Blatantly, Shockingly Racist

Good Lord……where do you old farts find this garbage?
Leave my age out of it, you whippersnapper! I find opinions like this because I read a lot, and I look for opinions that don’t necessarily mesh with mine, but cause me to think. I come across very few articles/opinions that I consider garbage. This is not one of them. If this doesn’t cause to to sit back and reflect on what he’s saying you’re too honed in on wanting to have your own opinion mirrored back at you.
People will always hate or dislike who they want to hate or dislike. Why others try and control that is beyond me. Libtards hate a lot of different groups and people so why do they feel the need to control what others dislike or hate? It is a basic human right to dislike anyone or anything you choose no matter what reason you have for it. I know plenty of people that dislike all people because most people are just no damn good and I can relate to that. If someone doesn't like me for whatever reason I don't reeeeeeeeeeeeeee waycism, its a cop out for why you are disliked and when your feelers are hurt.