Biden Is Delivering The Fastest Economic Recovery In History

Fed raises interest rates if they are concerned about inflation. They are reluctant to raise interest rates because that works by lowering demand in the economy, which means slower growth and higher unemployment. If the problem is supply higher interest rates will actually make it harder for supply chains, and prices to adjust and make productivity increasing investments.

Can't leave out the fact rising interest rates would put a huge strain on the national budget. How much extra would a half a point increase be on 30 trillion?
The same reason all Presidents ask the press to treat them better and focus some on the good news.

It is called good PR. It is called political messaging. Highlighting the good and asking the press to acknowledge it. What all Presidents do.

that would be a great point if it weren’t for the fact that the press lie and manipulate stories to be pro democrat all the time. This is pathetic even for your.
"Under Biden, the American economy has recovered from its Trump-era lows with remarkable speed. Just a year ago, the unemployment rate sat stubbornly at 6.7%. Today, only 4.2 percent of Americans are out of work. Similar economic recoveries have normally taken three times as long. The Biden administration is delivering on the fastest sustained economic recovery in American history."

"America’s rapid-fire economic recovery is a historic event. It’s time Democrats treated it like one worth celebrating."


trump Presidential era woes due to democrats in the house, the media and in influential state offices
that would be a great point if it weren’t for the fact that the press lie and manipulate stories to be pro democrat all the time.
lol, not true. The MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. Are they as insane with the attacks as conservative media?, of course not.

Go visit a Democrat board and listen to Democrats complain about CNN reporting and other MSM reporting, You might be shocked what you read.
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lol, not true. The MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. Are they as insane with the attacks as conservative media?, of course not.

Go visit a Democrat board and listen to Democrats complain about CNN reporting and other MSM reporting, You might be shocked what you read.

You don’t have to leave this thread to be shocked.

The same person that started this thread is talking about right wing propaganda.

And they don’t see the irony.

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lol, not true. The MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. Are they as insane with the attacks as conservative media?, of course not.

Go visit a Democrat board and listen to Democrats complain about CNN reporting and other MSM reporting, You might be shocked what you read.

i would not be shocked because leftist consumers of news are insane. They have been poisoned with Russia hoax and fake news stories from anonymous white officials. The thin skin of the prude left is so fragile that actual reporting of administration missteps is looked at as unfair. Can you link the unfair stories by cnn and msnbc?
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I’m glad you’re here. Been wanting to ask you about inflation. I remember several years ago that you explained that inflation could be controlled by the fed changing interest rates.

So here’s the question. Now that interest rates are next to nothing, what would be the next regulatory step to take? There’s got to be another variable in the equation and I have no idea what that would be. And if you have the time to answer this, please keep it simple. If it’s too complicated, no offense taken if you don’t want to invest the time and/or effort.
Here’s a small explanation of why the Fed is backed into a corner with inflation today, and why they can’t do the normal thing and raise interest rates. We are watching MMT in action, but, of course it isn’t *real* MMT.

Here’s a small explanation of why the Fed is backed into a corner with inflation today, and why they can’t do the normal thing and raise interest rates. We are watching MMT in action, but, of course it isn’t *real* MMT.

Will read.
I never said CNN or MSNBC had unfair stories. I said the MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. And they have been.

Again though, not as insane as Fox News and other conservative media has been.

If you think Fox News is more insane than msnbc and cnn then you need to be in a straight jacket. Real talk.

Tucker called out trump. Levin called out trump. Gutfeld called out trump. Chris Wallace roasted trump. Shep smith roasted trump. Juan Williams sole purpose in life was to call out trump, Geraldo who was bff’s with trump called him out on some outrageous things. Bill oreilly, same situation, they were friends but he confronted him in interviews in a very tough manner. Meghan Kelly famously jumped trumps ass at a debate and shit talked him later.

That is on top of the other 90% msm being 99% negative Trump. Biden is a bitch for opposing negative stories about his real and impactful failures.

Now you put together a lineup like that from cnn and msnbc going after any democrat like your precious fox news caricature talking point. All they had were the Lincoln project.
If you think Fox News is more insane than msnbc and cnn then you need to be in a straight jacket. Real talk.

Fox News is definitely more insane than CNN. MSNBC is the liberal counterpart to Fox News, I won't deny that. I don't really consider MSNBC as part of the MSM though. I consider it to be part of the leftist media.
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Fox News is definitely more insane than CNN. MSNBC is the liberal counterpart to Fox News, I won't deny that. I don't really consider MSNBC as part of the MSM though. I consider it to be part of the leftist media.

I just laid out how fair and balanced Fox news was and challenged you to prove your point and you can’t. Again you are a hollow debater and prove the leftist ideology cannot be defended with logic or rational parameters.
I just laid out how fair and balanced Fox news was
If you think Fox News is fair and balanced, you need your head examined! Fox News is deep in the tank for Republicans and Trump. Dang, even I can admit that MSNBC has a leftist slant (even though every now and then one of their commentators will say something negative about Biden, just as occurs on Fox News with Trump).

At least try to be intellectually honest for once.
I never said CNN or MSNBC had unfair stories. I said the MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. And they have been.

Again though, not as insane as Fox News and other conservative media has been.

If they’re “rather tough” on Biden, how was the coverage on Trump?
Here’s a small explanation of why the Fed is backed into a corner with inflation today, and why they can’t do the normal thing and raise interest rates. We are watching MMT in action, but, of course it isn’t *real* MMT.

