Yo Medic!

My damned arm doesn't hurt anymore, but I'm still waiting on them thar' deux clots. Should I/DBros have another glass of wine while we're on our extended wait?? :p
A little sore arm is a small price to pay just to be their bitches eh? You gotta have at least one every three months now- they be loving y'all being their obedient bitches for sure.
I really wouldnt give a crap but now y'all are enabling them to stick the kids and that ain't right- yalls lining up to be their bitches just allows them to go after the kids and makes it harder for the other half of the country that sees that it's all about control and thinning the herd.

Y'all should be so proud
A little sore arm is a small price to pay just to be their bitches eh? You gotta have at least one every three months now- they be loving y'all being their obedient bitches for sure.
I really wouldnt give a crap but now y'all are enabling them to stick the kids and that ain't right- yalls lining up to be their bitches just allows them to go after the kids and makes it harder for the other half of the country that sees that it's all about control and thinning the herd.

Y'all should be so proud
When do you think the blood clotting in Jimmybob will start?
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When do you think the blood clotting in Jimmybob will start?
Clottings started- you think it's one swoop and you're dead? Happened with thousands but not all- just like all the other animal tests with those mRNA shots. What he's on death jab 3? A DDimer test would tell him.

What global left is shot are you on there? Did I say those evil sick bastards love guys like y'all- their greatest customers to make those billions
And thin the herd. Help climate change also y'all don't breath THEIR OXYGEN.

Y'all do know the history of these corrupt harmful companies that produce these shots?! I'm saying no or you wouldn't have taken them. Understand your tele scared y'all to death or guilted Y'all into to "taking them for the team" but my God- these companies have paid out hundreds or thousands of billions for harming people through the years with their non tested crap. Now they don't have to pay out any for hurting y'all (Since 1986 law) - I hope y'all are ok but the more you take the worse yalls clotting and immune systems are getting.
Clottings started- you think it's one swoop and you're dead? Happened with thousands but not all- just like all the other animal tests with those mRNA shots. What he's on death jab 3? A DDimer test would tell him.

What global left is shot are you on there? Did I say those evil sick bastards love guys like y'all- their greatest customers to make those billions
And thin the herd. Help climate change also y'all don't breath THEIR OXYGEN.

Y'all do know the history of these corrupt harmful companies that produce these shots?! I'm saying no or you wouldn't have taken them. Understand your tele scared y'all to death or guilted Y'all into to "taking them for the team" but my God- these companies have paid out hundreds or thousands of billions for harming people through the years with their non tested crap. Now they don't have to pay out any for hurting y'all (Since 1986 law) - I hope y'all are ok but the more you take the worse yalls clotting and immune systems are getting.
So Jimmybob is already having clotting problems? JB, are you receiving this information? Can you verify what the clotting is doing?
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So Jimmybob is already having clotting problems? JB, are you receiving this information? Can you verify what the clotting is doing?
What shot were you on big Pharma truster? I will go first- I have taken ZERO! And when you ask me in a year the answer will be ZERO!
There's only one breed of us that aren't taking the shots that's about half the country and it's like heck no I will never take it.

There's two types of you shot worshipers and over truster's that think big Pharma gives a rip about you along with uncle Sam: there's the type that took the shots and have shot regret and now know what's going on and have or will stop taking them, and then there's people like you guys that are going to ride this horse all the way through the derby Until Fox and CNN tells you they're killing people to stop. It's Sad anyone's that gullible - y'all are why we have lockdowns, and mask mandates, and shot coercion and mandated and now they are making our kiddos unhealthy for life- bc of you gullible obedient sheep
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So Jimmybob is already having clotting problems? JB, are you receiving this information? Can you verify what the clotting is doing?

It's on ignore, so not receiving any of its garbage. I guess I should stop taking my Eliquis to speed up the clotting process. :D
What shot were you on big Pharma truster? I will go first- I have taken ZERO! And when you ask me in a year the answer will be ZERO!
There's only one breed of us that aren't taking the shots that's about half the country and it's like heck no I will never take it.

