Wow.....Leftos threatening the SCOTUS.

What would be funny is if the Repubs were to follow through with growing the court to 11 or 15 following a Trump 2020 victory. To see all these same individuals who have espoused the idea today suddenly be forced to pivot and attack the premise would be comical.
What would be funny is if the Repubs were to follow through with growing the court to 11 or 15 following a Trump 2020 victory. To see all these same individuals who have espoused the idea today suddenly be forced to pivot and attack the premise would be comical.

Now that would be funny as hell, and appoint some really young Judges. They never think about how tilting of the scales they want NOW, can come back and bite them LATER. They do not look past what is in front of them, so reactionary, hate blinds.
What would be funny is if the Repubs were to follow through with growing the court to 11 or 15 following a Trump 2020 victory. To see all these same individuals who have espoused the idea today suddenly be forced to pivot and attack the premise would be comical.
Expand and stack before 2020 that would really get Dem panties bunched up.
IMO threatening the SCOTUS is crossing the line and could easily be interpreted as sedition. This statement from Democrats is beyond divisive and very dangerous for a country.

Laws do not apply to them, they can make them up as they go. Screw elections.
That's funny coming from dems who have relied upon the SCOTUS and other lower courts to do their political bidding for decades when they couldn't impose it legislatively.

Several court rulings of late have rankled them. If Trump gets to place 1-2 others on the SCOTUS and a couple hundred new lower court judges the dems will be locked out legislatively and judicially. Dems are like cancer.

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