Biden Is Delivering The Fastest Economic Recovery In History

He has gotten a free pass for the MSM considering what a disaster he has been.
He has not got a free pass from the MSM at all and he also hasn't been a disaster. If you want to see a disaster, review the four years Trump was President.

How anyone could have voted for the moron in the first place is troubling. What is even more troubling is there are those that still try to defend him and socialist policies while they are doing everything in their power to destroy this country.
I proudly voted for Biden in 2020 and I'm grateful I did. Our nation is once again headed in the right direction, although the neo-fascism that Trump represents continues to be a real and present threat to our nation.
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Where have I ever stated I believe Trump colluded with the Russians?

We do know though that Russia interfered in our 2016 election to help Trump get elected. He was their candidate. And that is all I have ever stated.

January 6 wasn't as bad as 9/11 and I challenge you to show me the post where I have ever claimed otherwise.

January 6 was a dark day in our nation's history though and Trump is to blame for it. Even his lackies at Fox News were texting Trump's Chief of Staff on that day freaking out. Laura Ingram said Trump was destroying his legacy!

Isn't it great to see what your propagandists are really saying when they aren't behind a Fox News camera?
LOL you are so easily manipulated. Can't wait to watch when this all comes back full circle as it always does.
  • Haha
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Can't wait to watch when this all comes back full circle as it always does.
When what comes back full circle?

Are you speaking of your propagandists' texts? Was it shocking for you to read what they really think when they aren't behind a Fox News camera? 🤣

What is hilarious (but not surprising) is how they were sending those texts, while saying something completely different on Fox News. And now that the texts have been revealed, they aren't apologizing for the lies they push on Fox News, they are just mad that they have been exposed.

They see you as a pawn 2012Bearcat. And you are all too willing to go along with their hate, lies, and misinformation.
He has not got a free pass from the MSM at all and he also hasn't been a disaster. If you want to see a disaster, review the four years Trump was President.

I proudly voted for Biden in 2020 and I'm grateful I did. Our nation is once again headed in the right direction, although the neo-fascism that Trump represents continues to be a real and present threat to our nation.
Good lord...You are freaking clueless!!!
When what comes back full circle?

Are you speaking of your propagandists' texts? Was it shocking for you to read what they really think when they aren't behind a Fox News camera? 🤣

What is hilarious (but not surprising) is how they were sending those texts, while saying something completely different on Fox News. And now that the texts have been revealed, they aren't apologizing for the lies they push on Fox News, they are just mad that they have been exposed.

They see you as a pawn 2012Bearcat. And you are all too willing to go along with their hate, lies, and misinformation.

A famous phrase that applies perfect to you.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see?"