Covid 19 and your job

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
Thought this might interest some of you. Certainly we all are looking for interesting ways to pass the time right now. Feel free to share your stories as well.

I own a small veterinary practice. I am the only veterinarian. We only see dogs/cats. I have 10 employees. We have been gradually making changes over the course of the last week, but took it to a new level today.

Surprisingly, business has remained steady to heavy up to this point.

-I am the most valuable commodity. Since I am the only doctor, if I get the virus, the majority of revenue is going to dry up for a minimum of 2 weeks. I can try to find a relief doctor to cover for me, but that costs me at least $600/day, and I suspect that they will not be easy to find. Either they are already booked elsewhere, or they don't want to walk into a building where a known infected individual has been working.
-Face masks and gloves. We don't normally use a lot of the masks, but we do need them and are almost out. Gloves are a necessity for many situations/procedures. Every time we use a mask/gloves, there are less available to human caregivers taking care of sick people. Both items are almost impossible to get right now, and we are out/running low.
-My employees. Many of them live paycheck to paycheck. I do offer paid time off to the ones that have been employeed for at least a year, and most of them have some banked. But, if one of them gets sick, that will go fast. If they pass it to each other that is an obvious issue. Two of my best are roommates. If one gets sick, I lose both of them. One of my employees is immunocompromised. Fortunately, she doesn't rely on this job to survive. Her husband is the main breadwinner. We have told her to stay home.
-Revenue. It will drop off a cliff at some point. Some tough decisions will need to be made (layoffs, etc).

-We are doing our best to keep clients out of the building. We are going outside to get patients from the car and bringing them back to the car when they are ready to go.
-We are constantly disinfecting counters, keyboards, door handles, leashes, etc.
-We are keeping at least 6 feet away from clients when possible.
-We are all washing our hands as often as possible and after contact with each patient.
-We are taking it day by day and adjusting on the fly (just like everyone else).
Almost forgot. We had a run on prescription meds and pet food yesterday. Clients expressed concern that we were going to shut down during the crisis and they would not be able to get what they need for their loved ones.
I work in IT for an oil/gas company and starting tomorrow we're going to work from home (app developers started today). The BOK tower in Tulsa is going to be a ghost town because other companies are doing the same.
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That order was issued yesterday.

So basically, no hearings except for constitutionally mandated (mainly first appearances/bond settings for those in custody) for the next 30 days. Talking about how to do all of that from the jail via video. Also District Chief Judge is refusing to sign warrants for failure to pay costs/fees right now and about getting as many non-violent offenders out of the jail as soon and as quickly as possible. That has not been resolved yet.

I anticipate it is not long before almost all staff are sent home and we DAs work in shifts just basically filing charges and setting bonds.

That order was issued yesterday.

So basically, no hearings except for constitutionally mandated (mainly first appearances/bond settings for those in custody) for the next 30 days. Talking about how to do all of that from the jail via video. Also District Chief Judge is refusing to sign warrants for failure to pay costs/fees right now and about getting as many non-violent offenders out of the jail as soon and as quickly as possible. That has not been resolved yet.

I anticipate it is not long before almost all staff are sent home and we DAs work in shifts just basically filing charges and setting bonds.

If anyone would have told you that this would be the case 2 weeks ago, you would have laughed in his/her face.
wholesale produce business
price has bumped 15-20%

hygiene and food safety has always been top notch in production areas

in the office nowhere near what yer office has going on

schools done restaurant biz nosedived

hospitals old folks homes and prisons are staples

grocery supply biz is rocking

employees glad to be working

been what precautions did you take
for the h1n1 virus?
None. I don’t even get a flu shot. It’s been at least a decade since I have had it. Can’t remember the last time I saw a doctor for anything other than my annual physical.
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you woke AF on the virus front and went from zero precaution to a tyvek suit short of ebola

makes me put one in the column for
BS on this deal
I’m still going into the office but most are working from home. We will be doing me of the next dominoes to fall off if businesses go down. If you don’t have a business you don’t need business insurance. Unfortunately your standard commercial insurance policy doesn’t cover this type of thing. Will be curious to see if the courts or government change this. Already be lawsuit has been filed in New Orleans, crazily they did it even before the claim was denied I believe.

Going to be an interesting next two weeks.
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you woke AF on the virus front and went from zero precaution to a tyvek suit short of ebola

makes me put one in the column for
BS on this deal

1. Are you paying attention to what is happening in Italy?

2. Surely you realize that 100% of the U.S. population has no immunity to Covid 19 (OK, slightly less than 100% as some people have now had the virus and recovered). This is not the case with H1N1. Even though H1N1 mutates every year, most individuals who get sick, have had it before and their immune system is primed. This (usually) results in milder symptoms or shorter duration of infection.

