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Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Beyond knowing if some of you look at this (I know you don’t have the balls) you probably would say those bastards deserve everything they got. After all they cheered for Hamas. They’re nothing more than animals. We know that because Israeli officials have said so.

Beyond knowing if some of you look at this (I know you don’t have the balls) you probably would say those bastards deserve everything they got. After all they cheered for Hamas. They’re nothing more than animals. We know that because Israeli officials have said so.

Now do the massacred the Palestinians committed. Damn it's almost like both sides can't live together and are killing each other over all of these years. Time to end it.
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Now do the massacred the Palestinians committed. Damn it's almost like both sides can't live together and are killing each other over all of these years. Time to end it.
Why? Would it make you feel better after looking at the pictures and videos in my link? How foolish of me! Of course you would never do that!
"The nation of Israel has always been persecuted by its neighbors. Why is this? According to the Bible, it is because God has a special plan for the nation of Israel, and Satan wants to defeat that plan. Satanically influenced hatred of Israel—and especially Israel’s God—is the reason Israel’s neighbors have always wanted to see Israel destroyed. Whether it is Sennacherib, king of Assyria; Haman, official of Persia; Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany; or Rouhani, President of Iran, attempts to completely destroy Israel will always fail. The persecutors of Israel will come and go, but the persecution will remain until the second coming of Christ. As a result, conflict in Israel is not a reliable indicator of the soon arrival of the end times."
"The nation of Israel has always been persecuted by its neighbors. Why is this? According to the Bible, it is because God has a special plan for the nation of Israel, and Satan wants to defeat that plan. Satanically influenced hatred of Israel—and especially Israel’s God—is the reason Israel’s neighbors have always wanted to see Israel destroyed. Whether it is Sennacherib, king of Assyria; Haman, official of Persia; Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany; or Rouhani, President of Iran, attempts to completely destroy Israel will always fail. The persecutors of Israel will come and go, but the persecution will remain until the second coming of Christ. As a result, conflict in Israel is not a reliable indicator of the soon arrival of the end times."
It is astonishing that anyone could look at Israel’s treatment of Palestinians for the last 75 years and still think Israel is the one being persecuted.
Everyone here knows your bias; still beating the dead horse. :rolleyes:
Don’t bother reading any of the link. Just look at the pictures or watch the videos therein and then ponder to yourself where I get my bias, why I beat the dead horse. It’s really easy to tell yourself that Israel is the poor victim as long as you avert your eyes and refuse to see what is happening.
Dan pumps life into this board. But you're right, a dead horse is a dead horse. 🤣
I think I just figured out why none of you want to look at the pics or watch the videos. You’ve developed a fantasized picture in your head, helped enormously by the manipulation of Israeli propaganda, of who it is they’re massacring. Filthy blood sucking rapacious animals that are without civilization, without humanity, monsters who wake up in the morning with nothing on their minds but lusting to murder poor persecuted Jews. And as long as you can maintain that fantasized vision in your head you can justify what Israel is doing. So you hide from seeing reality in order to escape facing the horror of what you’re cheering.
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I think I just figured out why none of you want to look at the pics or watch the videos. You’ve developed a fantasized picture in your head, helped enormously by the manipulation of Israeli propaganda, of who it is they’re massacring. Filthy blood sucking rapacious animals that are without civilization, without humanity, monsters who wake up in the morning with nothing on their minds but lusting to murder poor persecuted Jews. And as long as you can maintain that fantasized vision in your head you can justify what Israel is doing. So you hide from seeing reality in order to escape facing the horror of what you’re cheering.
Yer the only cheering yer agenda here Dan. Good luck.
Why? Would it make you feel better after looking at the pictures and videos in my link? How foolish of me! Of course you would never do that!
You post pictures of dead Palestinians and expect that to change people's minds after October 7th? Have you seen any of the videos, have you seen how they brutally and gleefully raped women, beheaded children and burned people alive? Of course you haven't they've been censored here in the US in an effort to keep the American people from witnessing the brutality. I've seen a few of those videos and when I say the Palestinians are evil, I mean they are as evil as evil comes. They took great satisfaction in not just killing and raping Israelis but doing so in as brutal a manor as possible. Not even animals are like that, only evil is. So now Dan you link didn't effect me at all.
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You post pictures of dead Palestinians and expect that to change people's minds after October 7th? Have you seen any of the videos, have you seen how they brutally and gleefully raped women, beheaded children and burned people alive? Of course you haven't they've been censored here in the US in an effort to keep the American people from witnessing the brutality. I've seen a few of those videos and when I say the Palestinians are evil, I mean they are as evil as evil comes. They took great satisfaction in not just killing and raping Israelis but doing so in as brutal a manor as possible. Not even animals are like that, only evil is. So now Dan you link didn't effect me at all.
The fact that almost everything you said has been shown to be false Israeli propaganda is wasted on you. What those Hamas thugs did was unspeakably evil, but Israel’s counter attack makes Hamas look like amateurs. One can only approve of slaughter when he has been convinced (manipulated is a better word than convinced) that the enemy is so thoroughly evil it is proper to annihilate the whole lot of them, they’re subhuman animals and the world is a better place if it exterminates them all. The only way to counter your manipulated attitude is to show the reality of what is happening to real fellow human beings. But you don’t want to see reality, you want to continue in your hate-addled racist fantasy, so you forbid yourself to even look at the carnage, it might change your mind, and God forbid that to happen!
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The fact that almost everything you said has been shown to be false Israeli propaganda is wasted on you. What those Hamas thugs did was unspeakably evil, but Israel’s counter attack makes Hamas look like amateurs. One can only approve of slaughter when he has been convinced (manipulated is a better word than convinced) that the enemy is so thoroughly evil it is proper to annihilate the whole lot of them, they’re subhuman animals and the world is a better place if it exterminates them all. The only way to counter your manipulated attitude is to show the reality of what is happening to real fellow human beings. But you don’t want to see reality, you want to continue in your hate-addled racist fantasy, so you forbid yourself to even look at the carnage, it might change your mind, and God forbid that to happen!
The videos I saw filmed by the Palestinians themselves committing their brutality was Israeli propaganda? Wow those evil Israelis.

