Zero F%&#$ given about the Postal Service right now.

Post office is one of the few real constitutional duties of the gubment. It needs to be fixed somehow.
Change it to 3 day a week residential delivery, double the price of postage, eliminate discounts for Non-profit mailers, and end the pension program going forward and convert it to 401K matching to look like the rest of the corporate world. Those changes would go MILES to bringing the program back to some semblance of fiscal solvency.
You don’t give a **** about anything you loser retard. Ever think you’re the common denominator? Maybe you’re ****ing up.
Change it to 3 day a week residential delivery, double the price of postage, eliminate discounts for Non-profit mailers, and end the pension program going forward and convert it to 401K matching to look like the rest of the corporate world. Those changes would go MILES to bringing the program back to some semblance of fiscal solvency.
TSP ain't no different from 401k. Csrs was the shit until they got rid of it in '85.
You don’t give a **** about anything you loser retard. Ever think you’re the common denominator? Maybe you’re ****ing up.
Somebody got triggered. 🤣
When you know something about owning a business come back and show us you aren't as dumb as you sound. Until then **** off tard.
All the Democrats are mad. I'm not sure if they are mad Trump is outing all of their corruption, showing how disastrous their leadership was or mad at themselves for being stupid enough to believe what thier party told them. Maybe all three.
You don’t give a **** about anything you loser retard. Ever think you’re the common denominator? Maybe you’re ****ing up.
Ok for gets and shiggles lets ask this stupid mf'er what he thinks. Since you are usually told what to think you can ask someone that graduated HS with a C- Average if you need to.
Lets say I ship Packages Priority Mail to my Customers and since they pay extra to get their mdse faster by paying for Priority Mail, who do you think they blame when it takes a week or longer to get said package that they paid to get there faster but, and I need you to concentrate hard on this, like you concentrate when you can't get off and have to think about a guy instead of your woman because she cannot give head worth a shit. Who do you think they blame for the delay when their package sits for 3 to 4 days at a sorting facility before it moves again? If you said the USPS you would be wrong like you always are. They blame me. Even though I do not work for USPS nor do I have any control of the package once I ship it I get blamed for it. The main reason I get blamed is because the USPS are Chicken Shits like you. They have it set up so you cannot call them at the place it has been sitting at for days wondering where in the hell your package is and why its not moving. A Ptiority Mail Package should never sit at a Facility for days hence the price you pay for PRIORITY MAIL Shipping means and I know you didn't guess it but it means it takes priority over any other mail except overnight delivery.
As I said, you run a business and come back and tell me you aren't retarded.
Come back and tell me after you have shipped thousands of packages like me over the past 20 yrs and tell me the USPS is just fine and its my fault. It is not. Ask any Postal Employee that was there 20 to 30 yrs ago what they KNOW is the problem, ask them why they saw it coming. Until then don't comment in things you know nothing about.
You don’t give a **** about anything you loser retard. Ever think you’re the common denominator? Maybe you’re ****ing up.
Like you and your kind not giving a shit about government recklessly spending two trillion dollars more than it takes in.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) reported a $9.5 billion net loss for fiscal year 2024. This is a $3 billion increase from the $6.5 billion net loss in the previous fiscal year.