covid kit

Losers. I get my Ivermectin fresh from Atwood’s - it’s even apple flavored.

Seriously though, aside from the politically controversial Ivermectin - putting together some of these kits and sending them out would have been a better use of some of the trillions of dollars the US spent to “fight CoVid
More ineffective treatments, truly novel lol
Saved my daughter from being hospitalized a couple of weeks ago. I dose of ivermectin 5 hours a sleep and she was 100% better. 2 days latter she’s back to work being productive.
it’s a real shame people like you allow your politics to control your life and make you think you can control others. IMO you and the rest of the anti horse dewormer folks have caused great suffering and death on thousands.
I like me some apple flavor Ivermectin from tractor supply for sure....but it has a bad side effect the trustworthy news people
Don't tell ya.....I get cravings for sugar cubes and hay- idk why🤔
i’ve been going over the “kit” treatments with my sis since reading about it when the covid poo hit the fan we’re talking 2/20

yesterday their family friends in VA

husband on the cusp of a ventilator 8days in hospital

wife in an ivermectin “clinical trial”
walks thru unscathed

and yes i sent the laughing emoji when she texted “clinical trial”

needless to say the apple flavored horse paste is flying off the shelves at the arlington virginia tractor supply

effin vax passports lol

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