37 Women Before and After Third-Wave Feminism

Here’s a conversion into third-wave feminism.


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Zero posts debasing her in any way.

You’re welcome.

I see what happened here...

last night i started to reply to your i like trashy women post with something along the lines of, yeah me too.

But then I got distracted and didn't finish replying. Rivals being ever helpful, saved my quote of you though - so when I quoted @syskatine and called him out for being a hateful sexist pig towards Melania, you were residually and accidentally quoted (and were probably too far into your cups at the time to see that it was wholly directed at syskatine) - who has definitely called Melania a "whore" and then more recently, being the worthless hypocrite he is, took @Medic007 to task, saying "All the weird "cankles" and "bitch" stuff that you post speaks to misogyny 100 times more than all your clumsy gotcha stuff. You have a.body of work of female hangups in here. There's animus in it."

It's right there in his posting history in a thread he started and titled "FLHOTUS" if anyone cares to go back and read it.

anyway, sorry about the confusion JD. wanted to make it clear i was not suggesting it was you had viciously disparaged a woman (and an immigrant) years before pretending to care about the sanctity of her marriage.
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I see what happened here...

last night i started to reply to your i like trashy women post with something along the lines of, yeah me too.

But then I got distracted and didn't finish replying. Rivals being ever helpful, saved my quote of you though - so when I quoted @syskatine and called him out for being a hateful sexist pig towards Melania, you were residually and accidentally quoted (and were probably too far into your cups at the time to see that it was wholly directed at syskatine) - who has definitely called Melania a "whore" and then more recently, being the worthless hypocrite he is, took @Medic007 to task, saying "All the weird "cankles" and "bitch" stuff that you post speaks to misogyny 100 times more than all your clumsy gotcha stuff. You have a.body of work of female hangups in here. There's animus in it."

It's right there in his posting history in a thread he started and titled "FLHOTUS" if anyone cares to go back and read it.

anyway, sorry about the confusion JD. wanted to make it clear i was not suggesting it was you had viciously disparaged a woman (and an immigrant) years before pretending to care about the sanctity of her marriage.

You, NZ and Ratchet will never get it. Cankles bitch hildebitch wookie, etc. Serial. The energy...

Some more goodies:






Some quality about the girl in the purple with the nose ring is irritating to me more than any other (except the one licking her hairy arm pit.) She's exquisite, or could be.

NZ, you don't even pretend to pass along legitimate information any more. That's as clumsy and stupid an attempt to discredit independent women that I've ever seen.
I see what happened here...

last night i started to reply to your i like trashy women post with something along the lines of, yeah me too.

But then I got distracted and didn't finish replying. Rivals being ever helpful, saved my quote of you though - so when I quoted @syskatine and called him out for being a hateful sexist pig towards Melania, you were residually and accidentally quoted (and were probably too far into your cups at the time to see that it was wholly directed at syskatine) - who has definitely called Melania a "whore" and then more recently, being the worthless hypocrite he is, took @Medic007 to task, saying "All the weird "cankles" and "bitch" stuff that you post speaks to misogyny 100 times more than all your clumsy gotcha stuff. You have a.body of work of female hangups in here. There's animus in it."

It's right there in his posting history in a thread he started and titled "FLHOTUS" if anyone cares to go back and read it.

anyway, sorry about the confusion JD. wanted to make it clear i was not suggesting it was you had viciously disparaged a woman (and an immigrant) years before pretending to care about the sanctity of her marriage.

Whereas it looked like to me that you were lumping me in with Sys on the denigrating Melania comments claim.

Than,s for the clarification and explanation.
You, NZ and Ratchet will never get it. Cankles bitch hildebitch wookie, etc. Serial. The energy...
Lemme guess, calling Melania Trump a whore isn't misogynist but calling Hillary Cankles is? I suppose calling transsexual people "trannies" is just the progressive beast in you showing his empathy for their cause.

Busted again. Watching you run laps around yourself is a dose of humor on an otherwise shitty day.


Carry on.
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No one addressed this article (and peer-reviewed study) showing broad declines in women’s happiness since the early 1970s — the early days of the feminist movement.

Does anyone want to come up with theories on the happiness decline? Ideally, would like to hear from some baby boomers who lived through this period.



Article source:


No one addressed this article (and peer-reviewed study) showing broad declines in women’s happiness since the early 1970s — the early days of the feminist movement.

Does anyone want to come up with theories on the happiness decline? Ideally, would like to hear from some baby boomers who lived through this period.



Article source:

Blah blah hate Jews blah blah hate women blah blah blah conspiracy farts
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Yeah @NZ Poke ,that Scarlett Johansson sure is a radical feminist dog.

She's not?

When did she change? It must have been something recent that I haven't read about.

I think it's safe to say that virtually any Hollywood starlet is a radical feminist. The ones that aren't don't stay in the business very long (or at least they know to keep their mouth shut).

Scar-Jo doesn't keep her mouth shut and has revealed what she truly believes.
Nice try.

