Dallas Federal Building shooter update


Heisman Candidate
Feb 6, 2007

Dallas Federal Building Shooter Posted Far-Right Memes About Nazis and Confederacy
Kelly Weill

Justin Glawe
Updated 06.17.19 3:50PM ET Published 06.17.19 3:40PM ET

A Texas man accused of opening fire outside a Dallas courthouse uploaded right-wing memes to Facebook, including memes about Nazism and the Confederacy.

Authorities said Brian Clyde, 22, attacked the Earle Cabell federal courthouse Monday morning before law enforcement killed him. No one else was reported injured. A Dallas Morning News photograph of Clyde shows him holding a semi-automatic rifle and wearing a belt full of ammunition. He appears to have uploaded to his Facebook page a picture of similar magazines on Saturday. Elsewhere on the page, he shared memes, some of which suggested racist or misogynist views.

In late May, he posted a meme about quitting meme groups that forbid bullying, transphobia, and racism. An April meme suggested “the solution to all of our nation’s political problems” by incorporating some libertarian and eco-friendly ideologies into far-right authoritarianism, represented by a green flag with a Nazi swastica in the middle.

A May 4 post defended Infowars founder Alex Jones for his claims about vast networks of pedophiles. Other posts suggested transphobic and anti-feminist views.

Multiple memes referenced the Confederate flag. In November, he posted a picture of a person wearing full medieval armor while holding a gun and an anime body pillow. While not inherently political, anime body pillows are a running joke in the 4chan-right. He also participated in medieval live action roleplaying, which is also apolitical but has a large fanbase on the far right.

Other posts indicate a heavy involvement in gun culture. He posted about loving gun shows, made an ASMR video with an AR-15, and in January posted about using incomplete lowers “to get around California's asinine gun laws.” Incomplete lowers refer to partially-built guns that can be purchased and assembled in states that prohibit buying the completed guns.

In a February 2018 post, he indicated some of his political views. “Hobbies: shooting commies and Manifest Destiny,” he wrote.


On Monday afternoon, workers at the courthouse were being ushered back into the building by officers with the Dallas Police Department, the FBI and ATF. The parking lot in which Clyde was killed remained cordoned off by several blocks Monday afternoon as business returned to normal in greater downtown. A heavy police presence remained as the lunch hour passed and officers worked inside a large perimeter of several blocks surrounding the courthouse, collecting evidence.
You pretend to read, break out that toolbox and get to work.

Everyone here knows you don’t exist outside tweets and articles. You have the depth of a shot glass but thank god you also have the leftist super power of having zero shame. It doesn’t even bother you a little bit and that’s a handy trait to have when you aren’t smart.
Everyone here knows you don’t exist outside tweets and articles. You have the depth of a shot glass but thank god you also have the leftist super power of having zero shame. It doesn’t even bother you a little bit and that’s a handy trait to have when you aren’t smart.
Quotes from my shop teacher Vol 1.
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A pattern indeed:

In one photo, a Homeland Security agent with blue latex gloves is hovering over Clyde. In others, Clyde is shirtless and law enforcement officers, including the agent, kneel around him. On Clyde's left arm, he had a red heart tattoo with the silhouette of a cat inside it.
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Everyone here knows you don’t exist outside tweets and articles. You have the depth of a shot glass but thank god you also have the leftist super power of having zero shame. It doesn’t even bother you a little bit and that’s a handy trait to have when you aren’t smart.

Dylan roof

Timmy mcveigh

Maga kid shoots up school

Maga guy mails pipe bombs

Maga guy shoots muslim

Right wing guy in NZ quoting candace in his manifesto.

This guy sounds like you giys.

Nah -- no pattern. And you're emotional reaction isnt at all strange.
Dylan roof

Timmy mcveigh

Maga kid shoots up school

Maga guy mails pipe bombs

Maga guy shoots muslim

Right wing guy in NZ quoting candace in his manifesto.

This guy sounds like you giys.

Nah -- no pattern. And you're emotional reaction isnt at all strange.

Your lying reaction isn't strange at all.

Dallas Federal Building Shooter Posted Far-Right Memes About Nazis and Confederacy
Kelly Weill

Justin Glawe
Updated 06.17.19 3:50PM ET Published 06.17.19 3:40PM ET

A Texas man accused of opening fire outside a Dallas courthouse uploaded right-wing memes to Facebook, including memes about Nazism and the Confederacy.

Authorities said Brian Clyde, 22, attacked the Earle Cabell federal courthouse Monday morning before law enforcement killed him. No one else was reported injured. A Dallas Morning News photograph of Clyde shows him holding a semi-automatic rifle and wearing a belt full of ammunition. He appears to have uploaded to his Facebook page a picture of similar magazines on Saturday. Elsewhere on the page, he shared memes, some of which suggested racist or misogynist views.

In late May, he posted a meme about quitting meme groups that forbid bullying, transphobia, and racism. An April meme suggested “the solution to all of our nation’s political problems” by incorporating some libertarian and eco-friendly ideologies into far-right authoritarianism, represented by a green flag with a Nazi swastica in the middle.