There's two types of you shot worshipers and over truster's that think big Pharma gives a rip about you along with uncle Sam: there's the type that took the shots and have shot regret and now know what's going on and have or will stop taking them, and then there's people like you guys that are going to ride this horse all the way through the derby Until Fox and CNN tells you they're killing people to stop. It's Sad anyone's that gullible - y'all are why we have lockdowns, and mask mandates, and shot coercion and mandated and now they are making our kiddos unhealthy for life- bc of you gullible obedient sheep
Corrected to say "lockdowns, ma mandates, shot mandates and shooting our kids up.
Passports with QR code's to do anything are next- thanks sheep.

Heck even my 70 year
Old big Pharma vaccine loving mom is tapping out after two shots- she's a gullible as they come But she woke up - slightly
It's on ignore, so not receiving any of its garbage. I guess I should stop taking my Eliquis to speed up the clotting process. :D
Yes- you know which medicineS' sales have
went up 500'perxemt since last year?!?!?
They get paid huge to make you Clot
THEN sell you clotting medicine WOW!!!!!
Way more Cancer is predicted from these shots also- Guess who sells the chemo🤔
@everyone - My unvax’d wife returned to work today after being quite sick with COVID for ten days. This is day 13 and she’s been without fever for three days.. I live in the same house as well as my disabled son. We both received the Pfizer jabs last March. Neither of us got sick and feel great. I’m a believer, and will be getting my booster before the end of November.

So either listen to the voices of experience, reason and reality, or listen the 24/7 version of EG Robinson standing on the edge of the Red Sea, bitching about how everyone is going to die for believing Moses.
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@everyone - My unvax’d wife returned to work today after being quite sick with COVID for ten days. This is day 13 and she’s been without fever for three days.. I live in the same house as well as my disabled son. We both received the Pfizer jabs last March. Neither of us got sick and feel great. I’m a believer, and will be getting my booster before the end of November.

So either listen to the voices of experience, reason and reality, or listen the 24/7 version of EG Robinson standing on the edge of the Red Sea, bitching about how everyone is going to die for believing Moses.
Weird all these countries being 80-90 percent gene therapied are having astronomical COVID cases now🤔. Of course it shouldn't matter the media just scared y'all into saying "cases" yet won't say it's 99.9 percent survivable wirhout IVM, quercetin, HCQ among with zinc raises that number up. She's smart and didn't take the poison- if she did and caught it she'd be way worse off.

Covid- the greatest Psyop ever perpetrated on the people- at least that we know of.

Keep rocking those shots with your head in the sand- your wife is ok bc COVID is a hyped up flu and she didn't take the immune damaging blood clotting shots.. My congrats to you for marrying a smart lady
Weird all these countries being 80-90 percent gene therapied are having astronomical COVID cases now🤔. Of course it shouldn't matter the media just scared y'all into saying "cases" yet won't say it's 99.9 percent survivable wirhout IVM, quercetin, HCQ among with zinc raises that number up. She's smart and didn't take the poison- if she did and caught it she'd be way worse off.

Covid- the greatest Psyop ever perpetrated on the people- at least that we know of.

Keep rocking those shots with your head in the sand- your wife is ok bc COVID is a hyped up flu and she didn't take the immune damaging blood clotting shots.. My congrats to you for marrying a smart lady
Oh and states in the US that are highly gene therapied and are having huge spikes- way more this year.

Hate to tell you guys you keep loading up on the shots and you're going in the hospital they're going to isolate you, put you on remdesivir, and then put you on a vent and not let any of your family see you and you're gonna die a slow and painful death by these bastards
Weird all these countries being 80-90 percent gene therapied are having astronomical COVID cases now🤔. Of course it shouldn't matter the media just scared y'all into saying "cases" yet won't say it's 99.9 percent survivable wirhout IVM, quercetin, HCQ among with zinc raises that number up. She's smart and didn't take the poison- if she did and caught it she'd be way worse off.

Covid- the greatest Psyop ever perpetrated on the people- at least that we know of.