These people just can't get over worrying about the budget deficit
Here’s a small explanation of why the Fed is backed into a corner with inflation today, and why they can’t do the normal thing and raise interest rates. We are watching MMT in action, but, of course it isn’t *real* MMT.

Also this guy still thinks money supply = inflation. What a joke
If you think Fox News is fair and balanced, you need your head examined! Fox News is deep in the tank for Republicans and Trump. Dang, even I can admit that MSNBC has a leftist slant (even though every now and then one of their commentators will say something negative about Biden, just as occurs on Fox News with Trump).

At least try to be intellectually honest for once.

i posted the evidence, which part do you dispute?
No one is lying to you, except the right-wing propagandists you constantly read/watch.

Now that's funny coming from someone who pushed and still believes Trump colluded with the Russians along with January 6th was worse than 9/11. You leftist are hilarious with your feeble attempts to paint the right as the problem.
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That hasn't been a plausible theory for at least decade now
And here we see the Pilt left wing version of “the science is settled.” I understand why you feel that way, inflation properly identified interferes with the collectivist economic vision proffered by the MMT crowd. The problem for MMTers is reality doesn’t bow to authoritarian whim.
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And here we see the Pilt left wing version of “the science is settled.” I understand why you feel that way, inflation properly identified interferes with the collectivist economic vision proffered by the MMT crowd. The problem for MMTers is reality doesn’t bow to authoritarian whim.
Dan, if you say that a money X% supply increase relative to goods and services available for exchange equals X% inflation, all it takes is one instance where that wasn't true to prove you wrong. In this case we don't have one instance we have a decade. And don't talk to me about authoritarian whim Mr. police on every corner.

Who can forget the 40% inflation back in 2014.
Dan, if you say that a money X% supply increase relative to goods and services available for exchange equals X% inflation, all it takes is one instance where that wasn't true to prove you wrong. In this case we don't have one instance we have a decade. And don't talk to me about authoritarian whim Mr. police on every corner.
If three months ago you could buy a sweater at Macy's for $120.00, and a pair of shoes for $120.00, but today they each cost $125.00, the relative comparative value between the sweater and shoes remain the same, you could still swap a sweater for a pair of shoes. But, assuming the quantity of sweaters and shoes remained the same over that three month period, the value of the money is no longer comparative, it has been devalued, you can no longer trade $120 for either of those products, it requires $125. That is an example of the meaning of inflation. It's really so simple even I can understand it. It requires the MMTers to try and muddy the waters in order for them to impose their vision on the rest of us. And I beg of you not to begin using the 2cent tactic of repeatedly echoing a comment out of context in an attempt to diminish what is being said.
If three months ago you could buy a sweater at Macy's for $120.00, and a pair of shoes for $120.00, but today they each cost $125.00, the relative comparative value between the sweater and shoes remain the same, you could still swap a sweater for a pair of shoes. But, assuming the quantity of sweaters and shoes remained the same over that three month period, the value of the money is no longer comparative, it has been devalued, you can no longer trade $120 for either of those products, it requires $125. That is an example of the meaning of inflation. It's really so simple even I can understand it. It requires the MMTers to try and muddy the waters in order for them to impose their vision on the rest of us. And I beg of you not to begin using the 2cent tactic of repeatedly echoing a comment out of context in an attempt to diminish what is being said.
Thanks Dan. I didn't know the meaning of inflation until you illustrated it so succinctly.

That matter at hand is A) will the fed need to to monetize the incremental debt caused by an increase in interest rates (maybe but probably not) B) if they do monetize the debt will that increase in monetary base translate in a 1:1 increas in money supply (this we are sure won't happen) C) will the increase in money supply result in a 1:1 increase in inflation (of this we are sure the answer is no)

Do not talk to me about authoritarianism
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Thanks Dan. I didn't know the meaning of inflation until you illustrated it so succinctly.

That matter at hand is A) will the fed need to to monetize the incremental debt caused by an increase in interest rates (maybe but probably not) B) if they do monetize the debt will that increase in monetary base translate in a 1:1 increas in money supply (this we are sure won't happen) C) will the increase in money supply result in a 1:1 increase in inflation (of this we are sure the answer is no)

Do not talk to me about authoritarianism
Then quit advocating it ar every turn.
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I never said CNN or MSNBC had unfair stories. I said the MSM has been rather tough on Biden this year. And they have been.

Again though, not as insane as Fox News and other conservative media has been.
He has gotten a free pass for the MSM considering what a disaster he has been. Biden is not fit for office and is an embarrassment to this country. He should have been run out of office months ago if the media did its job for multiple reasons. How anyone could have voted for the moron in the first place is troubling. What is even more troubling is there are those that still try to defend him and socialist policies while they are doing everything in their power to destroy this country.
Now that's funny coming from someone who pushed and still believes Trump colluded with the Russians
Where have I ever stated I believe Trump colluded with the Russians?

We do know though that Russia interfered in our 2016 election to help Trump get elected. He was their candidate. And that is all I have ever stated.

along with January 6th was worse than 9/11.
January 6 wasn't as bad as 9/11 and I challenge you to show me the post where I have ever claimed otherwise.

January 6 was a dark day in our nation's history though and Trump is to blame for it. Even his lackies at Fox News were texting Trump's Chief of Staff on that day freaking out. Laura Ingram said Trump was destroying his legacy!

Isn't it great to see what your propagandists are really saying when they aren't behind a Fox News camera?

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