Cornell dual Friday Night

I like it that our guys were generally the aggressors. John made a comment two weeks ago that being off two weeks was going to be an issue. I really think the guys looked a little stale. Pics was aggressively shooting as well as Boyd (could have kept it a closer match, but why) It is a long season and working on those shots against a true stud (Dean )will probably help you get the takedown against the other guys on the podium come March.

really only disappointed w/ Chandler. l thought it was a fluke pin at 125 .
agree on Chandler but wouldn't call it a fluke pin at 125, picc rolled over flat on his back, didn't seem to attempt to turn, roll thru or keep a shoulder up. likewise kept repeating some of the same things that hadnt worked against the funk earlier. Freshman mistakes, but imo worth the loss cause he can learn a lot from this match thus not making the mistakes later when a win is more important. Heil needs to go for more bonus against guys like this, he's a returning champ, needs to step up and score team points.
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To be perfectly transparent, I can't stand the Cornell style. Run backwards until osu shoots and gets a leg, duck through or go over and get a leg, was rinse repeat.
Maybe it's me, but it seemed like Nolan would shoot, get to Dean's legs, and then just freeze. I realize I'm not one-googleth the coach (or wrestler) John Smith is, but it seems to me like Boyd needs to shoot THROUGH the legs, and not just to them. Do I have a point somewhere, or is it just that Dean is that good at stopping and countering the attack?
Lionel, I agree that pic did not move or seem to be aware he was on his back but his opponent did not cause the fall. It was caused by pic not being aware of his position. I hope for a rematch at the scuffle.
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Lionel, I agree that pic did not move or seem to be aware he was on his back but his opponent did not cause the fall. It was caused by pic not being aware of his position. I hope for a rematch at the scuffle.

I agree. And I think he will learn a lot from that match and film review and don't see him getting in that position again.
The OU/Cornell dual was really interesting. Moody caught Baughman in a cradle off a scramble for the pin. Blackwell was up by 3 with 10 seconds left and got tossed for 6. Jeffries who was counted on for a win got majored by Galasso. Larson lost as well. Had a bunch of chances to win the dual but lost by 2. Great dual to watch!
I posted this on another board. Like I said in the post below, I didn't see most of the matches from 165 on up. But really, I don't need to see 174 or 184 to know what happened. We got our asses kicked there.

Just joined in progress, so not sure exactly what happened. But here's what I do know.

165 Clark Glass (OU) dec Brandon Womack (Cornell) 3-0
174 Brian Realbuto (Cornell) TF Hayden Hansen (OU) 3-5
184 Gabe Dean (Cornell) pin Andrew Dixon (OU) 3-11
197 Brad Johnson (OU) SV dec Ben Honis (Cornell) 6-11
285 Craig Scott (Cornell) dec Ross Larson (OU) 6-14
125 Christian Moody (OU) pin Noah Baughman (Cornell) 12-14
133 Mark Grey (Cornell) dec Trey Blackwell (OU) 12-17
141 Mike Longo (OU) dec William Koll (Cornell) 15-17
149 Joseph Galasso (Cornell) md Davion Jefferies (OU) 15-21
157 Dawaylon Barnes (OU) md Kyle Simaz (Cornell) 19-21

174 and 184 - Realbuto and Gabe Dean for Cornell are both highly ranked wrestlers, so those results are not surprises.
197 - Great job of gutting out a Sudden Victory (read:OT) win by Brad Johnson!
285 - Really surprised Ross Larson lost. Not sure how Scott scored 9 points, but I watched the last period or so and Ross looked really gassed.
125 - Great win for Moody! Looked very aggressive and it paid off.
133 - Trey looked aggressive the whole match, was winning until the last five seconds where his aggressiveness cost him the match. Still, looked very tough!
141 - Longo fought off a really good takedown attempt to secure the win.
More on the subject:

Davion gets hammered. Again. I had high hopes for him early on, but people have figured out he and his "funky" style.

