Breyer to Retire


Wow. That's a really dumb take. Like really dumb. Of course the person he picks has to be a US citizen and generally alive (although I suspect Biden is so senile he would try to nominate RGB if his handlers weren't involved), and it will definitely be someone from the left's ideology. Duh, dude.
Wow looks like we found the first requirements. Gday.
Nope. I just believe people should be evaluated on more substantive things like their competence and the content of their character,
I agree people should be evaluated on their competence and the content of their character. I also believe in encouraging racial and gender diversity.

IT it isn't an either/or issue. We can and should have both.
Here are some of the liberal thought leaders expressing concern over diversity of thought.

Nothing like the pride that comes with getting a job because of your skin color. I would find that extremely demeaning but to each their own.
Nothing like the pride that comes with getting a job because of your skin color. I would find that extremely demeaning but to each their own.
A close second to that pride is getting a job because of your religious sect and willingness to kiss the right asses.
Nothing like the pride that comes with getting a job because of your skin color. I would find that extremely demeaning but to each their own.

This wouldn't be the only reason the person who is the next Supreme Court Justice got the job.

But don't the truth stand in the way of your meltdown over the idea of Biden nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court.

This wouldn't be the only reason the person who is the next Supreme Court Justice got the job.

But don't the truth stand in the way of your meltdown over the idea of Biden nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court.

you know Clarence Thomas is every conservatives favorite justice right? You know if he was trans or an actual women with the same opinions the same would be true right? Your opinions are broken and toxic.

This wouldn't be the only reason the person who is the next Supreme Court Justice got the job.

But don't the truth stand in the way of your meltdown over the idea of Biden nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court.

No not the only reason but definitely one of the major reasons.
so you have no doubt that the man who wished skin color was not a determining factor would be excited over someone being chosen because of their skin color?
I am 100% sure that MLK would applaud Biden for what he is planning on doing and celebrate the selection of the first black woman Supreme Court Justice. MLK supported diversity, so why would he not support this?

You know something else I know? If MLK was alive today, you and many other right-wingers on this board would be attacking him all the time and claim he was a race baiter. MLK Jr. had hardly nothing in common with you right-wingers today.

He was a democratic socialist for goodness sakes! Wake up,
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I am 100% sure that MLK would applaud Biden for what he is planning on doing and celebrate the selection of the first black woman Supreme Court Justice. MLK supported diversity, so why would he not support this?

You know something else I know? If MLK was alive today, you and many other right-wingers on this board would be attacking him all the time and claim he was a race baiter. MLK Jr. has hardly anything in common with you right-wingers.

He was a democratic-socialist for goodness sakes! Wake up,

if he were alive today he would be able to easily observe decades of democrat controlled cities with poor, violent and segregated black communities. The proof of your opinions is right there to see, but you want more.
All of the Leo Leonard justices.
Hmmmm. I think I'm going to need some links.

Now I'm not saying that former presidents haven't publicly stated that they are going to select a person based on their "religious sect," but I'm not aware of any current SCJ selection that was predicated publicly by a mandated "religious sect." Maybe you have some examples?
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So if a black guy and a white guy of substantially equal qualifications are vying for the same job, who should get it and why?
As long as racial diversity exists at the place of employment, the person who the hiring manager believes is the best fit for the organization should get it.

However, if the organization has a history of not being favorable to racial diversity (or outright hostile to it) and the organization is attempting to now encourage racial diversity, the black guy should be offered the job.
so you have no doubt that the man who wished skin color was not a determining factor would be excited over someone being chosen because of their skin color?

I’m not joking, you guys have an actual mental illness.
I can only imagine what stupidity awaits if I were to clink show ignored content in this thread. The guy literally has a man-crush on a documented racist pedophile.
They just can't help it. They go all Klu Klux Klan on any person of color that doesn't goose step with Dear Party.

What I love about this is that pinko-libs are racist for selecting a black woman to the Supreme Court, but the goofball Cons aren't racist for automatically assuming she isn't good enough because she's a black woman. I mean, come on. Ain't no way a black woman is ever more qualified when there are other candidates to choose from. Amirite?
if he were alive today he would be able to easily observe decades of democrat controlled cities with poor, violent and segregated black communities. The proof of your opinions is right there to see, but you want more.
Yeah the mayors did all of that
Biden should just follow the traditional process for selecting a SCOTUS justice. The totally unbiased process that has selected 2 black people and 5 women out of 115 justices.
What I love about this is that pinko-libs are racist for selecting a black woman to the Supreme Court, but the goofball Cons aren't racist for automatically assuming she isn't good enough because she's a black woman. I mean, come on. Ain't no way a black woman is ever more qualified when there are other candidates to choose from. Amirite?
Reading comprehension is apparently not your bag. I guess I shouldn't expect better from the guy/gal who posted this...

Breastman said:
Let's call it like it is, these protests are lame. What are they accomplishing? You're not going to achieve a revolution by taking a knee at a God damned football game or looting baby formula from a Target. How did all those peaceful protests work out for MLK? You want real revolution? You have to get dirty.

You have to kill cops. I said it. For every dead black man at a traffic stop, two dead cops.

Do you know what they do to cops in Mexico or Brazil or Venezuela? They cut their feet off, cut their hands off, have seen some with their face ripped off....then they kill them. You have to bring it to that level.
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What I love about this is that pinko-libs are racist for selecting a black woman to the Supreme Court, but the goofball Cons aren't racist for automatically assuming she isn't good enough because she's a black woman. I mean, come on. Ain't no way a black woman is ever more qualified when there are other candidates to choose from. Amirite?

who said she wasn’t good enough? I haven’t read the whole thread, but outside of being liberal what has been the attack from the right?
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As long as racial diversity exists at the place of employment, the person who the hiring manager believes is the best fit for the organization should get it.

However, if the organization has a history of not being favorable to racial diversity (or outright hostile to it) and the organization is attempting to now encourage racial diversity, the black guy should be offered the job.
In other words, the black guy should get it, based on his race.
Reading comprehension is apparently not your bag. I guess I shouldn't expect better from the guy/gal who posted this...

Breastman said:
Let's call it like it is, these protests are lame. What are they accomplishing? You're not going to achieve a revolution by taking a knee at a God damned football game or looting baby formula from a Target. How did all those peaceful protests work out for MLK? You want real revolution? You have to get dirty.

You have to kill cops. I said it. For every dead black man at a traffic stop, two dead cops.

Do you know what they do to cops in Mexico or Brazil or Venezuela? They cut their feet off, cut their hands off, have seen some with their face ripped off....then they kill them. You have to bring it to that level.
Yeah, but at least he’s not displaying a confederate flag. 🙄

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