Hey shriveled old white lady, where dem articles at?

Good lord @davidallen Nancy was holding all of the cards. They just happened to be a mix of uno and old maid cards in a poker game. You were so smug in your trust of her.

What did you learn from this experience David?
By my reckoning we are closer to witnesses and production of documents now than we were a month ago. Disagree?

A month ago we had a strong possibility of an immediate vote to dismiss. That happening now?

Primarying a GOP Senator with the courage to look at the facts was easier a month ago. You think it was s easier now?

Finally, didn’t we just see that DJT won’t be able to block a war powers vote in the Senate?

Improving her hand just a little was more than worth watching you and yours lose your shit.
By my reckoning we are closer to witnesses and production of documents now than we were a month ago. Disagree?

A month ago we had a strong possibility of an immediate vote to dismiss. That happening now?

Primarying a GOP Senator with the courage to look at the facts was easier a month ago. You think it was s easier now?

Finally, didn’t we just see that DJT won’t be able to block a war powers vote in the Senate?

Improving her hand just a little was more than worth watching you and yours lose your shit.

She changed nothing. If there were going to be witnesses, then they would have happened regardless of her attempting to hold her breath until daddy McConnell gave in.

What gop senate state do you think you are going to sniff? Republicans are scared to death of the absolute lunatics from the left and Doug Jones is going down as well. You better just pray to the climate gods that you get enough homeless people to the poles in the shitholes run by Dems.

What war powers do you think will be stripped first? Lol

How do you guys think you will do in the 2020 popular vote this year? I hear there is a poop filled trophy with fresh San Fran # 2 in it. I also heard they got some from several different neighborhoods so it would be a “diverse” mix. Just like you white guilt elitists like it.
So funny to see you boys keep railing about BHO. He will live in your head until the last synapses fires....

Can I get the rules for this? If you mention someone at any time, they are living in your head? And you are automatically triggered? Is that how this game works?
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By my reckoning we are closer to witnesses and production of documents now than we were a month ago. Disagree?

A month ago we had a strong possibility of an immediate vote to dismiss. That happening now?

Primarying a GOP Senator with the courage to look at the facts was easier a month ago. You think it was s easier now?

Finally, didn’t we just see that DJT won’t be able to block a war powers vote in the Senate?

Improving her hand just a little was more than worth watching you and yours lose your shit.

So funny to see you boys keep railing about BHO. He will live in your head until the last synapses fires....

Trump has been living in libtards heads RENT FREE since 2016. I heard he just signed a lease for 4 more years RENT FREE.
Ha ha ha
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The Impeachment Trial of Donald J Trump. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Your IPOSUS he is and always shall be.
"it's for the children" & "Amerka" were all that old nag could try and say but her polident wasn't working so well this am. Newsflash Nan; the chillens were at school and not hanging on your phony charade
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No offense taken, but Harry lives in Perkins.

There are more languages spoken in Oklahoma than any other state. Oklahoma state university has people from around the globe in large numbers ten miles away. The Iowa tribe is headquartered here. Langston an all black town with a historically black college is ten miles away. My dad is an enrolled member of a tribe in Wyoming and grew up part time on a reservation.

Can you please continue to lecture me on diversity? I think we would all enjoy that.
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There are more languages spoken in Oklahoma than any other state. Oklahoma state university has people from around the globe in large numbers ten miles away. The Iowa tribe is headquartered here. Langston an all black town with a historically black college is ten miles away. My dad is an enrolled member of a tribe in Wyoming and grew up part time on a reservation.

Can you please continue to lecture me on diversity? I think we would all enjoy that.
You had me at Langston.