**Afghanistan master thread**

I was told by friends (officers at the time who were there in the early days) that Afghanistan would end up being a Vietnam level quagmire (or worse).

Turns out they were right -- it was worse.
Like is agree - Like is not I Like the way this has all ended up.

I supported going to Afghanistan. I supported the surge. I feel like a fool.
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Dave take the L and move on. You can’t spin out of this one.
More like DQ’d, dropped out. DNF. This pussy Prez never even tried to do anything to show leadership. Never even showed up to work, clocked in to receive a check and then does nothing. Hide and not take questions. Loss indicates you competed.

Biden is a yellow belly chicken shit traitor. What do Americans hate more than a loser? Someone that runs and hides.
More like DQ’d, dropped out. DNF. This pussy Prez never even tried to do anything to show leadership. Never even showed up to work, clocked in to receive a check and then does nothing. Hide and not take questions. Loss indicates you competed.

Biden is yellow belly chicken shit traitor. What do Americans hate more than a loser? Someone that runs and hides.
Chickenshit would be to just keep sending other people's kids to Afghanistan to avoid the political fallout of finally getting the US out. That would be chickenshit. Easy too.
Chickenshit would be to just keep sending other people's kids to Afghanistan to avoid the political fallout of finally getting the US out. That would be chickenshit. Easy too.
Jeez, you still trying that angle to save face? NO ONE disputes getting out. Not very nuanced are you when it comes to team Biden. I am not going to point out the obvious problem with your statement, it was used many days ago and all of MSM and many Dims and most Reps have shot it to hell. Especially former military personnel who fought and some wounded severely. Too bad your family not stuck over there so you can praise team Biden from Afghanistan, I mean that Dave. You are as cold hearted as Biden. You deserve to be stuck over there to get some perspective.
Jeez, you still trying that angle to save face? NO ONE disputes getting out. Not very nuanced are you when it comes to team Biden. I am not going to point out the obvious problem with your statement, it was used many days ago and all of MSM and many Dims and most Reps have shot it to hell. Especially former military personnel who fought and some wounded severely. Too bad your family not stuck over there so you can praise team Biden from Afghanistan, I mean that Dave. You are as cold hearted as Biden. You deserve to be stuck over there to get some perspective.
I am sure nothing feels more triumphant to a QOP type than slamming a POTUS for ending a war his predecessors started and lost.

You guys have had a long dry spell.
I am sure nothing feels more triumphant to a QOP type than slamming a POTUS for ending a war his predecessors started and lost.

You guys have had a long dry spell.
Aaaaaaaand there it is

I do not see how Biden can continue as president after this. He either resigns in disgrace or his handlers will find a way to “eliminate” him. He’d better be very careful what he eats and drinks from now on. Or he’d better watch what drugs he’s given by his medical staff.

I KNEW you weren't for getting out of that war!! The only potus w the balls do do it and all you do is bitch!
I am sure nothing feels more triumphant to a QOP type than slamming a POTUS for ending a war his predecessors started and lost.

You guys have had a long dry spell.
They are SO DAMN THIRSTY for something beaides having their colossal political failures stuck up their ass, now they're all in the vapors over losing americans in Afghanistan.

They hate america and want it to fail. They failed to get OBL, failed in Iraq, failed on 911, and now they want 20 years of more failure in afghanistan. We can't get out of this afghanistan shithole fast enough. Thank god a real potus has the balls to get us out. We're finally getting out. There's nothing they can do to stop it, either. We're leaving.
I KNEW you weren't for getting out of that war!! The only potus w the balls do do it and all you do is bitch!
One of the best posts on this thread so far!

You are exactly right sy. Dan has been posting for years about how we need to get out of these wars. Some of these other posters too were wanting us out of Afghanistan.

Now all they want to do is bitch and moan about what withdrawing looks like! Somehow Biden is "soft" and "chicken shit" because he is doing exactly what they wanted. It makes no sense other then they just want a reason to criticize Biden. To heck with what they claim their policy positions to be.
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You guys are becoming something out of an Orwell novel.

“bItChInG aBoUt WhAt It LoOkS lIkE”

Holy Shit 😅 🤣 😂 😂


I was told by friends (officers at the time who were there in the early days) that Afghanistan would end up being a Vietnam level quagmire (or worse).

Turns out they were right -- it was worse.
Its got so many obvious historic parallels to vietnam. Both had long histories of bogging down adversaries in godawful terrain and eventually winning. Dien bien phu? Russia in afghanistan? England in afghanistan? We were gonna be different in both cases, I guess. Did you know Ike declined to get involved in vietnam at the height of the cold war, under pressure? He said the supply lines were too long. That's a general's way of saying it's too far away.

What has our objective been? We shouldn't be in a war unless everybody knows the objective, from generals to first graders. We're supposed to be a christian nation, why always so eager to kill?

I'm still amazed we tried to occupy and install a government. Our supposedly smartest people were just totally devoid of any awareness of some basic history. That or they were so, so arrogant and over confident.

And our military. I'm sorry, I just have questions. Lots and lots of them. The $ we've pissed away. Biden's the only POTUS in my lifetime that actually stood up to the military industrial complex Ike warned us about. Maybe don't fall in line with them and back the guy in the white hat?
I am sure nothing feels more triumphant to a QOP type than slamming a POTUS for ending a war his predecessors started and lost.

You guys have had a long dry spell.

One last thing: they were getting thousands airlifted out in a heluva effort. Someone sure got that going after the initial bottlenecks.
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One of the best posts on this thread so far!

You are exactly right sy. Dan has been posting for years about how we need to get out of these wars. Some of these other posters too were wanting us out of Afghanistan.

