DIR of WTO Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus

How does the House of Reps, that initiates bills, Dem lead, not take heat for Impeachment and criticizing Trump for his “racist” blockage of China flights? I mean if a Dem lead House was so all knowing then why did they not draft legislation months ago to send to the Senate and on to the Prez? Why nothing? Oh, they had time to criticize the make-up of the panel the Prez put together, they had time for racist indentity politics then.

To second guess the Prez is to also second guess themselves. They were too busy selling impeachment and taking up the Senate’s time with impeachment, if they were that damn concerned about 350 million Americans instead of 1 damn prez they could have been getting ahead of this and helping the country instead of constantly setting traps for him and finger pointing. Dem lead House asleep at the wheel with TDS if they are that damn smart. They arrive after the battle and bayonet the wounded.
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How does the House of Reps, that initiates bills, Dem lead, not take heat for Impeachment and criticizing Trump for his “racist” blockage of China flights? I mean if a Dem lead House was so all knowing then why did they not draft legislation months ago to send to the Senate and on to the Prez? Why nothing? Oh, the criticized the make-up of the panel the Prez put together, they had time for racist indentity politics then.

To second guess the Prez is to also second guess themselves. They were too busy selling impeachment and taking up the Senate’s time with impeachment, if that were damn concerned about 350 million Americans instead of 1 damn prez they could have been getting ahead of this helping the country instead of constantly setting traps for him and finger pointing.
The house of reps is going to catch plenty of shit.
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I mean if a Dem lead House was so all knowing then why did they not draft legislation months ago to send to the Senate and on to the Prez? Why nothing?

What could the House have been busy with two months ago?....

I'm not sure what if anything they could've done, but it's clear the Wuhan virus was not as big a priority as the impeachment charade - around the time Trump was being called a racist for restricting travel from China and putting together a task force that wasn't diverse enough for CNN.
What could the House have been busy with two months ago?....

I'm not sure what if anything they could've done, but it's clear the Wuhan virus was not as big a priority as the impeachment charade - around the time Trump was being called a racist for restricting travel from China and putting together a task force that wasn't diverse enough for CNN.

That is exactly my point. Trump had to deal with that shit while this was happening in China.
That is exactly my point. Trump had to deal with that shit while this was happening in China.
The day that Trump was acquitted there were 248 cases outside of mainland China and 28K in China.
There were multiple other instances besides that particular quote.

Thanks for the info on Italy.

You're welcome man.....I'll do some more digging on Trumps downplaying as well. I've pretty much tuned out the TV for quite sometime, so unless it is quoted verbatim in multiple articles through multiple sources I'll readily admit don't pay much attention.
You're welcome man.....I'll do some more digging on Trumps downplaying as well. I've pretty much tuned out the TV for quite sometime, so unless it is quoted verbatim in multiple articles through multiple sources I'll readily admit don't pay much attention.

Here's info from the failing NY Times... It's an op ed, so you can skip over the opinion part. There are a lot of facts as to things he said and when he said them.
I think most would agree that his initial interest was in preventing panic and pumping up the economy. IMO, it was more important to be honest and knowledgeable on the subject matter. I will say that things have been changing daily, and comments/plans made a week ago seem to not fit the current situation. However, he is the ****ing POTUS. In this type of situation, it is better to make measured comments and use qualifiers such as, "we just don't know yet" or "all options are currently on the table and we should be able to answer that question soon". It's really not that difficult to figure out how to handle such a huge situation appropriately. One of his worst qualities is that he just says what he wants to say, when he wants to say it, without doing due diligence. Not a great quality in a leader.
And it isn't like Trump was even at the Senate trial.

Maybe you are missing the point as you lick the establishment house dem's boots here, but if there hadn't been an impeachment charade in the first place, perhaps we would've (collectively) had a better, more proactive plan from the entirety of our elected leadership.

The house of reps is going to catch plenty of shit.

For what then?
EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Director General of World Health Organization Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History

The controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu.

This egregiously false premise has led to the greatest panic in world history.
The Director General of the WHO spoke on March 3, 2020 and shared this related to the coronavirus:

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

This statement led to the greatest panic in world history as the media all over the world shared and repeated that the coronavirus was many, many times more deadly than the common flu.

The problem is his statement is false. It was not accurate!
The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate is less than the current seasonal flu – the media was lying again. The false reporting of the coronavirus fatality rate of 3.4% in the media started with the statements made by the WHO in early March.

Here’s a summary of the analysis from yesterday proving the Director General’s statement was very misleading and materially false:


N/A – not available

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. The fatality rate of the coronavirus was based on current data available of known positive cases and known deaths.
Oftentimes estimates have to be made because data is just not yet available. The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, used the fatality rate of coronavirus with known numbers and used this as his prediction of eventual mortality rate. This was a faulty assumption. Estimates usually involve obtaining information that is available and making estimates on what is not. We cannot tell the future but we can make educated guesses based on information available. This is what has been done with the coronavirus because this type of virus has apparently never been seen before.