3. For the most part, H1N1 is only contagious when an individual is symptomatic. That is clearly not the case with Covid 19. Not only is it common for individuals to be contagious for days before they develop symptoms, but it is not uncommon for individuals to be contagious for extended periods of time while not developing symptoms (super spreaders).

4. Did I mention Italy?
1. Are you paying attention to what is happening in Italy?

2. Surely you realize that 100% of the U.S. population has no immunity to Covid 19 (OK, slightly less than 100% as some people have now had the virus and recovered). This is not the case with H1N1. Even though H1N1 mutates every year, most individuals who get sick, have had it before and their immune system is primed. This (usually) results in milder symptoms or shorter duration of infection.

3. For the most part, H1N1 is only contagious when an individual is symptomatic. That is clearly not the case with Covid 19. Not only is it common for individuals to be contagious for days before they develop symptoms, but it is not uncommon for individuals to be contagious for extended periods of time while not developing symptoms (super spreaders).

4. Did I mention Italy?

i’m standing at st anthony starbuks and a woman in scrubs is coffing into her hand

corona is gonna do what it do
now a lady with a baby just put her baby bag down where the other lady was
We haven't changed one thing at our business. Small family business with just a couple of us in the office. Outside work. Salt water has to be hauled no matter what so our drivers are out doing what they do. They, for the most part, bring their own lunches so the restaurant thing is of no concern to them. The price of oil is our concern. It is effecting us much more than the virus.
My business is I manage the state of TN for Mike's Hard Lemonade. Our brands are, Mike's, Cayman Jack, and White Claw. Although I work from home, we have been told not to go out into the market for the next 2 weeks and stay around the house and work on the laptop and phone. Everybody in our office in Chicago is working from home till April 1st. Business is booming!
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I own a commercial photography & video production company.

I have subsidiaries that specialize in portraits

and sports

This time last week I was looking at the best 2nd quarter we’ve ever had, but then my biggest clients closed along with every school and every sport.

Still got things to work on and clients in the pipeline but I’m not gonna lie - this is scary as hell.
My business is I manage the state of TN for Mike's Hard Lemonade. Our brands are, Mike's, Cayman Jack, and White Claw. Although I work from home, we have been told not to go out into the market for the next 2 weeks and stay around the house and work on the laptop and phone. Everybody in our office in Chicago is working from home till April 1st. Business is booming!
Your night has a flaw if it doesn’t involve White Claw.
I own a commercial photography & video production company.

I have subsidiaries that specialize in portraits

and sports

This time last week I was looking at the best 2nd quarter we’ve ever had, but then my biggest clients closed along with every school and every sport.

Still got things to work on and clients in the pipeline but I’m not gonna lie - this is scary as hell.

I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have a lot of overhead? Still paying off equipment? Rent? Do you have employees?

Every day, I think about different businesses that I never gave a second thought to before. So many companies are just being killed by this, and it has only been a couple of weeks. So many little guys are now being forced to file for unemployment and that is only going to keep them afloat for so long.
I own a commercial photography & video production company.

I have subsidiaries that specialize in portraits

and sports

This time last week I was looking at the best 2nd quarter we’ve ever had, but then my biggest clients closed along with every school and every sport.

Still got things to work on and clients in the pipeline but I’m not gonna lie - this is scary as hell.

Liked....but not because I like what is happening to you and Glow.

Liked to show support.

This whole thing is so surreal and scary.
Really is this "self quarantining" or partial shutdowns working? If I started my quarantine 3 weeks ago, get cleared up, then start my normal life again, who's to say I'm not going to contract it again or just become a carrier spreading it around.

Really the whole country needs to be shut down for 3 weeks. Everything except medical facilities. That way everyone is quarantined at the same time, we are able to identify the people actually sick from it and get them well.

These partial shutdowns for different industries is just going to prolong it.

I went by McDonalds this morning and I still give my credit card to the girl in the window who is handling everyone's money and cards and passing whatever, they have to everyone behind them. It's just silly.
Really is this "self quarantining" or partial shutdowns working? If I started my quarantine 3 weeks ago, get cleared up, then start my normal life again, who's to say I'm not going to contract it again or just become a carrier spreading it around.

Really the whole country needs to be shut down for 3 weeks. Everything except medical facilities. That way everyone is quarantined at the same time, we are able to identify the people actually sick from it and get them well.

These partial shutdowns for different industries is just going to prolong it.

I went by McDonalds this morning and I still give my credit card to the girl in the window who is handling everyone's money and cards and passing whatever, they have to everyone behind them. It's just silly.

