Breyer to Retire

Let's not elect/ appoint justices there to make sure the constitution is upheld or anything crazy ass like that.....
"The president has stated and reiterated his commitment to nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court and certainly stands by that," Psaki said during the daily press briefing. Psaki said the president "stands by" his remarks.
I guess I missed where he said that was the first requirement
"The president has stated and reiterated his commitment to nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court and certainly stands by that," Psaki said during the daily press briefing. Psaki said the president "stands by" his remarks.
Supporting and encouraging diversity on the Supreme Court so it looks more like the rest of America is definitely a negative for you. We all know this.

I wish he would also encourage some educational diversity too.
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How old are you?
Old enough to know you don't hire based on ethnicity or Gender (sans hooters,
Military et al)

Old enough to to know we were supposed to appoint justices based on constitution interpretation as written- not on diversity or right or left leaning

Old enough to know if all the lefturds took a long walk off of a short pier 90 percent of our problems would go away----OVERNIGHT!!

Old enough to know tolerance is our biggest weakness- it costs us CA, NY, Illinois etc bc we are "too tolerant" of the left due to PC and we are now giving up the whole country to you Libtards- enjoy it we just give it to y'all bc we be scared of yalls cancel culture and what not

Old enough for yeez?
Kamala Harris gets in.
Hillary named replacement VP.
I'm going to tell you right now, if this happens, I will laugh my *** off. And I will grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch this board meltdown like never before.

@Ponca Dan will hit the roof knowing he will die before Harris' impact on this nation has ended. Five threads a day from him about every conspiracy theory he can think of, while still slobbering over Gabbard. Then the passionate Hillary haters, @OUSOONER67, @Medic007, @soonerinlOUisiana among others, would literally be stroking out (and not the kind they enjoy when their wives say no) with every other post, mad as **** that HRC is back and now Vice President. @Scottsdale.Sooner would be telling us all how he is moving back to Russia, mad because he didn't get picked. He is clearly the most qualified, after all. @Sunburnt Indian would claim neither women could pass his M test and that this is just more proof that the election was stolen. @2012Bearcat would be whining about how all of this is so unfair and that Republicans must investigate it if they win back the House, maybe even arrest Harris and Clinton. @launch would be linking to every Breaking Points video while silently deleted 75% of his posts. @AC2020 would be calling them all communists. @Bitter Creek would be doing his best to make exucses for all the sexist and racist comments being thrown around. And @iasooner2000 and @okcpokefan12 would be following them all around liking their posts. Who the **** knows what @Corndog2021 would be doing, probably ranting about how this is a grand scheme of the pedos and clot shot supporters. Bill Gates clearly would be behind it.

Yes, the meltdown would be epic. Makes me almost want it to happen! 🤣🤣
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Breyer retiring and being replaced is a non-event. The only thing of interest is the timing. Doing it now, before the mid-term elections, is a strong indicator to me that the Democrats don't think they'll keep the Senate. That must mean that their internal polling numbers are pretty bad if they are making this move now.
Old enough to know you don't hire based on ethnicity or Gender (sans hooters,
Military et al)

Old enough to to know we were supposed to appoint justices based on constitution interpretation as written- not on diversity or right or left leaning

Old enough to know if all the lefturds took a long walk off of a short pier 90 percent of our problems would go away----OVERNIGHT!!

Old enough to know tolerance is our biggest weakness- it costs us CA, NY, Illinois etc bc we are "too tolerant" of the left due to PC and we are now giving up the whole country to you Libtards- enjoy it we just give it to y'all bc we be scared of yalls cancel culture and what not

Old enough for yeez?
Young and naive
He posted the full Job description on
Cool. Here's Joe's actual words during his campaign...

"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts it will be… I will appoint the first Black woman to the courts. It's required that they have representation."
"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts it will be… I will appoint the first Black woman to the courts. It's required that they have representation."
Thank you, Joe Biden!

Bet this is another promise from the 2020 election he fulfills.

I'm going to tell you right now, if this happens, I will laugh my *** off. And I will grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch this board meltdown like never before.

@Ponca Dan will hit the roof knowing he will die before Harris' impact on this nation has ended. Five threads a day from him about every conspiracy theory he can think of, while still slobbering over Gabbard. Then the passionate Hillary haters, @OUSOONER67, @Medic007, @soonerinlOUisiana among others, would literally be stroking out (and not the kind they enjoy when their wives say no) with every other post, mad as **** that HRC is back and now Vice President. @Scottsdale.Sooner would be telling us all how he is moving back to Russia, mad because he didn't get picked. He is clearly the most qualified, after all. @Sunburnt Indian would claim neither women could pass his M test and that this is just more proof that the election was stolen. @2012Bearcat would be whining about how all of this is so unfair and that Republicans must investigate it if they win back the House, maybe even arrest Harris and Clinton. @launch would be linking to every Breaking Points video while silently deleted 75% of his posts. @AC2020 would be calling them all communists. @Bitter Creek would be doing his best to make exucses for all the sexist and racist comments being thrown around. And @iasooner2000 and @okcpokefan12 would be following them all around liking their posts. Who the **** knows what @Corndog2021 would be doing, probably ranting about how this is a grand scheme of the pedos and clot shot supporters. Bill Gates clearly would be behind it.

Yes, the meltdown would be epic. Makes me almost want it to happen! 🤣🤣
Damn. Self-triggered.
Cool. Here's Joe's actual words during his campaign...

"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts it will be… I will appoint the first Black woman to the courts. It's required that they have representation."
Everything you need to know about democrooks right there. They don’t see people as individuals, they see us as races and various other collectives.
Cool. Here's Joe's actual words during his campaign...