Against Barnes, the Cornell kid's entire game plan was to lose, but not get pinned. Stalled his butt off. Very close to getting stalled out of the match.

All in all, OU looked very good. Very aggressive in most matches I saw. I feel terrible for Blackwell as he wrestled just an outstanding match, took it to his opponent, was winning pretty handily until his aggressiveness got the better of him and got put on his back in the last few seconds of the match and took the loss.
Yes on Davion... Lou pretty much called him out during the post match interview. Just wonder if he is not meshing with the new staff or what it is. Most of the guys really seem to be improving and wrestling hard. Honestly should of won that dual!!!!
Yes on Davion... Lou pretty much called him out during the post match interview. Just wonder if he is not meshing with the new staff or what it is. Most of the guys really seem to be improving and wrestling hard. Honestly should of won that dual!!!!
Yeah, just not sure what's going on with Davion. He hasn't turned the corner this year. As a matter of fact, he's seemed to regress in the matches I've watched this year.

I was almost sick for Trae Blackwell. Came out and dominated Grey. Was looking very tough until he gets a little over aggressive and goes upper body with Grey with just a few seconds left. At that point, he just needed to be smarter about his situation. But I will say this...I pretty much dogged his abilities as a wrestler last year. I didn't realize he was wrestling up a weight. He's making me eat my words, and that's fine by me. He's looked better and better so far this year.
Missed it by a hair. ;)
Yeah, but the only one I am worried about is Rogers. Picc was a fluke-Dean could have added points any time he wanted, I believe. I thought Nolan would get a takedown.
But unlike most PSU fans, I will admit I missed it!
To error by being over aggressive early in the season is not a problem. Blackwell from OU and Boyd from OSU giving up points by being aggressive can be fixed at the end of the year, but if you do not know how to shoot a takedown, that will never get fixed.
Agreed! You just gotta know when to take the foot off the gas in Blackwells case. I love the aggression but it is a fault when not used properly. That would of been a huge win for him against Grey.... Grey is not what we all thought he might be coming out of high school but nevertheless a solid wrestler. Blackwell had no stall warnings either. In his case and OU as a whole a win was the difference in the dual, OSU wrestlers are needing to push the pace for bonus cause it could mean a National Team Title. At the end of the day I do like the way the OU team is wrestling as a whole. I personally thought Cornell was going to smash them.
I can't put the loss solely on his shoulders. Ross Larson's inexplicable loss hurt as well.

Funny, but both duals are very similar. One team was probably head and shoulders better than the other, but a few matches made the score closer than most thought going in. A gutty win at the last second seemed to be the major difference in each dual (Preston Weigle's win with a TD at the end for OSU, and Mark Grey's winning TD at the end of his match for Cornell). Each underdog had a fall at 125 that was unexpected.
Absolutely.... I don't fault Blackwell for the loss at all! Larson or Jeffries could of and probably should of won. Going into it I really didn't have Blackwells match as an OU win anyway. I probably mis picked 7 matches in that dual!
Maybe it's me, but it seemed like Nolan would shoot, get to Dean's legs, and then just freeze. I realize I'm not one-googleth the coach (or wrestler) John Smith is, but it seems to me like Boyd needs to shoot THROUGH the legs, and not just to them. Do I have a point somewhere, or is it just that Dean is that good at stopping and countering the attack?
Dean is that good.
Yeah, but the only one I am worried about is Rogers. Picc was a fluke-Dean could have added points any time he wanted, I believe. I thought Nolan would get a takedown.
But unlike most PSU fans, I will admit I missed it!

I'd love to see Joseph-Rogers. In fact, there are so many great match-ups between PSU & Ok St. Really hoping we can meet up in the Dual Championship Series!
I'd love to see Joseph-Rogers. In fact, there are so many great match-ups between PSU & Ok St. Really hoping we can meet up in the Dual Championship Series!
Come on down in February! Should be interesting-right now for us I wouldn't say fun, but as a fan...It will be nice and warm here....

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