You say it’s a situation which “is not something that US law enforcement has any jurisdiction to deal with in any fashion.” And then insist I propose means to deal with it. That’s hard to do. Since you say it’s part of global trade I’m curious what you think one government, ours, will accomplish by imposing trade restrictions or tariffs. I’ve said I agree with trade restrictions on known stolen property. But I’m unclear how that stops trade between Yugoslavia and Romania if some of the property has been stolen. It sounds like you are trying to bait me into calling for tyrannical authoritarian “protection” by our government, and I’m not going to do that. As for me being concerned whether you take me seriously, I feel I must tell you I’m not. I’m a radical advocate of individual liberty, and as such I recognize free markets are the only economic system consistent with it. For those of you who demand the government protect you from all the bad actors in the world, which it is incapable of doing since most actions by governments are taken by bad actors themselves, your opinion matters as little to me as mine does to you.