A May 4 post defended Infowars founder Alex Jones for his claims about vast networks of pedophiles. Other posts suggested transphobic and anti-feminist views.

Multiple memes referenced the Confederate flag. In November, he posted a picture of a person wearing full medieval armor while holding a gun and an anime body pillow. While not inherently political, anime body pillows are a running joke in the 4chan-right. He also participated in medieval live action roleplaying, which is also apolitical but has a large fanbase on the far right.

Other posts indicate a heavy involvement in gun culture. He posted about loving gun shows, made an ASMR video with an AR-15, and in January posted about using incomplete lowers “to get around California's asinine gun laws.” Incomplete lowers refer to partially-built guns that can be purchased and assembled in states that prohibit buying the completed guns.

In a February 2018 post, he indicated some of his political views. “Hobbies: shooting commies and Manifest Destiny,” he wrote.


On Monday afternoon, workers at the courthouse were being ushered back into the building by officers with the Dallas Police Department, the FBI and ATF. The parking lot in which Clyde was killed remained cordoned off by several blocks Monday afternoon as business returned to normal in greater downtown. A heavy police presence remained as the lunch hour passed and officers worked inside a large perimeter of several blocks surrounding the courthouse, collecting evidence.

Wow been awhile since you could give a shit about one of these huh? Last guy was a black liberal with pistols. Talk about striking out.

Good luck with your pattern.
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Dallas Federal Building Shooter Posted Far-Right Memes About Nazis and Confederacy
Kelly Weill

Justin Glawe
Updated 06.17.19 3:50PM ET Published 06.17.19 3:40PM ET

A Texas man accused of opening fire outside a Dallas courthouse uploaded right-wing memes to Facebook, including memes about Nazism and the Confederacy.

Authorities said Brian Clyde, 22, attacked the Earle Cabell federal courthouse Monday morning before law enforcement killed him. No one else was reported injured. A Dallas Morning News photograph of Clyde shows him holding a semi-automatic rifle and wearing a belt full of ammunition. He appears to have uploaded to his Facebook page a picture of similar magazines on Saturday. Elsewhere on the page, he shared memes, some of which suggested racist or misogynist views.

In late May, he posted a meme about quitting meme groups that forbid bullying, transphobia, and racism. An April meme suggested “the solution to all of our nation’s political problems” by incorporating some libertarian and eco-friendly ideologies into far-right authoritarianism, represented by a green flag with a Nazi swastica in the middle.

A May 4 post defended Infowars founder Alex Jones for his claims about vast networks of pedophiles. Other posts suggested transphobic and anti-feminist views.

Multiple memes referenced the Confederate flag. In November, he posted a picture of a person wearing full medieval armor while holding a gun and an anime body pillow. While not inherently political, anime body pillows are a running joke in the 4chan-right. He also participated in medieval live action roleplaying, which is also apolitical but has a large fanbase on the far right.

Other posts indicate a heavy involvement in gun culture. He posted about loving gun shows, made an ASMR video with an AR-15, and in January posted about using incomplete lowers “to get around California's asinine gun laws.” Incomplete lowers refer to partially-built guns that can be purchased and assembled in states that prohibit buying the completed guns.

In a February 2018 post, he indicated some of his political views. “Hobbies: shooting commies and Manifest Destiny,” he wrote.


On Monday afternoon, workers at the courthouse were being ushered back into the building by officers with the Dallas Police Department, the FBI and ATF. The parking lot in which Clyde was killed remained cordoned off by several blocks Monday afternoon as business returned to normal in greater downtown. A heavy police presence remained as the lunch hour passed and officers worked inside a large perimeter of several blocks surrounding the courthouse, collecting evidence.

Effin broken record. You can write the script. Just like these board incels, right down the line until he pulls the trigger. Same messaging. Born followers aaaaallllll believing the same messaging.
Wow been awhile since you could give a shit about one of these huh? Last guy was a black liberal with pistols. Talk about striking out.

Good luck with your pattern.

Hell i read a description of his politics and we need to take a roll call.

22LR? You here? Head? Imp?
You libs don't care about those specified anymore than MAGA peeps being assaulted for wearing a fvcking red cap.
Boo effing hoo to you too.
It's certainly telling that the internet Left finds a victimless "attack on a building" more important, Twitter-worthy, and certainly outrage-worthy than actual human victims of murder in Obama's hometown.

Talk about programming.....

Conservatism is nothing more than convincing the feeble minded to be scared. Same messaging, over and over. They know just how to package it and ya'll snarf it up. Alarmism! Hate libs! Hate feminists! Hate lawyers! Hate hate hate and defend the ability of losers to get guns!
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Conservatism is nothing more than convincing the feeble minded to be scared. Same messaging, over and over. They know just how to package it and ya'll snarf it up. Alarmism! Hate libs! Hate feminists! Hate lawyers! Hate hate hate and defend the ability of losers to get guns!

Were you screaming while typing that real fast?
