Da, Dan. We got us a war!

Sounds like tit-for-tat, Russia is playing America's game of brinksmanship, and it is terrifying for what faces the innocent civilians in Eastern Ukraine. I hope Joe Biden keeps his cool - and his word that he will not commit US troops to a what will be essentially a civil war the US started. In the meantime I’ve got one for you if you have the courage to read it.

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Here’s a question to ponder. Let’s assume Russia invades and “conquers” the Donbas region, but stops there. Russia either makes the region part of Russia, or Donbas declares itself an independent nation, but signs a NATO-like defense treaty with Russia. Now let’s assume what remains of Ukraine applies and is accepted into NATO. How would Putin react? Would he feel comfortable with Donbas as a buffer between Moscow and NATO? Or would he freak out like he has in the past?
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Sounds like tit-for-tat, Russia is playing America's game of brinksmanship, and it is terrifying for what faces the innocent civilians in Eastern Ukraine. I hope Joe Biden keeps his cool - and his word that he will not commit US troops to a what will be essentially a civil war the US started. In the meantime I’ve got one for you if you have the courage to read it.

Whats the tit for tat?
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Whats the tit for tat?

NATO (the US) has poked Russia by threatening its border with Ukraine by admitting them into the organization giving them the ability to put offensive missiles within 500 miles of Moscow. When Russia reacted the way it did the US cried foul, insisted Russia was about to attack and therefore needed to assist its “ally” with billions of dollars worth of military equipment. This put the Donetsk rebels in an untenable situation (from their perspective - and Russia’s as well). Russia has responded in kind, declaring a pact with their “ally,” thus giving them the same moral credence (in their eyes) that the US claims for itself. Tit for tat.
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NATO (the US) has poked Russia by threatening its border with Ukraine by admitting them into the organization giving them the ability to put offensive missiles within 500 miles of Moscow. When Russia reacted the way it did the US cried foul, insisted Russia was about to attack and therefore needed to assist its “ally” with billions of dollars worth of military equipment. This put the Donetsk rebels in an untenable situation (from their perspective - and Russia’s as well). Russia has responded in kind, declaring a pact with their “ally,” thus giving them the same moral credence (in their eyes) that the US claims for itself. Tit for tat.
The Russians are bombing Ukraine. They unilaterally started this. Mt. Anti-war until russia enters the picture. Weird how you give their violence and aggression a pass.
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The Russians are bombing Ukraine. They unilaterally started this. Mt. Anti-war until russia enters the picture. Weird how you give their violence and aggression a pass.
Bombing as in aerial attacks? Jets flying overhead and dropping bombs? Bombing where? Has Ukraine been bombing the same area for years via artillery? Do you give that aggression a pass?

Seriously, this is the first I’ve heard of Russia bombing Ukraine. Where is this bombing taking place?
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NATO (the US) has poked Russia by threatening its border with Ukraine by admitting them into the organization giving them the ability to put offensive missiles within 500 miles of Moscow. When Russia reacted the way it did the US cried foul, insisted Russia was about to attack and therefore needed to assist its “ally” with billions of dollars worth of military equipment. This put the Donetsk rebels in an untenable situation (from their perspective - and Russia’s as well). Russia has responded in kind, declaring a pact with their “ally,” thus giving them the same moral credence (in their eyes) that the US claims for itself. Tit for tat.
Man I missed when all this happened.
Bombing as in aerial attacks? Jets flying overhead and dropping bombs? Bombing where? Has Ukraine been bombing the same area for years via artillery? Do you give that aggression a pass?

Seriously, this is the first I’ve heard of Russia bombing Ukraine. Where is this bombing taking place?
The unintelligible screecher is coming in hot, and it will once again call you a Putin loving war monger...

All the while Team DonkeyDumbass has been in the business of appeasing Russia, China, and Iran since the Barry Soetoro days and now they can't figure out why Putin has zero respect for the senile old pedophile that's "in charge" of this country. Weird that Putin didn't do this when Trump (pUtIn'S pUPpEt) was President.
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Bombing as in aerial attacks? Jets flying overhead and dropping bombs? Bombing where? Has Ukraine been bombing the same area for years via artillery? Do you give that aggression a pass?

Seriously, this is the first I’ve heard of Russia bombing Ukraine. Where is this bombing taking place?

