About The Reported Lack Of Debate(s) In The Democratic Primary Season

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
The standard procedure is for the candidates to stand eye to eye and hash out their differences so the voting public can watch and make an informed decision on who they want to lead. It would seem the Democrats are going to forego any debates between the sitting president and those who want to replace him. Curious. I wonder why. Anybody have any ideas on why the reluctance to let people see the candidates perform on the hot seat?
So you’re unable to determine how the candidate you’re not voting for stacks up against all the other candidates that you’re not voting for. And I thought I had a lot of shit to deal with!!!!!!!
Yes, it’s quite a dilemma for me.
Good grief Dan, even our dog knows the answer to that one. The demented old fool is TOTALLY incapable to participate. The challengers would destroy him.
I’m sure that’s what one would think. I was wondering if any Democrat apologists on the board would offer up a different take. They usually have a different spin for every contingency.
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Again, a Kennedy is a Kennedy. Not hard to understand Dan. Slick Willy's smiling on you. 😁
I’m not sure I understand what your gripe is with the Kennedy clan, but it’s obviously deeply rooted.

It is generally understood that RFK, Jr. has no chance to win the nomination, and that’s probably right. On the other hand if Democratic primary voters realize their option is to vote for Biden, who is leading this country down the road to perdition, or RFK, Jr., who espouses common sense like the aforementioned link and who seeks a national reconciliation and who would try his best to bring peace between the parties and peace between nations, maybe they’ll choose Jr and shock the party as badly as Trump did in 2016. I honestly believe Jr would beat Trump in the general. And IMO that would be a very good thing.
I’m not sure I understand what your gripe is with the Kennedy clan, but it’s obviously deeply rooted.

It is generally understood that RFK, Jr. has no chance to win the nomination, and that’s probably right. On the other hand if Democratic primary voters realize their option is to vote for Biden, who is leading this country down the road to perdition, or RFK, Jr., who espouses common sense like the aforementioned link and who seeks a national reconciliation and who would try his best to bring peace between the parties and peace between nations, maybe they’ll choose Jr and shock the party as badly as Trump did in 2016. I honestly believe Jr would beat Trump in the general. And IMO that would be a very good thing.
All I see is bills and hills perpetual smiles. On you Dan. 👍
I’m not sure I understand what your gripe is with the Kennedy clan, but it’s obviously deeply rooted.

It is generally understood that RFK, Jr. has no chance to win the nomination, and that’s probably right. On the other hand if Democratic primary voters realize their option is to vote for Biden, who is leading this country down the road to perdition, or RFK, Jr., who espouses common sense like the aforementioned link and who seeks a national reconciliation and who would try his best to bring peace between the parties and peace between nations, maybe they’ll choose Jr and shock the party as badly as Trump did in 2016. I honestly believe Jr would beat Trump in the general. And IMO that would be a very good thing.
They don't want to hear the truth bombs he's dropping.

The standard procedure is for the candidates to stand eye to eye and hash out their differences so the voting public can watch and make an informed decision on who they want to lead. It would seem the Democrats are going to forego any debates between the sitting president and those who want to replace him. Curious. I wonder why. Anybody have any ideas on why the reluctance to let people see the candidates perform on the hot seat?
Good grief Dan, even our dog knows the answer to that one. The demented old fool is TOTALLY incapable to participate. The challengers would destroy him.
Now both of you, comment on Donald Trump's thoughts regarding debates for the Republican nomination in 2024.
Both JFK and RFK would look at today’s Democratic Party with utter contempt.
You have completely lost your mind.

You do know that many members of the Kennedy family are supporting Biden over RFK Jr., correct?

One of the most dedicated Democratic political families ever, and you would have people believe JFK and RFK would hate Democrats today.🙄 Dang man, even RFK Jr. is still a Democrat.

Stop with your foolishness. Just stop.
You have completely lost your mind.

You do know that many members of the Kennedy family are supporting Biden over RFK Jr., correct?

One of the most dedicated Democratic political families ever, and you would have people believe JFK and RFK would hate Democrats today.🙄 Dang man, even RFK Jr. is still a Democrat.

