Hey shriveled old white lady, where dem articles at?

@Medic007 you are the Karl to my Ricky... wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Dude, TDS has weakened you immensely. Have you seen a Pelosi marble mouthed speech lately? Even a consumer of weed and wine should be embarrassed.
Dude, the whole of DC is an embarrassment. Please point me to ANYTHING you are proud of coming out of our nation's capital in the past 6 months.
Dude, the whole of DC is an embarrassment. Please point me to ANYTHING you are proud of coming out of our nation's capital in the past 6 months.
Biff brought peace to Soleimani. That's worthy of my praise. He was such a troubled man.

Outside of that, Trump has filled judicial openings at a record pace and is eliminating the ridiculously long red tape associated with infrastructure work.

The Democrats shit the bed with their peach mints which bodes well for Trump in 2020. The left has become even more ridiculous with their marx march toward socialism which hurts their chances in 2020.

Trump has exposed a ridiculously large group of Iranian regime sympathizers. I'm definitely not proud of the Iranian regime sympathizers in DC.

The economy is awesome. My tax bill will be less. The Democrats finally going predictably chickenshit on the health insurance Cadillac Tax, a key provision of BarryCare, will be a boon to my health insurance plan.

I definitely see why you aren't proud of anything coming out of DC. I would feel the same way if I was Team Democrat.
Biff brought peace to Soleimani. That's worthy of my praise. He was such a troubled man.

Outside of that, Trump has filled judicial openings at a record pace and is eliminating the ridiculously long red tape associated with infrastructure work.

The Democrats shit the bed with their peach mints which bodes well for Trump in 2020. The left has become even more ridiculous with their marx march toward socialism which hurts their chances in 2020.

Trump has exposed a ridiculously large group of Iranian regime sympathizers. I'm definitely not proud of the Iran regime sympathizers in DC.

The economy is awesome. My tax bill will be less. The Democrats finally going predictably chickenshit on the health insurance Cadillac Tax, a key provision of BarryCare, will be a boon to my health insurance plan.

I definitely see why you aren't proud of anything coming out of DC. I would feel the same way if I was Team Democrat.
Wag the dog Karl.
Have you lost that much weight? At some point you need to drink water unless you want to kill yourself.
Why yes I have Karl. Slow but steady progress.

Sorry to hear about your economic situation. Glad the extra $13 a month in tax savings helps offset some of your losses.
Why yes I have Karl. Slow but steady progress.

Sorry to hear about your economic situation. Glad the extra $13 a month in tax savings helps offset some of your losses.
$13 a month? LMAO. I'm not a cheap whore like you.
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