Anyone watching the Clowns, I mean Dems tonight?


Heisman Winner
Mar 23, 2004

I’m tuned in. I had a good chuckle when Beto started speaking in Spanish and the look on Bookers face was priceless.
Also, Elizabeth Warren got one heck of a draw tonight. She’s going to go up in the polls a lot after this, not a single one on the stage with her is a contender, zero.
Opioid addiction topic is interesting and wish more time would have been spent on it. In this case I might agree with some of the candidates that Pharm companies and doctors should be regulated more when it comes to deadly drugs and should be held liable in some cases of sheer disregard in handing out opioids, decriminalize some drug charges, and get these people help in treatment.
Mayor de Blasio... raising taxes is going to be hurting those working families that you are “fighting forL. They understand that immigrants aren’t taking thurrrrr jobs.
Inslee passing law in Washington about abolishing detention camps is absurd. Washington State, one of the furthest areas from the border crisis with Mexico. Talk about a wash of time.
I read a lot, retired, at any rate, I read that were it not for illegal labor, the minimum wage would be 13 per hour.
Currently at 7.25.
Definitely a need for labor that is provided by illegal immigrants but I would look into temporary work visas that allow for those to live in the US (and pay taxes) for that amount of time. Could be renewed and that person could bring immediate family only for that time. They could apply for citizenship and get in line just like the rest of those seeking entry into the country.
Huge difference in Chuck’s demeanor now as opposed to his last big TV moment on Sunday morning. I keep waiting for him to continually interrupt the candidates and be an asshole in general, but he’s just not coming through.
Opioids kill more in a week than all school shootings ever, combined. Fear monger at its finest right here.
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