No Dan I see the reality, the Israelis and the Palestinians will never live in peace as long as they are forced to live together.
The videos I saw filmed by the Palestinians themselves committing their brutality was Israeli propaganda? Wow those evil Israelis.

No Dan I see the reality, the Israelis and the Palestinians will never live in peace as long as they are forced to live together.
Please share the videos filmed by Hamas of them beheading babies, burning people alive and committing multitudinous rapes. It’s interesting that you say those videos have been withheld from the American public but you’ve seen them. Do you have an all-access pass for some special reason?

As for your second paragraph, the one where you see reality. Palestinians were living on the land on their own when western Europe decided to help Zionists murder and drive them into camps, and have kept them in an alartheid state ever since. And your solution is to go ahead and kill them all because it’s unfair for the Israelis, the actual interlopers, to have to share the land. This is beyond what any fantasy novelist could dream up.
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Please share the videos filmed by Hamas of them beheading babies, burning people alive and committing multitudinous rapes. It’s interesting that you say those videos have been withheld from the American public but you’ve seen them. Do you have an all-access pass for some special reason?

As for your second paragraph, the one where you see reality. Palestinians were living on the land on their own when western Europe decided to help Zionists murder and drive them into camps, and have kept them in an alartheid state ever since. And your solution is to go ahead and kill them all because it’s unfair for the Israelis, the actual interlopers, to have to share the land. This is beyond what any fantasy novelist could dream up.
Are you ****ing serious?
Beyond knowing if some of you look at this (I know you don’t have the balls) you probably would say those bastards deserve everything they got. After all they cheered for Hamas. They’re nothing more than animals. We know that because Israeli officials have said so.

