DNC Convention - Chicago

She voted?
Yes, she voted. Without her vote, the bill never becomes law. Not to mention her assistance as part of the administration in crafting the bill.

One vote is all she has to show for 4 years on the job?
I never said this was her only accomplishment. He asked for one "a thing" accomplishment. And I gave one.

Hell she could have stayed in the Senate and done that.
Not true. If she has remained in the Senate, we never would've had the bill become law.

So by your own admission she's been absolutely worthless since being VP?
No, not all.

I see you didn't read the articles either lol! What a shock.
Now tell us all how the Inflation Reduction Act actually reduced inflation ...
Has inflation decreased since the bill became law?

And we are just in 2024, only two years after it became law. We still haven't seen or felt the long-term effects of the law, which was part of the purpose of the law
No, it is what Trump did himself to kill a bipartisan immigrant reform bill. It was very clear to see, by more than just leftists too. Hence the reason Trump is losing support from Independents and moderate Republicans.

And also what he didn't do during his four years as President. Any immigration reform bill signed by Trump as President? Nope. Not one.

Immigration isn't going to be the winning issue for you right-wingers like it was in 2016. Trump now has a record on this, of both failure and placing politics before country.
Am I to assume you thought the proposed legislation would have solved the problem?
Am I to assume you thought the proposed legislation would have solved the problem?
It was a start.

It is going to take a lot of structural changes along with policy changes in other areas (such as our foreign policy/aid/approach to Central and South America) to fix our immigration system. And it going to take both parties working with each other to do this.

No one party, politician, or bill is going to solve this problem over night. But this bill was a good start and a step in the right direction.

Thankfully, Harris has said she will sign the bill into law if elected President. I personally hope she also improves it in some areas, but not to the point where it loses the bipartisan support it needs to pass.
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It was a start.

It is going to take a lot of structural changes along with policy changes in other areas (such as our foreign policy/aid/approach to Central and South America) to fix our immigration system. And it going to take both parties working with each other to do this.

No one party, politician, or bill is going to solve this problem over night. But this bill was a good start and a step in the right direction.

Thankfully, Harris has said she will sign the bill into law if elected President. I personally hope she also improves it in some areas, but not to the point where it loses the bipartisan support it needs to pass.
Well let's just say we disagree. It wasn't a good start it was nothing more than a way Democrats could codify illegal immigration into law.
Well let's just say we disagree. It wasn't a good start it was nothing more than a way Democrats could codify illegal immigration into law.
Wrong. It did not codify "illegal immigration" into law.

It was a good bipartisan start. Something you used to claim to support and want, bipartisan bills and laws. That was until you completely sold out to Trump and became one of his cultists.
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No doubt about it, this year's Democratic Convention was one of the best Democratic Conventions ever. Great speeches. Great contrast between Kamala Harris and Trump as well as the clear contrast between the patriotic diverse Democratic Party and the backwards-looking mean-spirited Republican Party. And then, Kamala Harris delivered a great Convention speech Thursday night. One of the strongest acceptance speeches in a long time.

As a Democrat, I could be happier or more excited! We saw the greatness and diversity on America on display this past week. We saw joy.

We aren't going back.
Are you as stupid as you keep trying to convince us? Biden energy policies has me paying the highest electricity rates I've ever paid in my life. I'm paying 30 cents more per can for my Planters redskin legumes. Bidenomics has not been kind to the middle class. Morgan-Chase tells me consumers see an all time record $1.2 TRILLION in credit card debt at 21% interest. The last 3 years have been a disaster for the middle class. Most board members get it. Most members have a keen understanding of arithmetic and logic. Most members are not happy and excited.
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Are you as stupid as you keep trying to convince us? Biden energy policies has me paying the highest electricity rates I've ever paid in my life. I'm paying 30 cents more per can for my Planters redskin legumes. Bidenomics has not been kind to the middle class. Morgan-Chase tells me consumers see an all time record $1.2 TRILLION in credit card debt at 21% interest. The last 3 years have been a disaster for the middle class. Most board members get it. Most members have a keen understanding of arithmetic and logic. Most members are not happy and excited.
I hope your "grandson" watched the Democratic National Convention this year. He got a lesson on how to run a very successful Convention if he did watch.
She cast the tie breaking vote and ensured the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (a law she and the Biden administration helped to craft) passed the Senate.

"Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden's lower-cost prescription drug law, annual out-of-pocket costs will be capped at $2,000 for people with Medicare Part D in 2025."

What this means is, if your employer prescription coverage is not capped at $2000 (which it probably won't), now your prescription coverage is not as good as Medicare Part D, meaning you will no longer have creditable coverage. Result: You'll pay a penalty in the form of a higher premium for Part D when you file, a penalty that will last as long as you're alive.

Thanks a lot.

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"A thing"?

She cast the tie breaking vote and ensured the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (a law she and the Biden administration helped to craft) passed the Senate.

There is a thing. If you want more things, which is what you originally asked for, read the articles for a start.
You might want to do a deep dive as to which corporations and government agencies received the money. The dims did a great job of passing a bill that used taxpayer money to finance the left’s pet projects. I bet that if we could get factual records from the companies, we might find where millions of dollars were funneled back into the Kamala campaign.
Wrong. It did not codify "illegal immigration" into law.

It was a good bipartisan start. Something you used to claim to support and want, bipartisan bills and laws. That was until you completely sold out to Trump and became one of his cultists.

Seems we have a disagreement.
"Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden's lower-cost prescription drug law, annual out-of-pocket costs will be capped at $2,000 for people with Medicare Part D in 2025."

What this means is, if your employer prescription coverage is not capped at $2000 (which it probably won't), now your prescription coverage is not as good as Medicare Part D, meaning you will no longer have creditable coverage. Result: You'll pay a penalty in the form of a higher premium for Part D when you file, a penalty that will last as long as you're alive.

Thanks a lot.

I paid a $260 copay for my rabies shots serie after a pit bull attack under Mugabecare Lite. The dog owners bolted the Petro truck stop in Weatherford, TX where the incident occurred. On day 10, Weatherford Animal Control called and said I had to start the series. They couldn't find the dog owners. Owners were believed to be a husband-wife truck driving team.
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