And you have no faith in the invisible hand of the market to create the supply necessary to meet the demand?
Of course I do. But it has to happen organically over time as opposed to governmental edicts. What I don’t trust is the government putting in regulations or usage thresholds that correspond.
Of course I do. But it has to happen organically over time as opposed to governmental edicts. What I don’t trust is the government putting in regulations or usage thresholds that correspond.
Haven't you heard, to a liberal the government is the solution to everything. Never mind everything the government touches is always ridiculously expensive, substantially less efficient and engrossed in corruption. Then again that is the liberal ideology in a nutshell.
Here’s some friendly advice, Pilt. Quit while you still have a little dignity left. Medic and Ostatedchi are eating your lunch.
Ponca Dan, what happened to you? You used to believe in the market.
Ponca Dan, what happened to you? You used to believe in the market.
I continue to believe in a FREE market. The GND proposal which you find so enlightening is the opposite. It should be called a “Command and Control” market, one in which people’s liberty to make choices freely are quashed in favor of government edict.
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I continue to believe in a FREE market. The GND proposal which you find so enlightening is the opposite. It should be called a “Command and Control” market, one in which people’s liberty to make choices freely are quashed in favor of government edict.
Free markets are so fragile that they can't handle decade long shifts in energy usage? Doesn't sound very robust.
Free markets are so fragile that they can't handle decade long shifts in energy usage? Doesn't sound very robust.
Free markets are anything but fragile or lacking in robustness. They’re messy, seemingly disorganized, in a constant state of change (creative destruction) - anarchic, if you will. Fragile? No. It’s individual liberty that is fragile. And the destruction of individual liberty is what’s at stake with every government intervention, notably the full-frontal attack on liberty present in the GND. If the GND is a proper approach then free people operating under a free market will see it is brought to fruition. I understand your pain. You see the GND as an absolute requirement and have no patience to offer it as an alternative to free people, and therefore, since you know better than the rest of us it is necessary to forcefully impose it. Up to this point, however, the American people still have a semblance of independence. But it’s the independence that is fragile, and attacking it seems to be the common denominator in all statist policies.
Free markets are anything but fragile or lacking in robustness. They’re messy, seemingly disorganized, in a constant state of change (creative destruction) - anarchic, if you will. Fragile? No. It’s individual liberty that is fragile. And the destruction of individual liberty is what’s at stake with every government intervention, notably the full-frontal attack on liberty present in the GND. If the GND is a proper approach then free people operating under a free market will see it is brought to fruition. I understand your pain. You see the GND as an absolute requirement and have no patience to offer it as an alternative to free people, and therefore, since you know better than the rest of us it is necessary to forcefully impose it. Up to this point, however, the American people still have a semblance of independence. But it’s the independence that is fragile, and attacking it seems to be the common denominator in all statist policies.
So you aren't worried about the chemical feedstock supply?
So, we're not going to use it as fuel in the US and will instead sell it to others that are outside of our government's control who will use it as fuel? Sounds like a brilliant plan to reduce carbon emissions.
If the only fossil fuels produced in the US were fuels produced as a by product of refining petroleum products for nonfuel use carbon emissions would be reduced significantly.
Trying to figure out exactly where pilt jumped the shark...a lot from which to choose.
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