Worst President since WW2?

In fact I do know how Muslims treat 'their women'. I know because I support a school for Girls. You know this. Without international aid (mostly from America) these girls would live a complete life of oppression and subjection. I encourage you to read this with an open mind.

So yeah, F you and your excuse making for your religion and for saying that you know better than me. Yes I know. Apparently better than you.
Wow. But we all know he's going to say that's not the real Islam. @aliabedi you are a piece of trash human being, almost sub human
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In fact I do know how Muslims treat 'their women'. I know because I support a school for Girls. You know this. Without international aid (mostly from America) these girls would live a complete life of oppression and subjection. I encourage you to read this with an open mind.

So yeah, F you and your excuse making for your religion and for saying that you know better than me. Yes I know. Apparently better than you.
Some times you sound smart but sorry to say most of the times you are just stupid.
I never defended muslim or cultural behaviour it has nothing to do with Islam.
I am happy you support an organization in Afghanistan,but have you been there?
I adopted an Afghan girl now she is 18, she is the biggest feminist you would ever
come across. She stopped seeing this friend because he had some chauvinistic
views about women.
Read child marriages in Pakistan on wikipedia.
Some times you sound smart but sorry to say most of the times you are just stupid.
I never defended muslim or cultural behaviour it has nothing to do with Islam.
I am happy you support an organization in Afghanistan,but have you been there?
I adopted an Afghan girl now she is 18, she is the biggest feminist you would ever
come across. She stopped seeing this friend because he had some chauvinistic
views about women.
Read child marriages in Pakistan on wikipedia.
Early and child marriage are directly attributable to deep-rooted gender inequalities, traditional practices, and customs.[1]

The close relationship between female chastity and family honour forces family members to marry girls at an early age to prevent sexual transgressions and consequent damage to family reputation. The conceptualization of the girl child as ‘other’s property’ who has to eventually move to her husband’s home prevents parents from investing in their daughter’s education and daughters thus are married off at an early age to relieve parents of their ‘burden'.[2]

Sounds like a great country. Hate for the parents to have a burden.
Early and child marriage are directly attributable to deep-rooted gender inequalities, traditional practices, and customs.[1]

The close relationship between female chastity and family honour forces family members to marry girls at an early age to prevent sexual transgressions and consequent damage to family reputation. The conceptualization of the girl child as ‘other’s property’ who has to eventually move to her husband’s home prevents parents from investing in their daughter’s education and daughters thus are married off at an early age to relieve parents of their ‘burden'.[2]

Sounds like a great country. Hate for the parents to have a burden.
And he asked for that to be posted. Weird.
And he asked for that to be posted. Weird.
I have said the same thing on this board. Living in america you dont realize the economic conditions of third world countries,
Polygamy is still practiced in some parts of the US should i equate that to the entire country.
Jehovah witness dont believe in trinity.Also against blood transfusion.
Christian scientiest dont believe in modern medicine.
Amish live like they were in mid east during 14th century.
Yes I wanted you to read that because they are cultural aspects to every society
specially those that you consider primitive.
Mozambique has one of the highest rate of child marriages in the world and they are
a Christian majority country.
Early and child marriage are directly attributable to deep-rooted gender inequalities, traditional practices, and customs.[1]

The close relationship between female chastity and family honour forces family members to marry girls at an early age to prevent sexual transgressions and consequent damage to family reputation. The conceptualization of the girl child as ‘other’s property’ who has to eventually move to her husband’s home prevents parents from investing in their daughter’s education and daughters thus are married off at an early age to relieve parents of their ‘burden'.[2]

Sounds like a great country. Hate for the parents to have a burden.
Please print rest of the article
I have said the same thing on this board. Living in america you dont realize the economic conditions of third world countries,
Polygamy is still practiced in some parts of the US should i equate that to the entire country.
Jehovah witness dont believe in trinity.Also against blood transfusion.
Christian scientiest dont believe in modern medicine.
Amish live like they were in mid east during 14th century.
Yes I wanted you to read that because they are cultural aspects to every society
specially those that you consider primitive.
Mozambique has one of the highest rate of child marriages in the world and they are
a Christian majority country.
All these individual quirks of different religions are all encapsulated in Islam. Sort of like let's take the worst things people believe and do all of them.
Some times you sound smart but sorry to say most of the times you are just stupid.
I never defended muslim or cultural behaviour it has nothing to do with Islam.
I am happy you support an organization in Afghanistan,but have you been there?
I adopted an Afghan girl now she is 18, she is the biggest feminist you would ever
come across. She stopped seeing this friend because he had some chauvinistic
views about women.
Read child marriages in Pakistan on wikipedia.
I belly laughed. Would read again. However, you obviously didn't read the link or watch either of the videos. You are the consummate liberal. Bury your head in the sand and tell everyone how much smarter you are.
I have said the same thing on this board. Living in america you dont realize the economic conditions of third world countries,
Polygamy is still practiced in some parts of the US should i equate that to the entire country.
Jehovah witness dont believe in trinity.Also against blood transfusion.
Christian scientiest dont believe in modern medicine.
Amish live like they were in mid east during 14th century.
Yes I wanted you to read that because they are cultural aspects to every society
specially those that you consider primitive.
Mozambique has one of the highest rate of child marriages in the world and they are
a Christian majority country.
So you are equating minority positions in America that are so small as to be statistically insignificant to the broad based and accepted culture. You again with your false equivocation.
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Thanks. The most important thing in it is a man of color explaining to a man of no color.
Same is the case with me and most of this board.Listen to me

Just what the world needs, another racist.

You should watch that movie. It makes fun of racism.
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Just what the world needs, another racist.

You should watch that movie. It makes fun of racism.
I was kidding,unlike you I dont judge human beings on any other aspect besides what that individual is like.
Actually it bis a small group that is asking for independence of Baluchistan.Has nothing
to do with Islam. Like most of the terrorist the have to have a slogan.They are more like
I thought this might be the case. Like the IRA or Basque folks. Thanks for the clarification.
Hell how could I comment on an American congress woman. I didn't even comment
on the congressman from Iowa.Their individual thoughts are theirs.
I have been to Israel and have had a lot of Jewish friends, holocaust happened and muslims were not responsible for that.
Hell how could I comment on an American congress woman. I didn't even comment
on the congressman from Iowa.Their individual thoughts are theirs.
I have been to Israel and have had a lot of Jewish friends, holocaust happened and muslims were not responsible for that.
So no comment on her antisemitic comments but you can comment on Trump and everything else America all day long? What a cop out.
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Another group that was part of holocaust were the gypsies it is estimated that as many
as 1. million of them killed.How can any one deny holocaust.
I cannot open the site on your post which congresswoman said this the somalian or the palestinian,

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