Wolf Hall

Marshal Jim Duncan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 22, 2013
If you aren't watching this series on PBS, you should be. Great story, based upon popular, award-winning books. Great cast - Damian Lewis, Mark Rylance, and quite a few others you'll recognize.

I think most GOT fans would enjoy it. Fans of historic novels surely would.
If you aren't watching this series on PBS, you should be. Great story, based upon popular, award-winning books. Great cast - Damian Lewis, Mark Rylance, and quite a few others you'll recognize.

I think most GOT fans would enjoy it. Fans of historic novels surely would.
I'm digging it, but it's not for everyone. The frau won't watch it.
My wife likes it. There are A LOT of different characters to keep track of. I think Rylance as Cromwell is excellent.
I'm watching it and generally like it. My wife watched the first two episodes, but is now done with it. She says it's too slow and too confusing for her.

I understand her confusion. There are so many characters, and the show just seems to assume viewers know who everybody is. (Maybe that's true for Brits who've been raised on this...I don't know.) I mean I know the basic history of Henry VIII, his wives, and the protestant/catholic conflict of the day; and I find it difficult to follow at times. I've read some summaries following the episodes that have really helped clarify things...give me some light bulb moments... "oh, that was what was going on there" - type of things.

I do find it interesting on how they depict Cromwell v. More; it's quite a different version of the More I've always generally understood... A Man for All Seasons and such.
I haven't watched any of it yet, but will check it out for sure. I love English history and it's nice to see that era from a perspective other than royalty and nobility. I may even pick up the books.

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