Aaron Mate On Judging Freedom

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Reveals new information on Russia, Russia, Russia. Here you go, MAGA men, a left winger (oh, the horror!) defends the Orange Man. (How can that be? Left wingers are lying, insufferable commies that we are suppose to never listen to.)

Funny you don't realize this guy has been highly skeptical of the Russia Russia narrative since the beginning.

What should be concerning to all about this interview, it's another piece of the puzzle showing what is referred to as the deep state is very real and not working in the best interest of the American people. In addition it reinforces the instincts of most everyone on this board is correct.
Left-wingers are lying, insufferable commies. But we should listen to them. How else can we logically refute their nonsense, when they spew it. Unfortunately, the left hasn't learned that. They need their 'safe spaces'. They hide behind masks.

As for this story, I think I've basically been saying this since before Russia actually entered Ukraine. Maybe if the leftist media hadn't waited 10 years to decide to start actually looking in the mirror for the world's problems, we wouldn't be where we are today.
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Left-wingers are lying, insufferable commies. But we should listen to them. How else can we logically refute their nonsense, when they spew it. Unfortunately, the left hasn't learned that. They need their 'safe spaces'. They hide behind masks.

As for this story, I think I've basically been saying this since before Russia actually entered Ukraine. Maybe if the leftist media hadn't waited 10 years to decide to start actually looking in the mirror for the world's problems, we wouldn't be where we are today.
In defense of this journalist, he was highly skeptical and didn't trust the Russia Russia narrative from the very beginning.
Hooray. One drop of independent thinking in an ocean of leftist, group-think media.
You seem intent on living in your own bubble of group think. You are told that all leftists are alike, that they are what you’ve been manipulated into thinking they are, and when you hear one that does not sound like you’ve been told they all sound like you make a comment like this. Newsflash: there are multiple iterations of leftists, not just one cookie cutter version you’ve been told about. There are many leftists in the Aaron Mate mode, and your life would be multitudes better if you sought them out and listened to them. Who knows, you may be shocked to discover some of your opinions are left-wing opinions!
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You seem intent on living in your own bubble of group think. You are told that all leftists are alike, that they are what you’ve been manipulated into thinking they are, and when you hear one that does not sound like you’ve been told they all sound like you make a comment like this. Newsflash: there are multiple iterations of leftists, not just one cookie cutter version you’ve been told about. There are many leftists in the Aaron Mate mode, and your life would be multitudes better if you sought them out and listened to them. Who knows, you may be shocked to discover some of your opinions are left-wing opinions!
I wouldn't be shocked if some of my opinions align to the left. I'm a right-leaning libertarian who doesn't rely on the media to tell me how to think. I agree that their are some in media that have common sense. But few of them have real platforms. Mainstream media is group think. There is no difference in the coverage, story selections or narratives between NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. (Other than Fox of course, but they're just as one-sided and narrative driven). Even those media members that do try to fit into the middle today, were happy to travel the lefty road till they weren't. Look at Bill Maher. He's coming around now to the absurdity that is the far left, but was happy to build his brand initially by riding the lefty echo chamber.
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I wouldn't be shocked if some of my opinions align to the left. I'm a right-leaning libertarian who doesn't rely on the media to tell me how to think. I agree that their are some in media that have common sense. But few of them have real platforms. Mainstream media is group think. There is no difference in the coverage, story selections or narratives between NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. (Other than Fox of course, but they're just as one-sided and narrative driven). Even those media members that do try to fit into the middle today, were happy to travel the lefty road till they weren't. Look at Bill Maher. He's coming around now to the absurdity that is the far left, but was happy to build his brand initially by riding the lefty echo chamber.
Dan's scratching.
I wouldn't be shocked if some of my opinions align to the left. I'm a right-leaning libertarian who doesn't rely on the media to tell me how to think. I agree that their are some in media that have common sense. But few of them have real platforms. Mainstream media is group think. There is no difference in the coverage, story selections or narratives between NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. (Other than Fox of course, but they're just as one-sided and narrative driven). Even those media members that do try to fit into the middle today, were happy to travel the lefty road till they weren't. Look at Bill Maher. He's coming around now to the absurdity that is the far left, but was happy to build his brand initially by riding the lefty echo chamber.
You’re a right leaning libertarian? Which libertarian literature have you read that brought you to that position? What is a right leaning libertarian and how does that differ from a straight-down-the-middle libertarian?
You’re a right leaning libertarian? Which libertarian literature have you read that brought you to that position? What is a right leaning libertarian and how does that differ from a straight-down-the-middle libertarian?
That's the difference between you and I. You live in fantasy land where libertarianism=no government, and I live in the real world, where the application of common sense and pragmatism apply and thus libertarianism = smaller government.
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That's the difference between you and I. You live in fantasy land where libertarianism=no government, and I live in the real world, where the application of common sense and pragmatism apply and thus libertarianism = smaller government.
Not sure I've ever seen Ponca say what you claim.

I consider myself a right leaning Libertarian. Ideologically I'm with Milton Friedman when he said "Take Libertarianism as far as you can take it."

Then when reality of the ballot box hits, I vote Republican since they're significantly less evil than the Demoncrats.

Seems you're trying to argue that blind-folded guzzling of Republican politicians' "special sauce" with glee is the way to go. Did I get it about right?
Not sure I've ever seen Ponca say what you claim.
Then you've not been on the board long enough.
I consider myself a right leaning Libertarian. Ideologically I'm with Milton Friedman when he said "Take Libertarianism as far as you can take it."

Then when reality of the ballot box hits, I vote Republican since they're significantly less evil than the Demoncrats.
Much like myself.

Seems you're trying to argue that blind-folded guzzling of Republican politicians' "special sauce" with glee is the way to go. Did I get it about right?
No idea where you got this? I criticize Republicans on this board with frequency. I'm pro-life but there a number of posts about how I feel that Republicans are being extreme on that topic. I've been critical of Trump because he didn't drain the swamp and gut sucked in and neutered by the Faucis of the world. And Republicans haven't been for smaller government. They just want to spend the money on different pet projects than the Libs do. Republicans didn't gut FISA. They didn't gut the DOJ. They continue to push for military funding around the world. So no, I don't promote guzzling the "republican" special sauce, nor have I ever implied the like.
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