Yeah, Megapoke is still counting down the indictments, lol.

Oh for sure. I mean, I’m not saying it DID happen that way. Lord no. Not like I’m saying what I found this guy on tmb saying or anything....

He said...

- The DNC realized their e-mails had been downloaded by an insider.

- They spent weeks before reporting it.

- In that time, they devised a plan to have Crowdstrike take possession of the servers, created imaged copies, and insert Russian hacker “fingerprints” in the imaged copies.

- They then reported to the crony FBI. The FBI asked for the servers. The DNC said “No” we have Crowdstrike looking into it. (Wink, wink). Comey says, (winking back) “OK with us.”

- Crowdstrike provides the doctored imaged copy of the servers. Not the servers themselves, but the imaged servers they fabricated. Crowdstrike pushes the phony Russian hacking analysis and the Obama Administration runs with it getting all of the Intelligence branches to agree to what Crowdstrike said.

- This has become the “unanimous governmental assessment” of Russian hacking so many people have fallen for.

-The servers were falsely imaged in Ukraine and Trump knows this. Barr and Durham know this. Ukrainians know this. Biden and all of the Swamp Rats know this.

Can you help me here? I sure would like to get this Seth Rich monkey off my back guys.

I'm here to help. Let's get started.

No predictions on Rudy? These sources sure seem to miss when someone actually gets charged. Why?

What is your tiny little hate boner for me about today? My “sources” Bongino, Solomon, Sara Carter, Jeff Carlson, Tom Fitton, Kimberly Strassel

They have been objectively correct on almost everything for two years as you’ve bought lie after lie and come back for more.

They aren’t hard to find. Go check them out and learn something.

Better yet. Read a book.

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What is your tiny little hate boner for me about today? My “sources” Bongino, Solomon, Sara Carter, Jeff Carlson, Tom Fitton, Kimberly Strassel

They have been objectively correct on almost everything for two years as you’ve bought lie after lie and come back for more.

They aren’t hard to find. Go check them out and learn something.

Better yet. Read a book.

which one of those people are talking about inserting fingerprint in a server image?
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Maybe you should stick to believing the people you listed since they apparently have a better track record than "a guy"

Oh I said multiple times it’s crazy and not my words - or that I believed him. Perhaps you missed that? Actually all I’ve ever said about Seth Rich is that I’m open minded because THAT is what happens to real whistleblowers. Just ask Karen Silkwood.

Still I just wish I had people with a better track record of accuracy than you guys to rely on for debunking it completely.
Oh I said multiple times it’s crazy and not my words - or that I believed him. Perhaps you missed that? Actually all I’ve ever said about Seth Rich is that I’m open minded because THAT is what happens to real whistleblowers. Just ask Karen Silkwood.

Still I just wish I had people with a better track record of accuracy than you guys to rely on for debunking it completely.
Just read up on forensic server imaging and how hashes work
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Welp, it was worth a shot.

Dan Bongino. My gawd. Couldnt find an Enquirer? I swear it's always anything but a credentialed, sane, journalist. Gotta always be a moron.
What is your tiny little hate boner for me about today? My “sources” Bongino, Solomon, Sara Carter, Jeff Carlson, Tom Fitton, Kimberly Strassel

They have been objectively correct on almost everything for two years as you’ve bought lie after lie and come back for more.

They aren’t hard to find. Go check them out and learn something.

Better yet. Read a book.


Wayyyy out at "tiny little hate boner"


So accurate.
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Welp, it was worth a shot.

Dan Bongino. My gawd. Couldnt find an Enquirer? I swear it's always anything but a credentialed, sane, journalist. Gotta always be a moron.

Except..... he's only been wrong about one thing. One. He predicted Blasy Ford wouldn't show up to testify. Beyond that, he's been spot on and you... well.... you've been shitting the bed. Weekly. On a broad never ending stream of topics - now including the whistle leaker - whom you are 100% behind. Even Adam Schiff has punted on that one.

Seriously Walter Mitty, you never win on these things. You get your ass handed to you by a conga line of people and then claim victory and assign fantasy straw man arguments to me that I've never made - find me saying Hillary would go to jail for example.

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The Mueller investigation produced a detailed bombshell that our enemy worked hard to get Trump elected. Wonder why our enemy wanted him so bad?

The Mueller investigation put Trump's campaign manager in jail. Now -- in jail.

The Mueller investigation put Trump's lawyer in jail. Now -- in jail.

The Mueller investigation got a guilty plea from Trump's NSA advisor. He'll be sentenced.

The Mueller investiaation resulted in dozens of indictments.

The Mueller investigation also disclosed that DOJ lacks the legal authority to charge the POTUS with anything.

I'd personally be pretty amazed if Huber can get those kinds of results.

