Democrat Reconciliation Package to Federalize Local Zoning Laws, Displace Single-Family Homes in Suburbs


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

"According to the measure within the transportation package, any local government that does not comply with the federal zoning guidelines, meaning “ordinances that ban apartment buildings from certain residential areas or set a minimum lot size for a single family home,” the Department of House and Urban Development (HUD) will cut off funding to that city – funding any city needs to maintain their current low-income housing."

Remember when Trump threatened to cut off funding for sanctuary cities and the libs threw their pacifiers and crapped their diapers??? But hey the libcomdems put this plan forward and its all good. Talk about absolutely destroying nice suburban neighborhoods, their schools, home values etc, wow. Wonder when they will make the same applications in Di Fi's, Pelosi's, and Schumer's neighborhoods?
"maintain their current low-income housing."

Just turn it down and say to hell with low income housing..

Nichols Hills doesn't need low income housing funds.
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"According to the measure within the transportation package, any local government that does not comply with the federal zoning guidelines, meaning “ordinances that ban apartment buildings from certain residential areas or set a minimum lot size for a single family home,” the Department of House and Urban Development (HUD) will cut off funding to that city – funding any city needs to maintain their current low-income housing."

Remember when Trump threatened to cut off funding for sanctuary cities and the libs threw their pacifiers and crapped their diapers??? But hey the libcomdems put this plan forward and its all good. Talk about absolutely destroying nice suburban neighborhoods, their schools, home values etc, wow. Wonder when they will make the same applications in Di Fi's, Pelosi's, and Schumer's neighborhoods?
Toothless provision. The Venn diagram of places that have restrictive zoning and the places that care about receiving HUD money is two circles. Sadly this will not destroy the suburbs.
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Toothless provision. The Venn diagram of places that have restrictive zoning and the places that care about receiving HUD money is two circles. Sadly this will not destroy the suburbs.
Toothless provision. The Venn diagram of places that have restrictive zoning and the places that care about receiving HUD money is two circles. Sadly this will not destroy the suburbs.
Since you find it sad I take it you join the Republicans in being against the provision.
Most American suburbs are bad
Oh, come now! Pete Seeger made “Little Boxes” famous over 50 years ago. Suburbs have come a loooong way since then. The vast majority of my work takes place in suburbs, and they are very nice. Clean, relatively crime free, neighbors know each other, yards are neatly mowed, cars are washed, kids ride their bikes down the street. Your early 60s notion of post war suburbs is “so yesterday.”
Oh, come now! Pete Seeger made “Little Boxes” famous over 50 years ago. Suburbs have come a loooong way since then. The vast majority of my work takes place in suburbs, and they are very nice. Clean, relatively crime free, neighbors know each other, yards are neatly mowed, cars are washed, kids ride their bikes down the street. Your early 60s notion of post war suburbs is “so yesterday.”
I am familiar
I agree, neighbors that are very unfriendly, codes and laws that keep you from doing anything you want, dogs yapping nonstop and high taxes.
Traded all that in for some land and some peace and quiet in a rural area.
Now we look at open fields and cows, not nosey unfriendly people and barking dogs.
Disagree. If neighborhoods of single-family detached structures can not be kept safe from multi-family structures, then what’s to protect them from zinc smelters, chicken farms, homeless shelters, oil refineries, etc. Suburbs exist so that people with the means to do so can get away from those necessary nuisances.
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Disagree. If neighborhoods of single-family detached structures can not be kept safe from multi-family structures, then what’s to protect them from zinc smelters, chicken farms, homeless shelters, oil refineries, etc. Suburbs exist so that people with the means to do so can get away from those necessary nuisances.

Take my responses with blue font. I'm trying to tell you to stop feeding the troll.
@07pilt why will these section 8 housing units not turn into crime ridden shitholes that lower the surrounding area property values? Or is that the plan?
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"According to the measure within the transportation package, any local government that does not comply with the federal zoning guidelines, meaning “ordinances that ban apartment buildings from certain residential areas or set a minimum lot size for a single family home,” the Department of House and Urban Development (HUD) will cut off funding to that city – funding any city needs to maintain their current low-income housing."

Remember when Trump threatened to cut off funding for sanctuary cities and the libs threw their pacifiers and crapped their diapers??? But hey the libcomdems put this plan forward and its all good. Talk about absolutely destroying nice suburban neighborhoods, their schools, home values etc, wow. Wonder when they will make the same applications in Di Fi's, Pelosi's, and Schumer's neighborhoods?

Might be their way of stopping White Flight from the Crime Ridden Shithole Cities and turn the Burbs into shitholes so they will stay in the Shithole Cities. Sounds very Commielike to me. You will stay in your shithole and like it, no escape to the burbs any longer you will stay here and suffer like the rest of us.

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