DJT Back on the ballot

"Together we can make America great again" is a statement not a motto.........big difference.......and what in the world does that have to do with any of this?
Because you brought up "America First" as being a Nazi American motto from the 1930's. Are you forgetting that Dims deemed that Racist as well as Make America Great Again?
And Dims told us America never has been Great.
Can't make this shit up if you tried. 🤣
Because you brought up "America First" as being a Nazi American motto from the 1930's. Are you forgetting that Dims deemed that Racist as well as Make America Great Again?
And Dims told us America never has been Great.
Can't make this shit up if you tried. 🤣
The motto, not just making a statement, that's a big difference.........I have not heard them say "America was never great", I have heard them say "America is already great".........maybe some fringe said that like "the squad" or whatever they're called ........they say a lot of stupid things
The motto, not just making a statement, that's a big difference.........I have not heard them say "America was never great", I have heard them say "America is already great".........maybe some fringe said that like "the squad" or whatever they're called ........they say a lot of stupid things
No. That's a distinction without a difference.
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Strange how it's only certain people's words that bother some, while they turn a blind eye to the words of those they support.
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No. That's a distinction without a difference.
Using words in a sentence and using them as a motto is a big difference.......I have nothing against the Make America great again motto either, I just think its stupid we always have been great just to different degrees....but it is a big difference
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A motto is a short statement that represents a group or individual’s guiding principle or belief. It is often used as a slogan or rallying cry and is associated with a sense of identity or purpose. On the other hand, a phrase is a group of words that convey a particular idea or sentiment. It can be used in a variety of contexts and does not necessarily have the same weight or significance as a motto.
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A motto is a short statement that represents a group or individual’s guiding principle or belief. It is often used as a slogan or rallying cry and is associated with a sense of identity or purpose. On the other hand, a phrase is a group of words that convey a particular idea or sentiment. It can be used in a variety of contexts and does not necessarily have the same weight or significance as a motto.
You ever wonder what Obama meant by fundamental transformation of the country?
"Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country"..........that was pretty much a quote directly from Mein Kampf.....I don't for a second believe he has read Mein Kampf, but someone writing his speeches sure has......aside from that "America first" was the motto for the US Nazi party in the 1930s
First of all, Hitler never says "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" which is the claim that Trump says directly from Mein Kampf is just false. On top of that the quote from Trump is taken out of context when applied to Mien Kamph. Hitler did speak a few times of poisoning the blood, in reference to the Jew and intermarriages. Trump is using the poisoning in his speech in reference to drugs, and diseases. In no instance is Trump ever directly quoting Hitler or even using words that meant to be used in the same context.

The American first motto is associated with the isolationist political party in the early 1940s. While some of its members were Nazi sympathizers, they had members from all types of demographics from all over the United States. The Klan also used the slogan but again context matters. Now let's add that context. While Hitler, the Klan, and I will even throw in the Nazi Party of America just match your statement used the term they were referencing their purity of race. Trump again was not referencing purity of race but putting America first in policies of the federal government. These two things do not match in their usage. The term has been used many times by many different groups, for anti-expansionism and trade protectionism, to outright racism, but not all of the groups can be lumped into the category as "bad".

By your reasoning, I could say Biden quoted Hitler when he said he needed to use the restroom. I'm confident Hitler said that at least once. You are misquoting and you are failing to contextualize. In other words, you have read to many memes on Facebook.
First of all, Hitler never says "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" which is the claim that Trump says directly from Mein Kampf is just false. On top of that the quote from Trump is taken out of context when applied to Mien Kamph. Hitler did speak a few times of poisoning the blood, in reference to the Jew and intermarriages. Trump is using the poisoning in his speech in reference to drugs, and diseases. In no instance is Trump ever directly quoting Hitler or even using words that meant to be used in the same context.

The American first motto is associated with the isolationist political party in the early 1940s. While some of its members were Nazi sympathizers, they had members from all types of demographics from all over the United States. The Klan also used the slogan but again context matters. Now let's add that context. While Hitler, the Klan, and I will even throw in the Nazi Party of America just match your statement used the term they were referencing their purity of race. Trump again was not referencing purity of race but putting America first in policies of the federal government. These two things do not match in their usage. The term has been used many times by many different groups, for anti-expansionism and trade protectionism, to outright racism, but not all of the groups can be lumped into the category as "bad".

By your reasoning, I could say Biden quoted Hitler when he said he needed to use the restroom. I'm confident Hitler said that at least once. You are misquoting and you are failing to contextualize. In other words, you have read to many memes on Facebook.
I forgot to point out that the Klan was a Democrat organization.
First of all, Hitler never says "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" which is the claim that Trump says directly from Mein Kampf is just false. On top of that the quote from Trump is taken out of context when applied to Mien Kamph. Hitler did speak a few times of poisoning the blood, in reference to the Jew and intermarriages. Trump is using the poisoning in his speech in reference to drugs, and diseases. In no instance is Trump ever directly quoting Hitler or even using words that meant to be used in the same context.

