Biden Finally Beats Trump

I have no problem dealing with the Electoral College. Just like I have no problem dealing with the popular vote, unlike you.
Uhhhh, yes, Team D has won the popular vote!!! You want a cookie or what?!!!?!!? You're like Rain Man without a cerebral cortex.

Now, how'd that popular vote turn out in 2016, boot breath?
Keep Dancing for us 2pesos!

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Trump the politician . . . miserable scum. Truest words you have ever posted!😎

This is why they hate Trump and label him a racist.

Why is racism always pushed by the left and the media before every election? Why are they trying to divide this country? Did you know that Trump was never considered a racist before he ran for office? Did you know he was a major Democratic donor for Jesse Jackson's presidential run twice? Here are a few videos everybody should watch.

1) Chris Wallace asked Trump the same "white supremacists" question in March 2016! -MSM is irredeemable

2) Trump condemns white supremacists

3) Trump: Let me be clear, I condemn the KKK, white supremacists and the Proud Boys

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1) Now let's hear from Joe Biden, who we all know is a perfect saint, expressing how he really feels. I'll bet most people will not be able to stomach watching more than one minute.

2) Judge Joe Brown goes off on Joe Biden for his first hand account of Joe's racism AND also goes after Kamala Harris.

Let's learn more about the REAL Joe Biden. The reason why most people haven't seen these videos is because Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and many others take down these videos immediately. That is Nazi style censorship and a way for the far LEFT to create a narrative. And most people are NOT doing their own research and therefore many believe these lies.

1) Here are some clips of Joe Biden speaking freely on how he feels about black people.

2) Joe Biden is creepy with kids and females. Have you ever searched using Joe Biden and sniffing, groping, or kissing? I'll bet you won't make it past the first minute of this video either.

3) Girl Admits That Joe Biden Pinched Her Nipple When She was Only Eight

4) Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls

5) Joe Biden bragging about his Ukraine quid pro quo.

6) Joe Biden admitting his dealings with Ukraine in a leaked secret recording of his conversations.

7) New York Post article regarding leaked tapes between Joe Biden and the President of Ukraine.

8) Joe Biden is confused.

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Reactions: davidallen
The TRUTH about the left.

1) Malcolm X warning from 60 years ago

2) Black Republican and the history of the KKK

3) I thought black lives matter. I guess only sometimes.