Stop with your foolishness. Just stop.
Yes, I’m well aware that many Kennedy family members today cling to the establishment. RFK Jr. is not like them, he has a mind of his own and that’s one of the things I like about him. I do believe JFK & RFK would be appalled at the wokeness, racism, divisiveness and authoritarianism of today’s Democratic Party. While they were not bona fide libertarians I think they fall much closer to libertarianism than the hard core anti-free speech collectivism that the Democratic Party has sunk to.
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Now both of you, comment on Donald Trump's thoughts regarding debates for the Republican nomination in 2024.
Let me put it in terms you might understand. IMO Joe Biden (his handlers, he’s too brain damaged to matter) is the only thing I can think of who would be worse for the future of this country than Donald Trump. Satisfied?
Yes, I’m well aware that many Kennedy family members today cling to the establishment. RFK Jr. is not like them, he has a mind of his own and that’s one of the things I like about him. I do believe JFK & RFK would be appalled at the wokeness, racism, divisiveness and authoritarianism of today’s Democratic Party. While thay were not bona fide libertarians I think they fall much closer to libertarianism than the hard core anti-free speech collectivism that the Democratic Party has sunk to.
Wrong. It has nothing to do with the "establishment." The Kennedy family are Democrats. Including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running for the Democratic nomination.

Indeed, the modern day Democratic Party owes much to the Kennedy family. They helped transform the Democratic Party into what it is today. Have you forgotten that Senator Edward Kennedy, the brother of JFK and RFK, endorsed Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008? And he did so by harkening back to his brothers and what they wanted for this country!

Now, tell me how the Lion of the Senate, one of the most liberal Senators of his day, Edward Kennedy, wasn't like his brothers. Go ahead, you foolish nitwit.

The Kennedys have never fallen close to libertarianism. Not even close. Dang man, what are you talking about?🙄

You sound like one of these Q nuts down in Dallas waiting on John F. Kennedy Jr. to show up from the dead and endorse Trump.
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Let me put it in terms you might understand. IMO Joe Biden (his handlers, he’s too brain damaged to matter) is the only thing I can think of who would be worse for the future of this country than Donald Trump. Satisfied?
No, I want you to comment on Donald Trump's thoughts regarding debates for the Republican nomination in 2024. I already know you want Trump over Biden.

So again, got any comments about what Trump has said regarding debating his primary opponents?

Anything at all?
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This thread is the perfect example of how little @Ponca Dan knows about American politics. He wants us all to believe that JFK and RFK would hate the Democratic Party today. That they were somehow libertarians.🤣🤣

Yet, their whole family loves the Democratic Party today. And always have.

This is absolutely hilarious!

RFK, a hero of modern day liberals, would really be backing the Republican Party today!🤣🤣

Thanks for the laughs Dan..
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Wrong. It has nothing to do with the "establishment." The Kennedy family are Democrats. Including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running for the Democratic nomination.

Indeed, the modern day Democratic Party owes much to the Kennedy family. They helped transform the Democratic Party into what it is today. Have you forgotten that Senator Edward Kennedy, the brother of JFK and RFK, endorsed Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008? And he did so by harkening back to his brothers and what they wanted for this country!

Now, tell me how the Lion of the Senate, one of the most liberal Senators of his day, Edward Kennedy, wasn't like his brothers. Go ahead, you foolish nitwit.

The Kennedys have never fallen close to libertarianism. Not even close. Dang man, what are you talking about?🙄

You sound like one of these Q nuts down in Dallas waiting on John F. Kennedy Jr. to show up from the dead and endorse Trump.
God what a drunk, loser, murderer Teddy was.
Good grief Dan, even our dog knows the answer to that one. The demented old fool is TOTALLY incapable to participate. The challengers would destroy him.
It's declarations such as this that embolden me to place JimmyBob as one of the board's smartest members. We have the board's slow 10. The board's majority can name them. If we had the board's brightest 10, guess who would be a member.
Robert F. Kennedy . . .

My God, man, did you even watch that video? I didn’t see a single thing or hear a single word he said that reflects the thinking of today’s Democrat Party. As I said earlier he was much closer to libertarianism than the vacuous, shrill, hate-filled and divisive rhetoric of any establishment Democrat in 2023. You ruined your argument by posting that video.
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Don't hold your breath.
Excellent point. If you’ll notice the lone Democrat who replied to this thread never commented on the despotic methodology being used by his superiors, only wanted to shift focus onto Donald Trump and/or the Kennedy family. Rather cowardly, wouldn’t you agree?