The American first motto is associated with the isolationist political party in the early 1940s. While some of its members were Nazi sympathizers, they had members from all types of demographics from all over the United States. The Klan also used the slogan but again context matters. Now let's add that context. While Hitler, the Klan, and I will even throw in the Nazi Party of America just match your statement used the term they were referencing their purity of race. Trump again was not referencing purity of race but putting America first in policies of the federal government. These two things do not match in their usage. The term has been used many times by many different groups, for anti-expansionism and trade protectionism, to outright racism, but not all of the groups can be lumped into the category as "bad".

By your reasoning, I could say Biden quoted Hitler when he said he needed to use the restroom. I'm confident Hitler said that at least once. You are misquoting and you are failing to contextualize. In other words, you have read to many memes on Facebook.
Reality check: The remarks "poisoning the blood of our country" are straight out of Hitler's 1925 autobiographical manifesto, "Mein Kampf" — his blueprint for a "pure Aryan" Germany and the removal of Jews.
Yes it was, now they are right wing
Nope wrong again. The right or Conservative movement does not associate with the Klan in any way shape or form.
Reality check: The remarks "poisoning the blood of our country" are straight out of Hitler's 1925 autobiographical manifesto, "Mein Kampf" — his blueprint for a "pure Aryan" Germany and the removal of Jews.
Sorry to disappoint you, but no they are not.
Reality check: The remarks "poisoning the blood of our country" are straight out of Hitler's 1925 autobiographical manifesto, "Mein Kampf" — his blueprint for a "pure Aryan" Germany and the removal of Jews.
Why don't you try to bring up your link and control f, then type in poisoning the blood of our country. See what your result is.
The meaning is out of Mein Kampf........If you say he is talking about drugs......okay........I am married to an immigrant and its very upsetting
My step dad is an Iranian immigrant, he's not upset at all with anything Trump or anyone else says. Then again he's not overly sensitive and doesn't look for reason to become upset.
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"Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country"..........that was pretty much a quote directly from Mein Kampf.....I don't for a second believe he has read Mein Kampf, but someone writing his speeches sure has......aside from that "America first" was the motto for the US Nazi party in the 1930s
And, you’re a liar. It wasn’t immigrants. It was illegal aliens. Big difference, fvckbrain. The latter, by definition, are criminals.

“On Saturday, at a rally attended by thousands in Durham, New Hampshire, Trump said of undocumented migrants (aka illegal aliens) "They're poisoning the blood of our country. They're coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world."


So had Japan not brought America into the war on Dec 8th Germany would have been able to crush one side of the two frontal sided war they were fighting. They would have been able to establish better supple lines into Russia to survive the winter or to supply troops thus taking a weakened Russia from civil war. Thus over coming the mistake in Russia of attacking in winter and Russian burning the crops in retreat thus starving the Germans.

America stopped England from being bombed into submission by pushing Germany back in France.
Italy doesn't fall without America thus cutting Germany off to the South Europe and North Med.

Had Hitler not failed in Russia or America waited even longer then yes sir we would have fought on two coast on our home land.

I mean we had to nuke Japan to make them submit.

Trump lost to Brandon. Not Hitler sorry.
Also shout out to the civilians who brought supplies and were the targets of the U-boats. With out the civilian navy so to speak then America's big powerful Navy so speak in the Atlantic would have had trouble supplying the invasion on D Day. This allowed the Navy to recover and grow to 3.4 million from what 300k ish.

No way we win against Japan, Germany with a nuke (remember that grasshopper), Italy and the other scrubs.
Did you read your own article or just go with the headline?

CSP said law enforcement is treating the Tuesday break-in “seriously, but at this time, it is believed that this is not associated with previous threats to the Colorado Supreme Court Justices.”

CSP later said that preliminary investigation confirmed a high probability that the incident is not associated with the threats against justices.

Did you read your own article or just go with the headline?

CSP said law enforcement is treating the Tuesday break-in “seriously, but at this time, it is believed that this is not associated with previous threats to the Colorado Supreme Court Justices.”

CSP later said that preliminary investigation confirmed a high probability that the incident is not associated with the threats against justices.


So there’s more MAGA crazies at large then? Wouldn’t you have preferred he actually was connected to the threats, and the justices weren’t in further danger from your fellow Trumpets?

Oh wait…..he gotta be aNtiFa…only lefties are violent.

This board tells me so repeatedly lol


carry on
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So there’s more MAGA crazies at large then? Wouldn’t you have preferred he actually was connected to the threats, and the justices weren’t in further danger from your fellow Trumpets.

Oh wait…..he gotta be aNtiFa…only lefties are violent.

This board tells me so repeatedly lol


carry on
Maybe yer on the wrong board?