Burisma and the Bidens

Lying Dims didn't kill either one of Trumps Peachmints. I am still certain that Adam Schitt is gonna pull out the evidence he said he has of Trump Russia Collusion any day now.
Sounds a lot like the Russian Collusion.
People be lying everywhere and People buy it. On both sides.

LOL! You lost any/all credibility shoveling NBC. Next time, try hooking up with Dan's propaganda sites and see if any of that shit will play in Peroria.
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Weiss was approved by the two democratic senators before he was appointed by Trump. We now get to find out if there really was a tape...
Sounds a lot like the Russian Collusion.
People be lying everywhere and People buy it. On both sides.

Unlike 78% of the libcomdems who don't think Trump should even be on the ballot if he is the R nominee, if this idiot lied & turned in false reports then he needs to go to jail. Anyone who has lied, manipulated facts, ignored facts or in any other manner or means been responsible for having an innocent person charged or a guilty person from not being charged should go to jail I don't care what party, what gender (out of only 2), sexual orientation, race etc etc.
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This pretty much kills the Biden impeachment.
That is a stretch. However, I don't think Biden will be impeached regardless of wrongdoing unless he wins a second term. Even then he is more likely to be removed by the 25th amendment before he gets impeached for his crimes. Biden is an ex-president walking (stumbling).