Now all they want to do is bitch and moan about what withdrawing looks like! Somehow Biden is "soft" and "chicken shit" because he is doing exactly what they wanted. It makes no sense other then they just want a reason to criticize Biden. To heck with what they claim their policy positions to be.
They're so mad we're leaving. Trump just pissed down their leg and Biden's actually getting it done. They haven't seen a POTUS actually get something done in 5 years, they're confused.
They are SO DAMN THIRSTY for something beaides having their colossal political failures stuck up their ass, now they're all in the vapors over losing americans in Afghanistan.

They hate america and want it to fail. They failed to get OBL, failed in Iraq, failed on 911, and now they want 20 years of more failure in afghanistan. We can't get out of this afghanistan shithole fast enough. Thank god a real potus has the balls to get us out. We're finally getting out. There's nothing they can do to stop it, either. We're leaving
They're so mad we're leaving. Trump just pissed down their leg and Biden's actually getting it done. They haven't seen a POTUS actually get something done in 5 years, they're confused.
I can understand neo-conservatives and those who think we should stay in Afghanistan being upset about what is going on. They disagree with Biden's decision to leave and therefore they are going to criticize what is taking place.

What I don't understand is those who have said for years that we need to get out of Afghanistan and end these wars now criticizing Biden for doing what they wanted! Freaking out now over the consequences of the policy they had been advocating for.

Either they didn't really want us to leave like you posted or they are just criticizing Biden because that is all they know how to do (even when he does what they want lol).
I am sure nothing feels more triumphant to a QOP type than slamming a POTUS for ending a war his predecessors started and lost.

You guys have had a long dry spell.
Another dumbazz. Congress approved the war in Afghanistan, the Senate and House, with only ONE no vote. One. One. One. How many Dims voted for it Dave? You can’t count that high.

My we forget and Libs always point fingers at someone else.

This was a US war you dumbazz, and you rejoice in “Republicans” losing it. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. American and ally lives are being lost and America is being humiliated over the operational incompetency of winding it down with NO discussion and planning with our allies. We have lost all international respect.

This was a US war, started with only one no vote, and Dim and Rep Congressional men and woman approved budget after budget, and Dim Presidents have been in charge of the war for 50% of its time. Joe was VP under Obama.

But the operational complete failure of the pull out, the complete betrayal of our allies, and the moral cold heartedness of needless deaths to have a pullout for a 9/11 photo op? All under the watch of the worst Democratic President in US history.

Go suck a deek Dave. You celebrate today and blame American deaths today with revisionist political history. You are no American Dave, your a pathetic Dim first, and a sorry excuse for a human second.
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I can understand neo-conservatives and those who think we should stay in Afghanistan being upset about what is going on. They disagree with Biden's decision to leave and therefore they are going to criticize what is taking place.

What I don't understand is those who have said for years that we need to get out of Afghanistan and end these wars now criticizing Biden for doing what they wanted! Freaking out now over the consequences of the policy they had been advocating for.

Either they didn't really want us to leave like you posted or they are just criticizing Biden because that is all they know how to do (even when he does what they want lol).

No idea huh? Just can’t figure it out?

Just gonna sit there like

No idea huh? Just can’t figure it out?

Just gonna sit there like
If he can’t tell what folks are frustrated about I think he is a prime candidate for the permanent bike helmet with a ridin with Biden sticker on it.
If he can’t tell what folks are frustrated about I think he is a prime candidate for the permanent bike helmet with a ridin with Biden sticker on it.
Again, I can understand why those who think we should not be leaving Afghanistan are frustrated about. I think they are wrong to think we should stay in Afghanistan, but I understand their policy position.

However, for those who have claimed for years that we need to end these wars and get out of Afghanistan, I don't understand their frustration. If they want to claim they are frustrated because of what is happening or how this is being "handled," they need to think long and hard about what they expected was going to happen when we withdrew. Withdrawal from Afghanistan was never going to go smoothly, was never going to go perfectly, and was not going to be easy. Especially when the government collapsed. It didn't matter who was President.

Has mistakes been made? Sure. But that happens in situations like this. However, Biden is doing what he said he was going to do and what most Americans wanted (he is overseeing a historic withdraw). He is getting us out of a twenty year war. And that isn't easy or pretty.
If he can’t tell what folks are frustrated about I think he is a prime candidate for the permanent bike helmet with a ridin with Biden sticker on it.
It’s a remarkable thing to watch. To @MR. TANNER BOYLE point I knew the derangement would only increase as things went, but the speed and degree has truly exceeded all my expectations 🤣
Again, I can understand why those who think we should not be leaving Afghanistan are frustrated about. I think they are wrong to think we should stay in Afghanistan, but I understand their policy position.

However, for those who have claimed for years that we need to end these wars and get out of Afghanistan, I don't understand their frustration. If they want to claim they are frustrated because of what is happening or how this is being "handled," they need to think long and hard about what they expected was going to happen when we withdrew. Withdrawal from Afghanistan was never going to go smoothly, was never going to go perfectly, and was not going to be easy. Especially when the government collapsed. It didn't matter who was President.

Has mistakes been made? Sure. But that happens in situations like this. However, Biden is doing what he said he was going to do and what most Americans wanted (he is overseeing a historic withdraw). He is getting us out of a twenty year war. And that isn't easy or pretty.
^^^likely disingenuous but oh well^^^

-Bidens own statements and decisions over the course of the last 8 months
-Situation going full on World War Z
-Biden statements contradicting earlier statements
-Biden admin constantly moving goalposts after dumpster fire commenced
-WH, State, Pentagon, Intel all contradicting each other

But then just brush those off as “mistakes” and all good, amirite?