You know how many Obama admin people were ever charged?
el LOL
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Except..... he's only been wrong about one thing. One. He predicted Blasy Ford wouldn't show up to testify. Beyond that, he's been spot on and you... well.... you've been shitting the bed. Weekly. On a broad never ending stream of topics - now including the whistle leaker - whom you are 100% behind. Even Adam Schiff has punted on that one.

Seriously Walter Mitty, you never win on these things. You get your ass handed to you by a conga line of people and then claim victory and assign fantasy straw man arguments to me that I've never made - find me saying Hillary would go to jail for example.


I've inventoried a small slice of your buffoonery in the OP. You've now create some narrative about the "whistle leaker" -- all of which is whole cloth #bornfollowing from some right wing dipshit, I assume. Like Bonginoni -- he' a fox host and biff partisan, right? Figures.

Oh - that adam schiff punted on. Please provide a cite regarding adam schiff punting on the whistle leaker. Today, Oct. 17, 2019, your sumpteenth sillyass toofless conspiracy is predicted as moronic. Let's consider this new revelation bronzed as well. I'm not even sure what it is, but it'll be another doozy.

Oh... anything yet? Those indictments dropping any time soon on Hillz and the emails? I see Fatass is still banging that drum today to the #bornfollowers. What are your sources saying about that?
I've inventoried a small slice of your buffoonery in the OP. You've now create some narrative about the "whistle leaker" -- all of which is whole cloth #bornfollowing from some right wing dipshit, I assume. Like Bonginoni -- he' a fox host and biff partisan, right? Figures.

Oh - that adam schiff punted on. Please provide a cite regarding adam schiff punting on the whistle leaker. Today, Oct. 17, 2019, your sumpteenth sillyass toofless conspiracy is predicted as moronic. Let's consider this new revelation bronzed as well. I'm not even sure what it is, but it'll be another doozy.

Oh... anything yet? Those indictments dropping any time soon on Hillz and the emails? I see Fatass is still banging that drum today to the #bornfollowers. What are your sources saying about that?
Until I read the above post, I used to think this was what a meltdown looked like:

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I've inventoried a small slice of your buffoonery in the OP

No, you've recited a variety of things you disagree with me on - which have yet to be conclusively proven one way or another. Your gaslighting may work in whatever corner of the internet you go for your programming, but it doesn't fly here. Again, you do realize the people who read this post also read what you've posted day to day for years? You are absolutely the most gullible nerd on this board but every once in awhile you have an extra french press mocha latte' and flex like Mr Olympia . It's always a fun read to see you spin out on posting portfolios, because yours ain't good broseph.

Please provide a cite regarding adam schiff punting on the whistle leaker.

The last thing Schitt wants is the whistleblower to be public and to testify and be asked why he's worked with Schitt's office before. Use your head, dipschiff.

Oh... anything yet?

Geez.... this again? The IG report is next. Durham and Barr after that. Declass. And probably some other curveballs along the way and CERTAINLY more bullshit tinfoil hat leftist conspiracy trains for you to take a ride on to be shat out between now and then.

Only Then will you will have an answer to your retarded rhetorical. I share your frustration at the speed of the wheels of justice, but as lawyer you definitely should know better.
There it is, another conservative rag. I looked, it's all slanted spin.

Sigh... I just googled and posted the first result. What is it with you and sources? I thought you said if it's true, it's true. I guess not... let's see here.... Is Politico far enough removed from *checks notes* conservative rags for you?

Adam Schiff says whistleblower may not testify in ... - Politico › news › 2019/10/13 › schiff-whistleblower-imp...

Yes, and the last thing the House wanted was Mueller to actually testify. It just goes on and one with you.

Yeah, that's a long list of one. Good job? I guess?

And I admitted I was wrong - as men do, when wrong. Mueller did in fact show up to testify, and it was cringy, sad and counterproductive to the legend that had grown up around him over the previous two years.

It was a horrible idea to drag that guy out in front of the cameras to speak like he had escaped from a nursing home. All he did was solidify the fact that Weissman wrote the report and he put his name on it. His testimony killed any teeth the report had and killed his reputation.
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Sigh... I just googled and posted the first result. What is it with you and sources? I thought you said if it's true, it's true. I guess not... let's see here.... Is Politico far enough removed from *checks notes* conservative rags for you?

Adam Schiff says whistleblower may not testify in ... - Politico › news › 2019/10/13 › schiff-whistleblower-imp...

Yeah, that's a long list of one. Good job? I guess?

And I admitted I was wrong - as men do, when wrong. Mueller did in fact show up to testify, and it was cringy, sad and counterproductive to the legend that had grown up around him over the previous two years.

It was a horrible idea to drag that guy out in front of the cameras to speak like he had escaped from a nursing home. All he did was solidify the fact that Weissman wrote the report and he put his name on it. His testimony killed any teeth the report had and killed his reputation.