Wow Dan, i.posted a picture of a kindergarten that was shelled. That doesn't count, lol. There wasn't an official notary there from Russia to memorialize it.
Wow Dan, i.posted a picture of a kindergarten that was shelled. That doesn't count, lol. There wasn't an official notary there from Russia to memorialize it.
Forgive me. I did not know the kindergarten shelling was done by the Russian military. I thought it was done by Russian sympathizing Donbas separatists.
When did Ukraine get admitted into NATO and when did NATO move offensive missiles into Ukraine?
Forgive me, my writing was improperly parsed. I assumed you would recognize that by using the word "threatening" you would understand what I meant. Let me clarify. Russia felt threatened by the reemergence of talk of Ukraine being admitted into NATO. Such admission would give NATO (the US) carte blanche to set up military outposts directly on the Russian border, including offensive missiles that would give Moscow no more than 5 minutes warning should they be fired. The whole crisis has sprung from those rumors. Ironically all NATO (the US) had to do was publicly agree not to make Ukraine part of NATO (which none of the other members want to do) and none of this would have taken place. Instead, the US, the largest violator in the world to interfere with other nations' sovereignty, howled they were protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. Ironic, isn't it?
Forgive me, my writing was improperly parsed. I assumed you would recognize that by using the word "threatening" you would understand what I meant. Let me clarify. Russia felt threatened by the reemergence of talk of Ukraine being admitted into NATO. Such admission would give NATO (the US) carte blanche to set up military outposts directly on the Russian border, including offensive missiles that would give Moscow no more than 5 minutes warning should they be fired. The whole crisis has sprung from those rumors. Ironically all NATO (the US) had to do was publicly agree not to make Ukraine part of NATO (which none of the other members want to do) and none of this would have taken place. Instead, the US, the largest violator in the world to interfere with other nations' sovereignty, howled they were protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. Ironic, isn't it?
How long would it take missiles to reach Moscow from Poland? This is another fake complaint by Pooty to justify his actions.
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How long would it take missiles to reach Moscow from Poland? This is another fake complaint by Pooty to justify his actions.
I don't know how long it would take. Probably longer than 5 minutes. Putin has watched as NATO has repeatedly violated its pledge not to move closer to Russia, and this action has produced a complaint (which may be fake, you would know better than me) that has been his line in the sand, something he has been saying for years, and NATO (the US) has ignored him. I think he means it this time, and I hope our government's security state realizes the mess it has started and takes actions to reduce the danger.
I don't know how long it would take. Probably longer than 5 minutes. Putin has watched as NATO has repeatedly violated its pledge not to move closer to Russia, and this action has produced a complaint (which may be fake, you would know better than me) that has been his line in the sand, something he has been saying for years, and NATO (the US) has ignored him. I think he means it this time, and I hope our government's security state realizes the mess it has started and takes actions to reduce the danger.
I will say this ONCE. That pledge was to the USSR which is extinct.

Missile time from Poland to Moscow 7 min.

Time from the Baltics to Moscow 5 min.

Time from London to Moscow 15 min.

There is no real defense against a first strike if NATO decided to do it from London, Kiev, Riga, Warsaw , the Mediterranean Sea or from the Black Sea.
I will say this ONCE. That pledge was to the USSR which is extinct.

Missile time from Poland to Moscow 7 min.

Time from the Baltics to Moscow 5 min.

Time from London to Moscow 15 min.

There is no real defense against a first strike if NATO decided to do it from London, Kiev, Riga, Warsaw , the Mediterranean Sea or from the Black Sea.
That’s interesting to learn. OTOH Putin said not once but many times Ukraine is off the table. It would appear he meant what he said.
That’s interesting to learn. OTOH Putin said not once but many times Ukraine is off the table. It would appear he meant what he said.
Everything PUtin says is baloney. This is pure aggression. Nobody has been saber rattling or victimizing him. His grievances are frivolous, this is just an international mugging.

U.S. intelligence has been absolutely sitting in his front pocket, too. It's pretty amazing, tbh. I wonder if it' dampening his plans. If I was about to invade and one of my enemies was publishing my plans all the time it would give me pause.
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Wow Dan, i.posted a picture of a kindergarten that was shelled. That doesn't count, lol. There wasn't an official notary there from Russia to memorialize it.
No offense, but somehow an artillery strike at a school that was full of teachers and children led to just minor injuries to 2 teachers. I'm struggling to see this as anything more than the same propaganda designed for the US citizenry that the US has accussed Putin of spewing to the Russian people. Nothing smells like Democratic propaganda more than "we must save the children" pleas.
Congratulations OP.

Dems have been dying to go to war with Russia for 6 or 7 years now.

Ukraine is not worth us sending young men to die for.
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No offense, but somehow an artillery strike at a school that was full of teachers and children led to just minor injuries to 2 teachers. I'm struggling to see this as anything more than the same propaganda designed for the US citizenry that the US has accussed Putin of spewing to the Russian people. Nothing smells like Democratic propaganda more than "we must save the children" pleas.

