2020 update

Maybe it is me. I would respectfully point out 2 facts in response:

1. I'm in the majority.

2. The country made a pretty strong statement last November.

1. No. You aren’t. You may be very slightly north of 50% - depending on the poll - of people who didn’t say they specifically approve of Trump. Besides, being in the ignorant majority who were unaware of the extent of treachery that went on is nothing to be proud of. Worse still, you are politically engaged - unlike most who don’t know what went on. That makes you willfully ignorant. Sad.

Once you get past the basic approval numbers, the number of fools who fell for Russian collusion and every single ‘got eem’ fail that comes down the pike falls off pretty precipitously. Now factor in the numbers who do not want further investigations and you have what you are part of - resistance role players. Ghey.

You are at best, part of the hard core 30-40% who are reflexively anti-Trump 24/7. At best. Honestly, the % of people who pay as much interest and attention to American politics as you do who still believe you are on the right trail is probably 20%.

@Syskatine, bottom line. Being in the majority is irrelevant if you are wrong. And if you were right, Meuller would’ve delivered meaningful indictments. Period. Hard stop.

2. No is didn’t. It followed the standard pattern of an incumbent President losing the House and or Senate. The democratic house wishes it had Trump’s approval numbers. What happened fell far short of the blue wave we were told was coming.
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You sure love your polls.

What does that link have to do with me? I'm not the one cutting ties with my internal pollsters.

And everyone loves a poll, when it says what they believe to be true. When it doesn't, some then just resort to attacking polls.

btw, in November 2016 I was looking at state polls along with where Clinton was campaigning and I knew that Clinton was in trouble. She clearly was going to win the popular vote but unfortunately, the popular vote doesn't get you elected President in this country.
Quick someone get a Medic. Also don’t you have some tea parties to attend today? Cheerio!
No tea parties today, my man. It's a day at the house taking care of the 15 year old gymnast post Lisfranc fracture surgery. It's a brutal surgery.

How about you? Majicke the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons? ;)
No tea parties today, my man. It's a day at the house taking care of the 15 year old gymnast post Lisfranc fracture surgery. It's a brutal surgery.

How about you? Majicke the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons? ;)
Magick and Dungeons are involved for sure.
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In 2015 about this time, pollsters told us Trump would set the Republican Party back at least a generation. In 2018 are we forgetting the details of the House changing hands? Remember about 31 Dimms running as Republicans? All 31 in districts Trump won. All 31 now opposed to any talk of impeachment. I believe it was in the 31 range. Correct me if I'm off but we get the picture. Don't we?
WE only have enlish or american cartoon characters local dont matter. searched google couldn't come up with an answer.
WE only have enlish or american cartoon characters local dont matter. searched google couldn't come up with an answer.