Because good sources pass along true facts and bad sources pass along untrue facts. As I've maintained for years, you only believe the bad sources -- experts in nazi occult, snake oil salesmen, alex breitbart... and that article was more spin that fact, at least two paragraphs or so in. I'm not sure you understand the distinction between fact and inference.

But you have a point in citing my point that true underlying facts makes the narrator's character irrelevant. Glad we're in agreement for a change. So if the whistleblower's story is separately substantiated by the internal call memo, other witnesses, Biff, and multiple statements against interest, why would schiff or anybody else give a shit if the whistleblower testifies?
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Because good sources pass along true facts and bad sources pass along untrue facts. As I've maintained for years, you only believe the bad sources -- experts in nazi occult, snake oil salesmen, alex breitbart... and that article was more spin that fact, at least two paragraphs or so in. I'm not sure you understand the distinction between fact and inference.

Yeeeeahhhh.... You are super well known for good sourcing and not #shittingthebed. As I told you - I googled "Schiff says whistleblower not needed" to make a point from this morning and posted the first thing that seemed to quote the little bitch. You read way more into it than that. Let me try this... me talking to you. I'm the source here. Hey sys, Adam Schitt said he may not even need the whistle-leaker. "Probably because he doesn't want that person to testify and have to answer questions about working with him previously."

But you have a point in citing my point that true underlying facts makes the narrator's character irrelevant. Glad we're in agreement for a change. So if the whistleblower's story is separately substantiated by the internal call memo, other witnesses, Biff, and multiple statements against interest, why would schiff or anybody else give a shit if the whistleblower testifies?

Because - and I'm just guessing here. he doesn't want the whistle-leaker to answer questions in public. Because, it's all fabricated bullshit, and would not hold up well under scrutiny and might highlight some uncomfortable associations for the whistle leaker.

Look sys, I'm trying to help you here. Work with me would you?

1. Schiff did not expect Trump to release the transcript. Everything you saw after that was Benny Hill show comedy, and now the whistle blower is useless because WE HAVE THE TRANSCRIPT.

2. Schiff moved on away from a quid-pro-quo on the call to making the claim that basically the quid pro quo was that the Ukraine guy would GET a phone call from Trump. And to get that call, he evidently was supposed to find dirt on Biden.

3. Trump's favor was info on CrowdStrike - Not sloppy Joe.

4. It's a garbage story that only idiots believe at this point..... and finally....

5. The vote on impeachment has been cancelled - for one of two reasons. Either Nancy did not have the votes and couldn't get it done, or DID have the votes and did want this to be turned into a trial of the democrats (not Trump) in the Senate. There was no win to this for her, and Schitt did her no favors with his sloppy banana republic soft coup sequel.

Don't get too down buddy. I can see you are having a rough day. Take heart! There will no doubt be another lie you can sink your teeth into any day now. I wish you would eventually wise up and stop emotionally investing in them, but I have to be honest - it's too much fun to fück with you when you do, so... really... I guess what I'm saying is...

Don't stop...


Except..... he's only been wrong about one thing. One. He predicted Blasy Ford wouldn't show up to testify. Beyond that, he's been spot on and you... well.... you've been shitting the bed. Weekly. On a broad never ending stream of topics - now including the whistle leaker - whom you are 100% behind. Even Adam Schiff has punted on that one.

Seriously Walter Mitty, you never win on these things. You get your ass handed to you by a conga line of people and then claim victory and assign fantasy straw man arguments to me that I've never made - find me saying Hillary would go to jail for example.

No. No. No, he's not only been wrong about one thing. It takes .02 seconds to google search just one awful slice of his chicanery.

Bongino lied about his consent to be taped. Bongino falsely accused Caputo of attacking his family. Bongino never answered the question he said he could answer.Bongino lied about what Caputo was asking.

Every time, my man. The guy was a failed, professional candidate that literally no community in the country would allow to represent them, but man he's got the answers now. This one little slice, the first name.

You need to disinfect your information and influence ecosystem. This guy is a moron.
Which eventually lead to a meltdown, dumb-a$$.
So the roof being blown out, that was from the meltdown? Or maybe the meltdown blew the roof out? Or that the meltdown was inevitable because the roof was missing?

Help this dumb ass figure out what the **** you are trying to say because your words make no sense.
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BTW: if you want to watch a brain meltdown, this dude is a candidate. Not necessarily here, may not be now, but keep your eye on this one...

He thinks edjcashon shouldn't be funded because it will just be misspent.
So the rough being blown out, that was from the meltdown? Or maybe the meltdown blew the roof out? Or that the meltdown was inevitable because the roof was missing?

Help this dumb ass figure out what the **** you are trying to say because your words make no sense.
Whatever makes you feel better, moby. Another "parser" who thinks he's clever for playing "gotcha" with mickey-mouse details. Like the lib who said "that wasn't an explosion, it was combustion!"
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