Da, comrade. Interesting seeing the Cult's fetish with authoritarianism achieve full blossom.
Da, comrade. Interesting seeing the Cult's fetish with authoritarianism achieve full blossom.
Let me know when the tanks and planes are involved in combat. Until then, all I see is propaganda as I don't believe the media sources from EITHER side of the conflict.
Da, comrade. Interesting seeing the Cult's fetish with authoritarianism achieve full blossom.
Sys, you are reacting like a man divorced from reality. It's one thing to have a disagreement, but it is not honorable to insist anyone who disagrees with your opinion has a fetish with authoritarianism or wants Putin to "win."
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Let me know when the tanks and planes are involved in combat. Until then, all I see is propaganda as I don't believe the media sources from EITHER side of the conflict.

Is someone trying to convince you of something, Comrade? What's the point?

Why do you think Putin only pulls this shit when Democrats are in office?
LOL Biff just handing over Syria and throwing our kurdish allies under the bus didn't happen in the Cult.
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Let me know when the tanks and planes are involved in combat. Until then, all I see is propaganda as I don't believe the media sources from EITHER side of the conflict.

*viral loads* put you at the kiddie table.
Let me know when the tanks and planes are involved in combat. Until then, all I see is propaganda as I don't believe the media sources from EITHER side of the conflict.

The media has to paint their stories to get the lefts agenda- ie war or some way to enrich them and screw us- Putin Bad - Xi is good.
All for the one world government

The media has to paint their stories to get the lefts agenda- ie war or some way to enrich them and screw us- Putin Bad - Xi is good.
All for the one world government

LOL Putin bad and Xi good.

Care to provide an example of this spin, besides you just making it up?
Forgive me, my writing was improperly parsed. I assumed you would recognize that by using the word "threatening" you would understand what I meant. Let me clarify. Russia felt threatened by the reemergence of talk of Ukraine being admitted into NATO. Such admission would give NATO (the US) carte blanche to set up military outposts directly on the Russian border, including offensive missiles that would give Moscow no more than 5 minutes warning should they be fired. The whole crisis has sprung from those rumors. Ironically all NATO (the US) had to do was publicly agree not to make Ukraine part of NATO (which none of the other members want to do) and none of this would have taken place. Instead, the US, the largest violator in the world to interfere with other nations' sovereignty, howled they were protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. Ironic, isn't it?
You are falling for the Russian propaganda. Putin is not happy with a country that wants to be a western democracy like the rest of Europe. He also wants the old CCCP back and the undoing of the post cold War treaties.

There is something else I have always wanted to ask you. Back in 1940-41 what would your position been on Europe and American involvement?
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LOL Biff just handing over Syria and throwing our kurdish allies under the bus didn't happen in the Cult.
I wonder why Russia waded into Syria...

So once again, why does Putin only do this shit when Democrats are in office? He had 4 years with his puppet in charge and he didn't do shit. Literally right after Biden was elected Putin started moving troops to the border. So why is that? Maybe Rachel/Joy/Joy will have a narrative to cover that for you soon?
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Everything PUtin says is baloney. This is pure aggression. Nobody has been saber rattling or victimizing him. His grievances are frivolous, this is just an international mugging.

U.S. intelligence has been absolutely sitting in his front pocket, too. It's pretty amazing, tbh. I wonder if it' dampening his plans. If I was about to invade and one of my enemies was publishing my plans all the time it would give me pause.
Ahhh the trusted US intelligence- they are on the up and up lol

All they care about is surveilling us dude
You are falling for the Russian propaganda. Putin is not happy with a country that wants to be a western democracy like the rest of Europe. He also wants the old CCCP back and the undoing of the post cold War treaties.

There is something else I have always wanted to ask you. Back in 1940-41 what would your position been on Europe and American involvement?
I don't give a flying fig leaf about Putin's happiness beyond recognizing he is a very dangerous man, and our security state has been pushing and prodding him until we reached this point. Many analysts are telling our security state to pivot to the east, to Asia, that China poses a greater danger to our wellbeing than any other country. It makes much more sense to work diplomatically with Russia to isolate China, but our security state seems intent on continuing to call Russia a grave danger and an enemy. Ukraine means nothing to the US' security, but it means everything to Putin. There is no point in our becoming involved, but our leaders insist upon it. It makes no sense, and it could lead us down a path from which we can't return. Recognizing that reality does not make one an advocate of authoritarianism or a Putin fanboy. Our foreign policy has backfired immensely. Instead of helping to create a wedge between Russia and China it has had the opposite effect, they are closer now than possibly they have ever been.

As for 1940-41, my position would have been stay out of it unless we had no choice but to protect ourselves.