2024 Presidential Election

Slow down for a minute and think. Read my post again. Read Fixed by Mollie Hemingway and try to exercise some degree of reading comprehension. My only argument? I've displayed a number of arguments.

There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for a stiff who can barely draw flies to a campaign rally in Phoenix. The majority of board members fully understand. This is not wave mechanics. The US average IQ is 98. Not 68. How many times have I droned on about these arguments?
Still no evidence. Just feelings.
Your ignorance is amusing.
So you say. Your swallowing of your party's talking points, despite no supporting evidence, is far from amusing. Sad really. Because you clearly are smart enough to think for yourself. Yet, you choose to go with "because he said so" or "because I want it to be true" in lieu of someone showing you a modicum of proof.

Don't bother replying to me. I already know what you are going to say, and it will include the word irony or ironic. I'm done with this thread, and this forum for a while. Just a waste of my time.
So you say. Your swallowing of your party's talking points, despite no supporting evidence, is far from amusing. Sad really. Because you clearly are smart enough to think for yourself. Yet, you choose to go with "because he said so" or "because I want it to be true" in lieu of someone showing you a modicum of proof.

Don't bother replying to me. I already know what you are going to say, and it will include the word irony or ironic. I'm done with this thread, and this forum for a while. Just a waste of my time.

Keep on self diagnosing. You’re on the right track.
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@Bitter Creek

See, they can't help themselves. Their true colors always come shining through.

Every. Single. Time.

Honestly, I'm not particularly enamored with anybody right now. I haven't followed dem leadership that closely since the election.
I continue to be on the Klobuchar bandwagon. Raskin is raising his profile and is quite competent. There are some strong governors out there as well including Andy Beshear.

None of these names matter for '24 though.
You would think that someone who incessantly brags about his high IQ would be able to think more logically than this. Your only argument is "81 million people wouldn't vote for that dude". Yet, here we are over 1 year after the election with no documented proof of election fraud. Nothing that Trump and his cronies threw against the wall had enough substance to stick. In your world, the Democrats were able to cheat Trump out of his victory by changing/creating millions of votes, yet they were not able to pick up more than 4 seats in the Senate and lost seats in the House. Your take is not about data or logic. It is only about feelings.
It is comical, isn't it?

No he isn't. That post had nothing to do with her character.

I told you the examples would be there for you to see. And they are and they will continue to be. As I stated, they can't help themselves.
If had an issue with women he would have an issue with all women in power. Instead, it’s only the ones that have a character issue

did you ever make a low comment about Mary Fallin or Sarah Palan?
Keep on self diagnosing. You’re on the right track.
Children can't go back to school. Inflation is at a 40 year high. Store shelves are empty. The national crime wave is snow balling.

There are those among us who are outraged that thinking people question an all time record 81 million people stupid enough to vote for this nightmare.

Mollie Hemingway explains in detail the mountains of fraud evidence. Legions of very bright people such as Alpha Woke gets it. Heck, multitudes of people well short of Alpha Woke mental capacity well understand. There's nothing hard here. There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for what we've been dealt.

Oh. I know the scoring order of this thread's contributors in the intelligence quotient class room. We all do.
If had an issue with women he would have an issue with all women in power. Instead, it’s only the ones that have a character issue
How do you know he doesn't? He has already called all politicians scum, so obviously he thinks all politicians (including women) are scum. Just because he may refrain from using sexist comments against conservative women on this board doesn't mean he isn't sexist, as he clearly is.

His post has absolutely nothing to do with Harris' character. He was using a common sexist attack that is directed at women in powerful positions by sexists.

did you ever make a low comment about Mary Fallin or Sarah Palan?
No. I've never attacked Palin using sexist attacks. When I attack Palin, it is over policy disagreements. That is it.
There's nothing hard here. There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for what we've been dealt.
You are right, there is nothing hard here. Biden clearly received over 81 million votes from Americans. Fact.

As has already been stated on this thread, you can't accept the truth therefore you are going off your emotion in trying to deny the truth. You simply can't get this through your bias mind and therefore you latch on to all the conspiracy theories and nonsense that propagandists tell you about the 2020 election.

Biden won. You were wrong. Get over it and move on. Stop sounding completely foolish in every post you make on this board.
You are right, there is nothing hard here. Biden clearly received over 81 million votes from Americans. Fact.

As has already been stated on this thread, you can't accept the truth therefore you are going off your emotion in trying to deny the truth. You simply can't get this through your bias mind and therefore you latch on to all the conspiracy theories and nonsense that propagandists tell you about the 2020 election.

Biden won. You were wrong. Get over it and move on. Stop sounding completely foolish in every post you make on this board.
Thank you for reminding us again. I'll remind you again. I have a series of questions...
Thank you for reminding us again. I'll remind you again. I have a series of questions...
When you can acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election and you were wrong, I'll answer your silly questions that you love to cut and paste over and over again.

Let me know when you finally want to admit the truth and escape from your delusions.
When you can acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election and you were wrong, I'll answer your silly questions that you love to cut and paste over and over again.

Let me know when you finally want to admit the truth and escape from your delusions.
We all know you can't answer a single question from my 60 question, 60 minute time limit M test. Unless you can remember the handful iasooner2000, Tulsaaggieson or soonerinlOUisiana have answered on these pages. You lack the ability to reason.
We all know you can't answer a single question from my 60 question, 60 minute time limit M test.
I could answer more of them than you could. No doubt in my mind about that.

So again, when you can acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election and you were wrong, I'll answer your silly questions that you love to cut and paste over and over again.

Show some intelligence and reasoning skills for once, instead of simply rambling on about the same nonsense over and over again.
I could answer more of them than you could. No doubt in my mind about that.

So again, when you can acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election and you were wrong, I'll answer your silly questions that you love to cut and paste over and over again.

Show some intelligence and reasoning skills for once, instead of simply rambling on about the same nonsense over and over again.

The irony in that last paragraph. 🤣🤣🤣


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