Big mistake on concert allocations

We totally underestimated demand.

1. By giving maverick level donors ($11.5k) the ability to purchase 8 tickets early, club level for Sat sold out almost instantly. With 5,000 club seats, they allowed 650 peeps to control all 5,000, leaving 4,350 peeps out in the cold.

2. With demand that strong, the &150 per should’ve been $250

I only gave $11,300 this year, so I’m one that is out. RANT OVER
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"Yes they can control the weather"

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And please, no I DoNt LiStEn To MtG sHe StOoPid. Yes. she is stupid. Doesn't mean she is wrong about this, Obama's CIA director admitted it.

Helene's path was very unusual. Milton has gained in intensity faster than EVERY model. It's path is also unusual.

If we start hearing that we need to suspend the election due to all the affected areas, we have our answer.
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The Fickle American Voter

In 2016 Trump was elected because a very sizable portion of the country could not stand Hillary and their vote was anti-Hillary more than
pro-Trump. In 2020 Biden was elected because most people had had their fill of Donald Trump and their vote was more anti-Trump than pro-Biden. Now in 2024 we are faced with two repugnant individuals, so whoever wins it will not because anybody liked them but because they were manipulated into hating the other one; virtually every vote will be an “anti” vote. And whoever loses will be convinced the other team cheated (which will probably be true of both teams, so the loser will have a point.)
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So much For That BS Candidate Of Change

What happened to that whole deal of Kamala being the candidate of change? LMAO another lie.

Israel Gives This Country So Much

And asks so little from us in return. It truly is our best ally, has our back as long as we pay them to be our friend. The most moral country in the world! What would we do without Israel? As Joe Biden said, if Israel didn’t exist we’d have to create it. Lindsay Graham is wrong, Ukraine is not the best money the US has spent. Israel is.

Explaining Trump’s Economic (And Dangerous) Ignorance

For Whom Should We Mourn More Intensely?

The 800 Israelis Hamas brutally murdered on Oct 7, or the 400 Israelis that Israel brutally murdered? Should we wish that Israel had not killed their own people, that they would have been taken hostage instead, so they’d still be alive? Or should we be glad Israel just went ahead and murdered them so they wouldn’t have to negotiate for their release and Bibi could conduct the genocide he’s lusted after for decades?
