Deep thoughts with Kamala Harris

You know that's like... garden variety Oprah fare, women brunch chatty stuff, right? There's a reason women liked her, they think she's relatable because of that. Like Dumbya, people liked he didn't use the King's English. It drove me up the wall. So does Kamala, tbh -- she has VEEP vibes like the HBO show, but those clips with her absentmindedly just kibbitzing is a big part of the reason why women voters liked her over Pocahontas, who's like 100 times smarter than Kamala.
100 times smarter and still a blazing imbecile.
Condaleezza Rice is in the genius range. Hillary, Ms. Lockupabruthuh and Pocohontas are far short.

Maybe sys will take the test but we all know its low.
Don't tell him thats just a pic, I wanna know how many times he hits start before he figures it out. 🤣
Gonna love seeing the left reeeeeeeeeee Thursday when the border is over run by illegals. Oh they won't and don't give a shit when the Border Towns are overwhelmed yet again but when they are bussed or flown to SaNcTuRaRy CiTiEs watch the meltdown.
I am out of popcorn, gotta get some today. 🤣🤣🤣
Gonna love seeing the left reeeeeeeeeee Thursday when the border is over run by illegals. Oh they won't and don't give a shit when the Border Towns are overwhelmed yet again but when they are bussed or flown to SaNcTuRaRy CiTiEs watch the meltdown.
I am out of popcorn, gotta get some today. 🤣🤣🤣

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