Iths a Corn-spirathcy!Deer Lowered. All this time you've been dug in and now she wont be charged? Why not?
Iths a Corn-spirathcy!Deer Lowered. All this time you've been dug in and now she wont be charged? Why not?
People who have no respect of the rule of law are dangerous -- mostly to others.
Yes I absolutely agree, unfortunately the left in this country refuses to hold their own accountable.
The fact that you bought hook, line and sinker into trumps word games with collusion is hilarious. Collusion isn’t illegal so why is he so freaked out about it?
Yes I absolutely agree, unfortunately the left in this country refuses to hold their own accountable.
Iths a Corn-spirathcy!
Deer Lowered. All this time you've been dug in and now she wont be charged? Why not?
Brother, let me tell you a secret. The Dems let trump run with the Collusion word, he has been trying to desensitize his base to it. When the conspiracy charges continue to drop it will be glorious to watch the pivot.The fact that you think THAT is the word game is hilarious.
I know collusion isn't illegal and YET that's the word that's been bandied about by Dem leadership since day one. That's colloquially what it is known as for lack of a better term - which would be conspiracy. And that's your theory. You are a conspiracy theorist.
Trump is owned by Russia, therefore Trump is a Russian asset. Where’s the beef?I'm just not that big an optimist. You on the other hand, are a grown ass man who until recently (please tell me you still do) believed Trump was a Russian asset. What kind of idiot believes that? Simple question.
The fact that you think THAT is the word game is hilarious.
I know collusion isn't illegal and YET that's the word that's been bandied about by Dem leadership since day one. That's colloquially what it is known as for lack of a better term - which would be conspiracy. And that's your theory. You are a conspiracy theorist.
Trump is owned by Russia, therefore Trump is a Russian asset. Where’s the beef?
I'm just not that big an optimist. You on the other hand, are a grown ass man who until recently (please tell me you still do) believed Trump was a Russian asset. What kind of idiot believes that? Simple question.
This is where we differ, I hope for the best prepare for the worst. Mueller and Barr a very good friends, Comey believes in him take that for what it’s worth, the DOJ said he didn’t need to recuse unlike their recommendations for Whittaker and Sessions. I kept my torch and pitchfork at arms length however.Still playing word games. No need to split hairs at this point, it doesn't matter. The Republicans in the Senate will have his back no matter what the evidence is. There is literally nothing a republican can do that would make them abandon him. Barr will protect him from any prosecution.
No beef. It's how I can tell the morons from the rest of us.
This is where we differ, I hope for the best prepare for the worst. Mueller and Barr a very good friends, Comey believes in him take that for what it’s worth, the DOJ said he didn’t need to recuse unlike their recommendations for Whittaker and Sessions. I kept my torch and pitchfork at arms length however.
Cool, cool. I’m good with you being on that side of a very clear line. Your with Him. We get it.No beef. It's how I can tell the morons from the rest of us.
The Republicans in the Senate will have his back no matter what the evidence is
There is literally nothing a republican can do that would make them abandon him.
Barr will protect him from any prosecution.
Cool, cool. I’m good with you being on that side of a very clear line. Your with Him. We get it.
Sorry I wasn’t specific, I meant Q, not Trump. We got it.I voted for him. I have been shocked at how well he's done with the economy. He's appointed the judges I wanted him to appoint. Beyond that, he's an employee.
What I am WITH, is people who know a clumsy coup and media assisted cover up when they see one. Trump's done a great job with the economy and judicial appointments, and he trolls political morons like a got dam boss. What is not to like?
Brother, let me tell you a secret. The Dems let trump run with the Collusion word, he has been trying to desensitize his base to it. When the conspiracy charges continue to drop it will be glorious to watch the pivot.
What I am WITH, is people who know a clumsy coup and media assisted cover up when they see one. Trump's done a great job with the economy and judicial appointments, and he trolls political morons like a got dam boss. What is not to like?
Is 39-46% approval with only 23-26% strong approval numbers in this good of an economy sound like solid re-election numbers to you?This level of TDS = MAGA Re-election.
It's best to let such illnesses run their course.
Yep, pretty much.Is 39-46% approval with only 23-26% strong approval numbers in this good of an economy sound like solid re-election numbers to you?
Go home, little girl, it’s past your bed time.Yep, pretty much.
They didn’t take him seriously the first time, there will be no repeat.TDS will also help immensely.
Ok. They gonna rig it even more thoroughly next time?They didn’t take it seriously the first time, there will be no repeat.
rig it for him to win? TDS in full effectOk. They gonna rig it even more thoroughly next time?
Is 39-46% approval with only 23-26% strong approval numbers in this good of an economy sound like solid re-election numbers to you?
L-O-L put 10,000$ on it? Trump wins in 2020 you get 10,000$ anyone else wins I get a grand, 1000$ American, cold hard cash.High end is 53%. You are fake news.
L-O-L put 10,000$ on it? Trump wins in 2020 you get 10,000$ anyone else wins I get a grand, 1000$ American, cold hard cash.
I give you 10-1 odds and you tuck tail like a dog. Git.No thanks. You are overcompensating.
I give you 10-1 odds and you tuck tail like a dog. Git.
I give you 10-1 odds and you tuck tail like a dog. Git.
L-O-L put 10,000$ on it? Trump wins in 2020 you get 10,000$ anyone else wins I get a grand, 1000$ American, cold hard cash.
L-O-L you have my permission to post any deleted post of mine. L-O-L, Git.Yes I’m a coward for not taking a 4-5 digit bet with an internet lunatic.
What your post (and all your deleted posts, which I can see) tell me is you are a scared little bitch who is freaking out because you know your narrative you’ve invested in is bullshit. So here you are, overcompensating with absurd bets that you’ll never cover anyway.
L-O-LI cannot find a single thing searching orangepower for pokeabear. Did they wipe out your existence? I’m actually looking forward to seeing something interesting that I can tie to your online personality.