Keep rocking those shots with your head in the sand- your wife is ok bc COVID is a hyped up flu and she didn't take the immune damaging blood clotting shots.. My congrats to you for marrying a smart lady
Y'all do know that 70 members of the Pfizer advisory board are members of the CCP correct? You know- the ones want so bad to take us over and have said they will do it without a bullet fired? Shots are being fired but only through syringes lol
Research it- oh wait ...y'all don't believe in that research stuff- you just accept what the mainstream tells you my bad
What shot were you on big Pharma truster? I will go first- I have taken ZERO! And when you ask me in a year the answer will be ZERO!
There's only one breed of us that aren't taking the shots that's about half the country and it's like heck no I will never take it.

There's two types of you shot worshipers and over truster's that think big Pharma gives a rip about you along with uncle Sam: there's the type that took the shots and have shot regret and now know what's going on and have or will stop taking them, and then there's people like you guys that are going to ride this horse all the way through the derby Until Fox and CNN tells you they're killing people to stop. It's Sad anyone's that gullible - y'all are why we have lockdowns, and mask mandates, and shot coercion and mandated and now they are making our kiddos unhealthy for life- bc of you gullible obedient sheep
So, you didn't answer the question. When does the clotting start? I've had 3 of the Pfizer shot with no clots. JimmyBob has been vaccinated without clots so far. 22LR hasn't had clots yet. When can we expect to get the clots?
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It's on ignore, so not receiving any of its garbage. I guess I should stop taking my Eliquis to speed up the clotting process. :D

I have it on ignore too and from time to time I hit the show ignored content button to screw with the methdog2021.
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So, you didn't answer the question. When does the clotting start? I've had 3 of the Pfizer shot with no clots. JimmyBob has been vaccinated without clots so far. 22LR hasn't had clots yet. When can we expect to get the clots?
No I did answer it Einstein- why not look back one more time and see the answer. You don't know you're not clotting currently unless you do a D Dimer test or your clots are at the significant stage already - majority of doctors and research say clotting gets worse with each shot.

If you're looking to me to make yourself ok with taking the shots you're in the wrong place. Those shots area Straight outta hell with how they are playing it. 17k reported
Deaths by the cdc -
most Doctors so 1-10 percent is all that's there- that makes 170k- 1.7 million dead and God knows how many debilitating injuries. Go ask 5 doctors off the record- but trust me you don't want to- you're not going to like what they have to say.

Ask them about VAERS and the Harvard pilgrim study- I double dog dare you
So, you didn't answer the question. When does the clotting start? I've had 3 of the Pfizer shot with no clots. JimmyBob has been vaccinated without clots so far. 22LR hasn't had clots yet. When can we expect to get the clots?

I have it on ignore too and from time to time I hit the show ignored content button to screw with the methdog2021.
If I was gullible like y'all and took a poison shot to cure a 99.9 survival virus I'd put me on ignore also- truth hurts
When do the clots start? I had pfizer doses in December 2020, January 2021, and September 2021. No clots yet.
Oh if you've taken two or three death Jab clot shots I'm sure they've started-Guess you've had no reduction in energy? Are you still breathing just as good?

I would think you could've gotten one of the placebos but you sound like such a shot lover you've taken at least three and my wrong?

Let's see how you do this winter I will keep praying for y'all with the broken immune system.

I hope you are not letting your kids and - or grandkids take these for God sake, I have no idea how old you are but God help you if you're pushing them on your kids or grandkids.
I know 38 with injuries from the shots and Four of those are dead. Others with strokes, first shot was so bad and put them at the hospital or down for so long they wouldn't take the second shot, which is a great idea because the second shot is just another dagger further and your immune system.

I still know only one person that had Covid that had to be hospitalized. I ask this question to many and the answers are about all the same, most know very few if any that had to go to the hospital with Covid, but know many people that have died or had bad adverse reactions within days or weeks or months afterTaking these demonic shots
Simple question for anyone on this thread, how many do you know that Have had deaths or bad reactions to the shots? And how many do you know that Have been hospitalized with Covid?

I know that most know a lot more people that had bad stuff happened to them with the demonic shots than with the 99.9% Surgical virus. Greatest Psyop In our known history is this to get as many of these shots in bodies as possible. The shots weren't made for COVID ....COVID was created for these death jabs to Jon the here'd and make most of the tests sickly and dependent of the world new world order govt.

