Beto on abortion

“Well, Beto, when does it have value? Hours before birth? Minutes before birth? Seconds? Right before the first cry?”

Weasel POS. I hope that guy ends up having to hawk Cheap and tacky UFO souvenirs to tourists in Marfa or Roswell for a living.
“Well, Beto, when does it have value? Hours before birth? Minutes before birth? Seconds? Right before the first cry?”

Weasel POS. I hope that guy ends up having to hawk Cheap and tacky UFO souvenirs to tourists in Marfa or Roswell for a living.
After it chooses its gender, as long as that chosen gender is different than biological gender.
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Twenty years ago Democrats thought that abortion should be "rare" and they unanimously rejected late-term abortion. Now they think it is ok for a woman to MURDER her baby one day before the due date.
We have been told that the man is also responsible for the baby? Does the father have any say in that decision?
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Mr. O'Rourke: In the very recent past there has been a large hue and cry that "Black Lives Matter." While I agree that black lives do, indeed, matter, I would ask you if my life as a white person matters? And if you agree that my life matters I would ask you at what point in my existence as a human being did my life begin to matter? I wonder if you could point out the exact moment when a life matters, and could you please explain what tipped the scales into making it matter at that point in time?
Mr. O'Rourke: In the very recent past there has been a large hue and cry that "Black Lives Matter." While I agree that black lives do, indeed, matter, I would ask you if my life as a white person matters? And if you agree that my life matters I would ask you at what point in my existence as a human being did my life begin to matter? I wonder if you could point out the exact moment when a life matters, and could you please explain what tipped the scales into making it matter at that point in time?

Apparently once they cut the umbilical cord and the kid is no longer a parasite on the mother? I can't come up with any other justification for allowing the termination of a legitimately viable life.
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Over 95% of the time the choice was made when two people decided to have sex.

It's very easy, for those already born, to be pro choice.
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Just have to say it again, Beto is a worthless, unethical, godless, evil, POS that should his life come to a untimely end, many people will not shed a tear and will find the enjoyable irony in his life being snuffed out by chance and not choice.

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