Hey shriveled old white lady, where dem articles at?

Dude, the whole of DC is an embarrassment. Please point me to ANYTHING you are proud of coming out of our nation's capital in the past 6 months.

Yes much of what is coming out of Washington is an embarrassment but you only seem to have a problem with one side, while ignoring Democrats have gone bat shit crazy.
Really? I don't see any of your post blasting Pelosi for her antics. In fact I don't see you hold any Democrat to anywhere near the same standards as you do Trump. Hell you can't get to the board quick enough to blast Trump with what ever BS the MSM throws out there.
Really. Dem leadership is weak. HRC Sucked. Biden is well past his prime. Bernie is a geezer who doesn’t understand math. What else you looking for?
Maybe you can point out several of your post that have the same venom towards Democrats as you do Trump. I haven't seen them.

Show me any pom pom carrying party member that has shown equal vitriol to the their side as they do the other side. On this board, there will be none.
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