2. Sometimes estimates are reasonable and sometimes they are wrong, and even way off.
The point is that whenever estimates are made of large unknown values they are always wrong because no one can tell the future. Sometimes estimates end up close and sometimes they are not and sometimes they are way off.

3. The current “estimate” for the coronavirus fatality rate according to the WHO is about 3.4%.
The estimate used most often is from the WHO based on the Director General’s comments. The WHO estimates the mortality rate of the coronavirus to be around 3.4%:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the mortality rate from Covid-19 is about 3.4%. That is higher than seasonal flu and is cause for concern – but even if it is correct, more than 96% of people who become infected with the coronavirus will recover.

4. The same rate for this year’s seasonal flu is 10% if you use known cases and known deaths (but the media tells you it’s .1%).
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, according to CDC numbers, in the US in the 2019-2020 flu season, there were 222,552 confirmed cases of the flu from testing and an estimated 36 million flu cases in the United States. There were 22,000 estimated deaths from the flu (via the CDC).


Note that the number of deaths and confirmed cases (through testing) of the flu in the US are based on actual data. The number of individuals who contracted the flu is an estimate. There is no way to know who had the flu in the US because many cases are not severe and people do not have a test done to confirm they had the flu. They believe their symptoms are minor and go on with their normal lives thinking they had a cold or something similar. Because of this, the CDC estimates and they estimated 36 million people had the flu in this past flu season.

The rate of the number of individuals who died from the flu to the number of individuals who were estimated to have had the flu is .1% (22,552 / 36 million). This is an estimate and the amount used above by the Director General of the WHO.

However, the rate of individuals who died from the flu to the number of individuals who were confirmed to have had the flu is around 10% (22,000/ 222,552). This is based on actual data similar to the rate for the coronavirus above.

5. Actual results for the coronavirus are lower than the flu.
Based on the above numbers, the actual fatality rate for those who were confirmed to have had the coronavirus is 3.4%.
The actual mortality rates for those who were confirmed to have had the flu are around 10%.

The actual data shows that the mortality rate for those who had the flu (10%) is almost twice as high than for those with the coronavirus (3.8%).

6. Current estimates between the flu and the coronavirus are not comparing ‘apples to apples’.
The fatality rate that is commonly referred to in the media for the coronavirus is 3.4% from the WHO. This number is based on confirmed cases of people with the coronavirus.

The flu fatality rate provided by the CDC of .1% includes an estimate of individuals who had the flu (36,000,000). This rate includes an estimate of all people with the flu, most who were not tested for the flu.

The fatality rate for the coronavirus does not include those who had the coronavirus but were not confirmed. This is why the flu fatality rate is .1% and the coronavirus fatality rate is 3.4%!

The two rates are like comparing apples to oranges. By doing so the coronavirus fatality rate is way overstated when compared to the flu and the WHO and the media has created a worldwide crisis and panic by reporting these rates simultaneously!

The coronavirus is not more fatal than the flu based on current data available. It is much less fatal than the flu based on current data.

7. Those most at risk from the coronavirus are the elderly and sick (similar to the flu).
Similar to the flu, those most at risk of dying from the coronavirus are the elderly and the sick. The average age for those who died from the coronavirus in Italy is 81 years old. This is consistent around the world. There have been no known fatalities for any children 10 and under.


The sick are also at a higher risk similar to the flu. Current data shows that if you have no pre-existing conditions, your fatality rate if you contract the coronavirus is .9% (and what proportion of these cases are the elderly).


In summary, President Trump was right when he said the WHO’s coronavirus fatality rate was much too high.
Evidence proves the coronavirus is not as deadly as what was reported by the WHO and is continually repeated in the media.
In fact, current data shows it is not as deadly as the flu. The elderly and the sick should be concerned and protected. Everyone else has little to worry about.
Again, don’t believe what the media is telling you. They are lying again.

This deal is starting to remind me of people who speak out against Global Warming. "Conventional Wisdom" is developed and promulgated by the media/politicians with a political axe to grind and who subsequently use their bias and power to beat dissenters down.
Maybe you are missing the point as you lick the establishment house dem's boots here, but if there hadn't been an impeachment charade in the first place, perhaps we would've (collectively) had a better, more proactive plan from the entirety of our elected leadership.
Impeachment was over in the house by the time anyone knew the virus could spread human to human.

For what then?
delaying, undersizing, and botching the transmission of the stimulus
Two scenarios to choose from.

A. Not cautious enough. Leading to a situation like Italy. Where Drs are having to make choices as to which patients live and die because they only have X amount of ventilators.

there are multiple other reason on top of “not cautious enough”.

B. Overly cautious. Leading to dumbasses complaining that people are panicking and being dishonest, but significantly fewer deaths due to this disease.

If you underestimate the impact of the pandemic, you are accused of being negligent and of being responsible for a significant number of unnecessary fatalities.

If you overestimate the impact of the pandemic, you are accused of being paranoid, and of causing a huge number of people a lot of inconvenience.

It isn't a tough choice.

p.s. Did I mention Italy?