I got the idea you think most Mexicans are lacking ambition with your story that the lawn service guy said most of his workers don’t have his drive for success.
I will be celebrating the 50th year of the ownership of my business on April 1. In that nearly 50 year tenure I have employed literally dozens of people: men, women, black, white, brown. I can count on one finger the number of my employees who had the desire, the spirit, the willingness, the ambition to strike out on his own. The rest have been perfectly content to have a job, with no particular desire to seek much advancement.
There’s nothing wrong with that attitude. It’s just been my observation of most people who are employees.
I don’t see the Latini population being discernibly different from everyone else.
I do not understand why you have a problem with a person from Mexico coming to America to work while retaining his identity as a Mexican. In what way is it different from my Texan employee? They both live here, work here, pay taxes, attend their kids’ PTA meetings, and so forth. What difference are you seeing that I am missing?
I believe your concept of the danger of Mexican communities at night is overblown. I have walked around at night and not felt anymore danger than other places.