Let's hear it people- I went first with the numbers. I'm so confident in this let's hear it everyone

38:1 is my ratio of those I know
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@everyone - My unvax’d wife returned to work today after being quite sick with COVID for ten days. This is day 13 and she’s been without fever for three days.. I live in the same house as well as my disabled son. We both received the Pfizer jabs last March. Neither of us got sick and feel great. I’m a believer, and will be getting my booster before the end of November.

So either listen to the voices of experience, reason and reality, or listen the 24/7 version of EG Robinson standing on the edge of the Red Sea, bitching about how everyone is going to die for believing Moses.
Good to hear that your wife is feeling better!
Vermont 80 percent death jabbed- cases way up
Israel 90 percent clot shotted- record
Singapore almost 100 percent vaxxed- record cases
India- give them IVM- almost
Zero cases.

Covid Cases Have meant basically nothing bc it doesn't kill- now that people are weakening their immune system it may just get real
Vermont 80 percent death jabbed- cases way up
Israel 90 percent clot shotted- record
Singapore almost 100 percent vaxxed- record cases
India- give them IVM- almost
Zero cases.

Covid Cases Have meant basically nothing bc it doesn't kill- now that people are weakening their immune system it may just get real
So no timeline from Dr. Gab on when the clots start?
So no timeline from Dr. Gab on when the clots start?
Just wow no wonder you're dumb enough to take the shots you can't read lol

Ok one more time for the hard of hearing, if you took a shot that was not a placebo you already have mucked up red blood cells and a poor immune system as y'all will find out this winter.

People would have to be a total moron to take the shots these daysNow that the information is out there, total moron
Just wow no wonder you're dumb enough to take the shots you can't read lol

Ok one more time for the hard of hearing, if you took a shot that was not a placebo you already have mucked up red blood cells and a poor immune system as y'all will find out this winter.

People would have to be a total moron to take the shots these daysNow that the information is out there, total moron
Ok, this winter, got it. Should I get an IVC filter placed?
Haven't heard how many you know yet that got mucked up by the $hit- if I know 38 you gotta know half of that right non medic?
Huh? I work with a bunch of vaccinated people. My entire family is vaccinated. I haven't heard of a single case of any of your Dr. Gab bullshit. That's why I'm asking the clot shot death jab expert when all of that is supposed to start. Duh.
Huh? I work with a bunch of vaccinated people. My entire family is vaccinated. I haven't heard of a single case of any of your Dr. Gab bullshit. That's why I'm asking the clot shot death jab expert when all of that is supposed to start. Duh.

I'm sofa king glad the clotting didn't start while you were responding to the jack-off idiot's tripe. The dog and I will sleep better tonight. :eek:
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Yes- you know which medicineS' sales have
went up 500'perxemt since last year?!?!?
They get paid huge to make you Clot
THEN sell you clotting medicine WOW!!!!!
Way more Cancer is predicted from these shots also- Guess who sells the chemo🤔



A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):



disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)

grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

negative symptoms (i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition)
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I'm sofa king glad the clotting didn't start while you were responding to the jack-off idiot's tripe. The dog and I will sleep better tonight. :eek:
Yeah, he keeps sending out weird messages about the timing. It's difficult to hear it all with him in that tin foil submarine and whatnot.
Yeah, he keeps sending out weird messages about the timing. It's difficult to hear it all with him in that tin foil submarine and whatnot.
Yeah seems to be a lack of conspiracy theorists lately since all our predictions have came true huh? Just wait until we visit in March- praying that y'all make it maybe we can keep talking.
Yeah seems to be a lack of conspiracy theorists lately since all our predictions have came true huh? Just wait until we visit in March- praying that y'all make it maybe we can keep talking.
Wait. What? Now we have to wait until March for the blood clots? Can you Gabbies get your story straight?
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Wait. What? Now we have to wait until March for the blood clots? Can you Gabbies get your story straight?
For the FOURTH time brainiac- you've already got them unless you've had all placebos which I doubt you have. How many more times are you going to ask me about when your clots will start- seriously guy. I haven't heard of the side effects from the gene therapies killing brain cells but you're opening up a whole new argument for said adverse reaction 😳