looks like propaganda to me.
You’re telling us Hamas didn’t tape any women, burn people alive, or behead any babies?
The beheaded babies has been proven to be a lie; even the IDF had to admit it. Many if not most of the people burned alive came from the IDF who was instituting its Hannibal technique of killing everything in its path whether it was friend or foe. I bet there were women who were raped, but IMO it would be nowhere near the number you have had implanted in your head. Israel made the assertion but to this day has not provided any forensic evidence of it happening. Have you ever been in combat? Pretty much the last thing on your mind is getting an erection and violating a woman while the bullets are flying. Are you thinking there was a Hamas "rape regiment" whose sargeant told them "when you get to the combat zone your job is to rape as many women as you can find?" Personally I find that unlikely. That being said IMO the Hamas attackers were clearly deranged into agreeng to do what they did, so, yes, I do believe there were some women who were raped.
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The beheaded babies has been proven to be a lie; even the IDF had to admit it. Many if not most of the people burned alive came from the IDF who was instituting its Hannibal technique of killing everything in its path whether it was friend or foe. I bet there were women who were raped, but IMO it would be nowhere near the number you have had implanted in your head. Israel made the assertino but to this day has not provided any forensic evidence of it happening. Have you ever been in combat? Pretty much the last thing on your mind is geting an erection and violating a woman while the bullets are flying. Are you thinking there was a Hamas "rape regiment" whose sargeant told them "when you get to the combat zone your job is to rape as many women as you can find?" Personally I find that unlikely. That being said IMO the Hamas attackers were clearly deranged into agreeng to do what they did, so, yes, I do belive there were some women who were raped.
Combat? They attacked civilians and took hostages.
Combat? They attacked civilians and took hostages.
Attacking civilians and taking hostages is a war crime. Hamas committed a war crime on Oct. 7. Israel has been committing the same war crime every day since Oct. 8. If it is unacceptable to you for Hamas to attack civilians and take hostages - and I 100% agree with you that is was - should it not likewise be unacceptable to you for Israel to attack civilians and take hostages? It is to me.
Attacking civilians and taking hostages is a war crime. Hamas committed a war crime on Oct. 7. Israel has been committing the same war crime every day since Oct. 8. If it is unacceptable to you for Hamas to attack civilians and take hostages - and I 100% agree with you that is was - should it not likewise be unacceptable to you for Israel to attack civilians and take hostages? It is to me.
You left out the part that Palestinians bankroll Hamas Dan.
I did. Doesn't change the fact of what I posted.
I have a hard time believing that you did. I don't see how anyone could watch the video of the grandfather holding his dead toddler in his arms while he waits his turn to put her in her funeral shroud and be so cold hearted that he thinks to himself both the grandfather and toddler deserve what they got because of Oct. 7.
Please share the videos filmed by Hamas of them beheading babies, burning people alive and committing multitudinous rapes. It’s interesting that you say those videos have been withheld from the American public but you’ve seen them. Do you have an all-access pass for some special reason?

As for your second paragraph, the one where you see reality. Palestinians were living on the land on their own when western Europe decided to help Zionists murder and drive them into camps, and have kept them in an alartheid state ever since. And your solution is to go ahead and kill them all because it’s unfair for the Israelis, the actual interlopers, to have to share the land. This is beyond what any fantasy novelist could dream up.
Videos were widely available in the Middle East after the attack, which is where I saw them with a friend of my Iranian step dad, now they have been taken down. The Israelis also shared some of the videos with journalist but are not releasing them to the public yet and even those videos were not as bad as what was livestreamed by Hamas during the attack. If you want to believe it didn't happen feel free.
In case you lost your memory a World War was fought and the victors made those decisions just like they have throughout history. Sorry you disagree with their decisions but you have to live with them.
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Attacking civilians and taking hostages is a war crime. Hamas committed a war crime on Oct. 7. Israel has been committing the same war crime every day since Oct. 8. If it is unacceptable to you for Hamas to attack civilians and take hostages - and I 100% agree with you that is was - should it not likewise be unacceptable to you for Israel to attack civilians and take hostages? It is to me.
Attacking civilians is not dodging bullets. Makes the raping easier.
Videos were widely available in the Middle East after the attack, which is where I saw them with a friend of my Iranian step dad, now they have been taken down. The Israelis also shared some of the videos with journalist but are not releasing them to the public yet and even those videos were not as bad as what was livestreamed by Hamas during the attack. If you want to believe it didn't happen feel free.
In case you lost your memory a World War was fought and the victors made those decisions just like they have throughout history. Sorry you disagree with their decisions but you have to live with them.
I believe the attack on Oct 7 happened. I believe attrocities were committed by Hamas. I believe Hamas is a terrorist organization that does not deserve to exist. If I could see the videos you were privy to I would condemn them with equal ferocity as the ones I have posted. You, on the other hand, have hardened your heart to such an extent you can look at the videos to which I linked (well, that's stupid of me, of course you won't look at those videos, you'll only look at the ones that have now mysteriously been taken down) and not bring yourself to condemn them. If fact one can almost hear the glee in your voice knowing they happened, but still won't look at them.

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