Even leftist media like the UK Guardian have addressed this specific study.

You’re demonstrating why people have become so tired of (and are rejecting) leftist thought control.

Any inconvenient, factually accurate information that challenges the unified establishment narrative — even peer-reviewed studies — is automatically deemed racist / bigoted / far right / various isms.

People are tired of your type of actions. Hence, President Trump.


Article source:

BS. Your own actions are solely responsible for such an assertion.

You consistently post demonstrably false information given to you by your twitter handlers.

When asked to critically analyze or even comment on it disappear.

When you post as much shady, false, ridiculous, speculative nonsense as you do....the rare inconvenient truth you may have stumbled on gets lumped in with all the BS we see from you. It’s natural and completely understandable and fair.

You’re not a critical thinker.

You’re not an entertainer of ideas.

You’re not a poster of “inconvenient, factually accurate information”.

You’re not an effective challenger of the allegedly unified establishment narrative.

You are a spammer....of a unified narrative spoonfed to you for you to regurgitate.

You aren’t a red piller. You’re just swallowing a different brand of blue pill.
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Nice try.

Even leftist media like the UK Guardian have addressed this specific study.

You’re demonstrating why people have become so tired of (and are rejecting) leftist thought control.

Any inconvenient, factually accurate information that challenges the unified establishment narrative — even peer-reviewed studies — is automatically deemed racist / bigoted / far right / various isms.

People are tired of your type of actions. Hence, President Trump.


Article source:
If you had a shred of credibility, I might have given your link a read. But all I see when you post is
Blah blah hate Jews blah blah hate women blah blah blah conspiracy farts

No one addressed this article (and peer-reviewed study) showing broad declines in women’s happiness since the early 1970s — the early days of the feminist movement.

It is the height of absurdity that you complain about anyone not addressing posts or articles that you post. You habitually do not engage when people prove you wrong or question your methods or opinions or try to start a dialogue with you.

Do you think you could post without links? Why can’t you have discussions like everyone else on here does?
If you had a shred of credibility, I might have given your link a read. But all I see when you post is

Once again, all personal attacks — you’re trying to discredit (key word) the *individual* — but ignoring the information.

In this case, the information is a peer-reviewed study provided in three separate links.

Your specific tactic — which the left almost completely relies on (with a few notable exceptions) — is why Professor Jordan Peterson has become like a rock star, filling up large areas
Once again, all personal attacks — you’re trying to discredit (key word) the *individual* — but ignoring the information.

In this case, the information is a peer-reviewed study provided in three separate links.

Your specific tactic — which the left almost completely relies on (with a few notable exceptions) — is why Professor Jordan Peterson has become like a rock star, filling up large areas

Calling out your spoonfed narrative as effing nonsense isn’t a personal attack.

HTFU, and defend the crap you spam here, broflake.
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She's not?

When did she change? It must have been something recent that I haven't read about.

I think it's safe to say that virtually any Hollywood starlet is a radical feminist. The ones that aren't don't stay in the business very long (or at least they know to keep their mouth shut).

Scar-Jo doesn't keep her mouth shut and has revealed what she truly believes.

The main point was that she’s not some unattractive, lack of deodorant, hairy armpit gal.
You, NZ and Ratchet will never get it. Cankles bitch hildebitch wookie, etc. Serial. The energy...

Lemme guess, calling Melania Trump a whore isn't misogynist but calling Hillary Cankles is? I suppose calling transsexual people "trannies" is just the progressive beast in you showing his empathy for their cause.

Busted again. Watching you run laps around yourself is a dose of humor on an otherwise shitty day.


Carry on.

see, it’s all about the serial nature of your transgression. And the energy.
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Once again, all personal attacks — you’re trying to discredit (key word) the *individual* — but ignoring the information.

In this case, the information is a peer-reviewed study provided in three separate links.

Your specific tactic — which the left almost completely relies on (with a few notable exceptions) — is why Professor Jordan Peterson has become like a rock star, filling up large areas
Personal attacks? That's funny shit right there. Do you even understand what peer reviewed means?

What exactly is my "tactic" you're referring to? Are you capable of explaining what you think it is on your own or will you have some dumb Twitter nonsense to post?
I will play.

Lets say that women are miserable and unhappy.

Why are they that way and what is your solution?

i think for many it's a simple as this. as a society we've devalued the concept of being a mother or a homemaker compared to being a career woman.

The pressure to have it all and the deemphasis of running a household as a legitimate calling has had a detrimental effect. No idea how to fix that because most households need two incomes.

but it clearly causes a lot of pressure, and for some women who go all in on career first - by the time they realize they really wanted a family all along, it's too late and their window of opportunity has closed.

None of my answer is meant to be a one size fits all - but the question becomes what has changed? with feminist gains - more girls in college and in a wide variety of professional positions than men - why aren't they happier?

to me it's because our priorities as a society have basically deemphasized the nuclear family. why has that happened and is that by accident or by design - is the question I would ask.

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