A day in the life of a mentally incapable President

This is what you have until 2024, he is impeached, or he resigns. If you don't understand this, then you are either a devout follower of the Democrat religion or just not paying any attention at all.
At his age and considering his previous health issues he could drop dead at any moment. Watching Biden walk it's obvious his health is failing and he is becoming frail. My 91 year old father in law walks around better than Biden.
At his age and considering his previous health issues he could drop dead at any moment. Watching Biden walk it's obvious his health is failing and he is becoming frail. My 91 year old father in law walks around better than Biden.
I forgot about that one.
At his age and considering his previous health issues he could drop dead at any moment. Watching Biden walk it's obvious his health is failing and he is becoming frail. My 91 year old father in law walks around better than Biden.
Well windage is obviously not sleepy's friend either.
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Local MSM hints at pain when today they're reporting likely 15 to 20K at Waco's Trump rally. Any Democrat stiff will need another ballot harvesting scheme to drag up another PINO in 2024. There are not an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for this. Even the board's slow 12 is aware of the US average IQ.
Local MSM hints at pain when today they're reporting likely 15 to 20K at Waco's Trump rally. Any Democrat stiff will need another ballot harvesting scheme to drag up another PINO in 2024. There are not an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for this. Even the board's slow 12 is aware of the US average IQ.
I believe, thanks to shit britches and crusty vag have enlightened some folks and their IQs. We should thank this admin. Trump will pull us back out of the hole dimms have dug right quick. Imo.

Trump '24! 😁
Local MSM hints at pain when today they're reporting likely 15 to 20K at Waco's Trump rally. Any Democrat stiff will need another ballot harvesting scheme to drag up another PINO in 2024. There are not an all time record 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for this. Even the board's slow 12 is aware of the US average IQ.
I'm old enough to remember when Obama was drawing crowds like that the MSM ejaculated all over themselves calling him a rock start.
that kind of stuff has been going on for centuries. He's going to get guidance like that as he has no idea where he's supposed to go. That wasn't that big of a deal. However, he is becoming more frail as his gate is stumbling bumbling.
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Fox Business just told me China will soon surpass us in military might. Would such be so if we had a legitimate president?
That is a claim with a serious lack of credibility. If it's true that the US spends more on war than the next 5 or 6 countries combined then we are not getting what we're paying for.
That is a claim with a serious lack of credibility. If it's true that the US spends more on war than the next 5 or 6 countries combined then we are not getting what we're paying for.
It depends on the category they are referring to. China already has a larger army than us, which is not out of ordinary with the US and China population imbalance. Technologically both countries will have edges on each other, however, don't underestimate China's ability to steal whatever tech it needs. Many have said they are ahead of us on AI. The US still holds a major advantage with aircraft and aircraft carriers, and the ability to reach out and touch someone anywhere on the globe.

Spending is hard to compare as Communist countries don't spend money in the same ways as Capitalist countries do. We also have a tendency currently to just print and inflate so comparing dollar to dollar can be deceiving. What we can say is that China is aggressively growing it's military might, at a pace far greater than the US. However again the US has only to maintain while China is growing, still hard to compare.
If it excites you and makes you happy who am I to judge? Besides its all over tv now, when it loses its shock value they will likely return to regular programming. 🤣
You thought it was important enough to bring up. Shocked might be a bit of an overstatement, but you sure take notice of such things.