The Democrats Have Been Kamalished


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
November 8, 2024

The Democrats Have Been Kamalished​

By Douglas Schwartz

Kamalish (kah-MOLL-ish) verb, to politically self-destruct from within. Rhymes with demolish. Earliest use, c. 2024.

Democrats didn’t just lose an election, they lost a political party, the world’s oldest. Founded in 1828, Democrats will sow chaos no more. The Civil War’s perpetrators have finally come undone.

Two factors will contribute to the party’s rapid disappearance on the national level. Without control of the presidency and Congress, many Democrats will retire when their terms end, a process already underway. Once in the minority, their ability to demand kickbacks vanishes. The debt crisis immediately ahead means budget cutbacks ad nauseam. And wholesale price deflation. Democrats’ entire act, since the New Deal, was passing out cash and accumulating debt. Republicans generally abetted this scam, now over thanks to onerous interest costs. Take away their credit card, and Democrats offer voters little.

Astute Democrats (a rare species) perceived the writing on the wall and headed for the exits long before the election. Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin chose independent status, then both retired. Manchin’s seat just flipped red in a landslide. Senators Jackie Rosen, Sherrod Brown, and Jon Tester were afraid to appear at the 2024 DNC convention. Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey pulled a Kamala and pretended to support MAGA policies. Brown, Tester, and Casey lost reelection. Five fresh GOP senators soon take office.

Once Trump and Musk begin carving up the federal workforce, entire public employee unions (and their dues) now owned by Democrats will be eliminated or gutted. Two examples: teachers and postal workers.

Trump plans to mostly eliminate the Department of Education. Local jurisdictions will be hard-pressed to fund public education in coming years as tax revenues decline. The average cost per public elementary and secondary pupil is over $16,000. Urban costs run far greater. New York City spends around $34,000. For classrooms of 25 students, that amounts to $850,000, for a short work year; about 60% of the hours worked annually elsewhere in the economy. Most educational expenditures go to salaries and benefits. School vouchers will be the inevitable solution to reduce costs. The private sector obtains much better results, and is far cheaper. Teachers’ unions will be downsized, hobbling their ability to bundle donations to Democrats.

The U.S. Postal Service lost another $6.5 billion last year. Its 500,000 union members represent a huge drag on the economy. The USPS operates on a 19th-century business model, before automobiles, cell phones, email, and the internet existed. Dispatching employees to every address, six days a week, is unsustainable. There are reasons why milkmen went out of business: supermarkets and automobiles. It is more economical for customers to grab milk at supermarkets than pay someone to make the rounds. The USPS is so upside down that they charge customers to rent post office boxes, relieving the service of having to fund deliveries.

Teachers and postal workers are low-hanging fruit. Too many government agencies are bastions of regulatory capture and have been turned into agents of corporate interests. Take the Department of Agriculture. It advocates for globalist, consolidated, oligarchic interests while working to destroy small farmers. The maze of farm subsidies is beyond absurd. Or Big Pharma’s capture of the FDA and CDC, most notoriously with COVID “vaccine” atrocities. Good luck trying to install hydro power on a dam. The Big Guys long ago rigged that system to prevent competition.

The Pentagon won’t escape cuts. Trump will engineer a massive peace dividend. First by pulling Iranian and Ukrainian funding. Then by diplomatic initiatives to settle global conflicts. Russia and China are even less able than we are to fund military expenditures and will gladly accommodate Trump. Iran already has.

Initiatives to prevent ballot fraud, including statutory changes, and potentially a constitutional amendment, are on the agenda. 2024 exposed the massive fraud underlying the 2020 COVID election and its millions of mail-in ballots. Guess what? Biden’s 81 million votes were fictitious. Votes Democrats could not buy were too often stolen. Gutting public employee unions -- and their flow of union dues -- diminishes Democrats’ buying power. It is not just ballot fraud, but wholesale fraudulent election funding, from foreign and other dark sources, systematically laundered through unwitting straw donors. A Trump Department of Justice, alongside congressional investigators, will focus on exposing this chronic threat. There almost needs to be a separate election integrity cabinet agency. Absent ballot fraud, many Democrats wouldn’t win elections.

Then there are Democrats’ tens of millions of illegal immigrants, imposing enormous costs on our schools, the health care network, emergency services, criminal justice system, etc. Plus, they have been voting. Adios, amigos. Bon voyage.

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