It's not silly. The whole idea is to slow the spread of disease so that the medical facilities are not overwhelmed. In theory, the steps that are being taken should allow for that.

Mass produced vaccine is too far away to be a weapon against spread of the virus. However, if quality tests can be readily available 1 month from now, that can make an impact.

In addition, in theory, treatments can be developed that fight the virus or reduce symptoms. Those things take time, but with every week that we gain, we increase the chances that something helpful will be found.
It's not silly. The whole idea is to slow the spread of disease so that the medical facilities are not overwhelmed. In theory, the steps that are being taken should allow for that.

Mass produced vaccine is too far away to be a weapon against spread of the virus. However, if quality tests can be readily available 1 month from now, that can make an impact.

In addition, in theory, treatments can be developed that fight the virus or reduce symptoms. Those things take time, but with every week that we gain, we increase the chances that something helpful will be found.

Hopefully treatments are actually imminent. There’s lots of noise regarding anti-malaria meds being effective and perhaps even more effective when combined with azithromycin.

I don’t fully understand that. Perhaps the anti-malarial targets the virus while the azithromycin addresses the pneumonia?
Work for a large oil & gas company. Everyone working from home right now, but assessing it week to week.
Work in a utility control room. Current have split the 6 operators between primary and backup facilities and have cleared out all other employees. If it gets bad enough we split into 2s and work 1 to 2 weeks straight then rotate home for 2 weeks. While working we will live in the control room
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My business is I manage the state of TN for Mike's Hard Lemonade. Our brands are, Mike's, Cayman Jack, and White Claw. Although I work from home, we have been told not to go out into the market for the next 2 weeks and stay around the house and work on the laptop and phone. Everybody in our office in Chicago is working from home till April 1st. Business is booming!
Your night has a flaw if it doesn’t involve White Claw.
Oddly enough, this is the best month I've ever had for sales. I guess people want to make sure they've got enough to drink if they are stuck at the house.
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WFH since Wednesday. Kinda enjoying it TBH. Cuts 2 hours of travel plus 30 minutes of getting ready in the am out of my schedule. House is starting to look presentable and getting some woodworking projects done.

Almost out of whiskey and whiskey sour mix though, I may be soon changing my tune.
Work from home since Monday and for the foreseeable future. Work in golf but the one event I work on isn’t until next year so not a lot of short term impact other than marketing/sales timelines rolling back. Much crazier times for my counterparts running our events this year. I think most people in the industry are trying to be smart and thoughtful, but also looking for the other side of this to try and find solutions to reschedule. Decent sized event in September that hoping is way clear of this and not hit.

Obviously sports are my livelihood so a little more important to my life than average fan, but definitely puts things in perspective. Nothing has agitated me more than John Doe sports fans crying about how unfair this is to athletes when people are dying and so many more are losing their jobs. Sports are a great distraction, but not life.

I knew it previously but have no desire to ever work from home. I typically have 3-8 people working for me based on event cycle but really enjoy being around folks. Find myself setting regular video calls with people just to get some bit of that back.
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Since transferring back to Texas from the bay area in 2010 w/ Google I've been mostly working at home since.....I'm more fortunate than most as much of my work (focused on long-term global network planning for AWS) is largely the same although field work will slowly grind to a crawl as the realities of sickness, precautions, and closed borders make regional backbone projects a very slow go.

Wife and the kids are another deal, their are having to adjust to new reality that includes (IMO) that school is done for the spring and even summer activities/schedules are at risk.
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My business is I manage the state of TN for Mike's Hard Lemonade. Our brands are, Mike's, Cayman Jack, and White Claw. Although I work from home, we have been told not to go out into the market for the next 2 weeks and stay around the house and work on the laptop and phone. Everybody in our office in Chicago is working from home till April 1st. Business is booming!
Can I get a wholesale order in? Just put it in the garage...
Since transferring back to Texas from the bay area in 2010 w/ Google I've been mostly working at home since.....I'm more fortunate than most as much of my work (focused on long-term global network planning for AWS) is largely the same although field work will slowly grind to a crawl as the realities of sickness, precautions, and closed borders make regional backbone projects a very slow go.

Wife and the kids are another deal, their are having to adjust to new reality that includes (IMO) that school is done for the spring and even summer activities/schedules are at risk.
Would presume you are pulling your time horizon in to deal with the spike that all cloud operators are experiencing.

For me the challenge is how do we transition work from high touch in person to remote AND accommodate the accelerated schedules customers are asking for. It is one of the more complex puzzles I have worked on - including the April 2000 and the double whammy of 9/11 - in so far as demand has boomed (at least near term).
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