s corruption wins the day. He doesn’t particularly care that it’s harmful to the country or society because he thinks his acceptance of his team’s corruption will somehow protect him from damage. But mostly he sees his team’s corruption as benign compared to the other guys, whom he honestly believes are existential threats. In other words David is full of baloney, he just doesn’t know it.
FBI offering Al-Quada level reward money to coalberate a phoney dossier and Steele couldn't collect.

You don't see the problem with this shit?

David I know you are a super intelligent guy but you have your head so far up the ass of liberal narrative it's f'ing pathetic.
What does that have to do with "LiBerULz"?
LMFAO Maga finally gonna see someone else go to prison for once? NOW being a criminal is bad again, lol.

Let's hope super duber has better luck against this Russian (snicker) than he did Sussman. Duber NEEDS a scalp after striking out.
I get this is your mentality. Just asking what it is that makes you think this is big news - some other than that sheep asshole in your face that you've been following for years.

ccp/dnc dave doing what he do

sprinkle in
just dumb looking for obstruction
benny seal clapping

and you have the whole how they get away with it scenario
LMFAO Maga finally gonna see someone else go to prison for once? NOW being a criminal is bad again, lol.

Let's hope super duber has better luck against this Russian (snicker) than he did Sussman. Duber NEEDS a scalp after striking out.

do you think you are morally superior to trump?
Well my god I'd hope so.
How can any leftist think they are morally superior to anyone with all the lies you and your elected representatives spew on an almost daily basis? Your opinions have been formed based on a foundation of lies that you truly beleive are the truth, despite overwhelming evidence your truth are lies.
How can any leftist think they are morally superior to anyone with all the lies you and your elected representatives spew on an almost daily basis? Your opinions have been formed based on a foundation of lies that you truly beleive are the truth, despite overwhelming evidence your truth are lies.
Lol sure, sure.

Care to inventory all the criminals surrounding the last republican and Democrat president?
How can any leftist think they are morally superior to anyone with all the lies you and your elected representatives spew on an almost daily basis? Your opinions have been formed based on a foundation of lies that you truly beleive are the truth, despite overwhelming evidence your truth are lies.
They are truly cultists and Biden is Jim Jones.
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How can any leftist think they are morally superior to anyone with all the lies you and your elected representatives spew on an almost daily basis? Your opinions have been formed based on a foundation of lies that you truly believe are the truth, despite overwhelming evidence your truth are lies.

Thanks for proving my point in your own words.

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