"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts it will be… I will appoint the first Black woman to the courts. It's required that they have representation."
Thanks man- this 50 year old loves it when called young- nice
Are you in some sort of Rip van Winkle scenario where you slept through the last 30 years?

Only way to explain "Old enough to to know we were supposed to appoint justices based on constitution interpretation as written- not on diversity or right or left leaning"
Are you in some sort of Rip van Winkle scenario where you slept through the last 30 years?

Only way to explain "Old enough to to know we were supposed to appoint justices based on constitution interpretation as written- not on diversity or right or left leaning"
You're saying diversity And/'or political
Leaning is the appropriate characteristics to
Consider in appointing
What other qualification did he announce?

Cool. Here's Joe's actual words during his campaign...

"I committed that if I'm elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts it will be… I will appoint the first Black woman to the courts. It's required that they have representation."

Still waiting for other qualifications that were publicly announced as required. So far we have "black female." Can you fill me in on some of the others Joe announced?
No I am saying "supposed to appoint justices based on constitution interpretation as written" is a fairytale for children
We agree it sure doesn't happen-Which is why the 9 justice system with Life time Appointments should be dissolved- just as the FBI, CIA, DOJ et al should be dissolved- corrupted beyond repair.
I'm going to tell you right now, if this happens, I will laugh my *** off. And I will grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch this board meltdown like never before.

@Ponca Dan will hit the roof knowing he will die before Harris' impact on this nation has ended. Five threads a day from him about every conspiracy theory he can think of, while still slobbering over Gabbard. Then the passionate Hillary haters, @OUSOONER67, @Medic007, @soonerinlOUisiana among others, would literally be stroking out (and not the kind they enjoy when their wives say no) with every other post, mad as **** that HRC is back and now Vice President. @Scottsdale.Sooner would be telling us all how he is moving back to Russia, mad because he didn't get picked. He is clearly the most qualified, after all. @Sunburnt Indian would claim neither women could pass his M test and that this is just more proof that the election was stolen. @2012Bearcat would be whining about how all of this is so unfair and that Republicans must investigate it if they win back the House, maybe even arrest Harris and Clinton. @launch would be linking to every Breaking Points video while silently deleted 75% of his posts. @AC2020 would be calling them all communists. @Bitter Creek would be doing his best to make exucses for all the sexist and racist comments being thrown around. And @iasooner2000 and @okcpokefan12 would be following them all around liking their posts. Who the **** knows what @Corndog2021 would be doing, probably ranting about how this is a grand scheme of the pedos and clot shot supporters. Bill Gates clearly would be behind it.

Yes, the meltdown would be epic. Makes me almost want it to happen! 🤣🤣

But wait. There's more.

After Biden gets put out to pasture and Hillary is installed as president, Newsom takes the new VP spot.
Still waiting for other qualifications that were publicly announced as required. So far we have "black female." Can you fill me in on some of the others Joe announced?
Are you also a child? The only requirements are publicly announced?
We agree it sure doesn't happen-Which is why the 9 justice system with Life time Appointments should be dissolved- just as the FBI, CIA, DOJ et al should be dissolved- corrupted beyond repair.
At no time was it supposed to happen
I love it.

There have been 116 Supreme Court Justices since 1789.

Two have been African-American. Five females. One Latino.

Do you reckon prior to Thurgood Marshall in '67 that they always chose the best person for the position?

Heck, the smartest, most educated people in the country are Asians. What's taking so long?
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Diversity of thought is the goal. You do that by hiring people of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

In this case, there can be no diversity of thought. They are only going to nominate an uber liberal who'll toe the leftist line. So in that case, the diversity of background and experience is irrelevant. Pick anyone of any demographic. It's immaterial and only for ascetics.
Diversity of thought is the goal. You do that by hiring people of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

In this case, there can be no diversity of thought. They are only going to nominate an uber liberal who'll toe the leftist line. So in that case, the diversity of background and experience is irrelevant. Pick anyone of any demographic. It's immaterial and only for ascetics.
Correct take
Are you also a child? The only requirements are publicly announced?

Low energy day?

Why would he publicly announce that the nominee will be a black woman on his campaign trail if that wasn't his first requirement? His spokeslady reaffirmed it. Again, I invite you to show me where he's publicly specified any requirement other than race and sex.
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Low energy day?

Why would he publicly announce that the nominee will be a black woman on his campaign trail if that wasn't his first requirement? His spokeslady reaffirmed it. Again, I invite you to show me where he's publicly specified any requirement other than race and sex.
Because it was a tertiary requirement that was different than usual.

If you think that Biden is selecting his favorite judge from a list of all the black ladies in the world rather than picking a few black ladies from a list of judges who are reliably liberal and young, then I can't help you.
Because it was a tertiary requirement that was different than usual.

If you think that Biden is selecting his favorite judge from a list of all the black ladies in the world rather than picking a few black ladies from a list of judges who are reliably liberal and young, then I can't help you.

Wow. That's a really dumb take. Like really dumb. Of course the person he picks has to be a US citizen and generally alive (although I suspect Biden is so senile he would try to nominate RGB if his handlers weren't involved), and it will definitely be someone from the left's ideology. Duh, dude.

Now that we've hopefully gotten past dumb, why couldn't Biden just say he will nominate the person most qualified to do the job? Why a "black female" as literally the primary requirement he's communicated publicly? There's a word for it, ya know.

And yet again I invite you to post any other qualifications that Biden has stated publicly
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Justice Breyer is pissed that his retirement was leaked to the press when he wasn't ready to announce it.

Wouldn't it be interesting if he decides to not retire for another year, that'd be a kick in the nuts to ole senile Joe.
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