Doctor I talked to yesterday (I tested negative yesterday and he discussed COVID with me) said Omnicron multiplies fast. Said that if you are going to show symptoms from it, usually will happen in 24 hours and he had one patient that was exposed in the morning around 8 and by 4 had symptoms and tested positive.
He also said that most people have nothing to worry about with this variant, unless you have co-morbidities or compromised immune system. He said he has seen a bunch of patients test positive and only one has he had to admit due to Omincron and they had co-morbidities.
He said just about everyone will get this virus, no matter what you do, that it is that contagious. His prediction was once this variant burned itself out that America will move on, or at least needs to. He said the virus is getting weaker as it mutates and it needs to be treated like the flu. Said some Americans probably will never be able to get past being scared of COVID.
He was in a really upbeat mood about the virus. I did not ask any questions at all, I just expected my test results. I thought perhaps due to my age maybe he thought I might be scared or something.
He said you will get it, when you do don't get upset about it, even doing everything right you will get it. Don't worry, you are most likely to be asymptomatic or get sick and not need to be hospitalized and you will be just fine.
I went to a Mercy clinic, Doctor was in his 40's, not my regular Doctor.
Just passing on what he said.