What the hell does Christian persecution have to do with a bunch of freaks who are in a cult?
You do realize that in many Muslim cultures it is acceptable to sexually abuse children. Where is your outrage over that?
Christian persecution is at an all time high.
To be clear the They I am referring to is the people in power. Whomever they are. Be it Ken Starr or Jerry Sandusky, the Catholic Church, tribal leaders of backwards Abrahmaic religions. My problem is with those who hold the reigns.
Is it not? Did Newsweek mislead us?
The one thing I would think we would all agree on is stuff like this being evil.
I agree it is all evil, and it's why one of my biggest pet peeves (probably underselling it with that phrase) in modernity and history is the millions and millions of people killed in the name or religion and/or zeal.
And sure, I believe the Newsweek report. My question would be what is causing this? More Christians in traditionally non-Christian areas? More oppressive non-Christians in these lands? If you take out relatively new extremist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram where would those numbers be? That's the point of that article right? That in non-traditionally Christian lands, that minority Christians are being persecuted at higher rates than normal? Why do you think that is?
I don’t pretend to know, but that’s a level of context rarely considered when it comes to genocide.
I have noticed a pretty clear lack of genocide and persecution of non Christians in traditionally Christian lands though.
Sure, western civilization is fantastic, the Enlightenment was great. Hopefully the Islamic world being 600 years behind Christianity means they are on the way to theirs before too long.
But there has to be some sort of context with the increased persecution. I wouldn't use the term genocide, are state governments doing this in the Middle East and Africa? Like the Turks to the Armenians or the Nazis to the Jews? Or are they enabling them? Or is the lack of a strong, central government allowing these persecutory (not a word?) groups to flourish?
Good questions, but probably not important to the Christians being genocided.
Christian persecution is at an all time high.
What does that have to do with Jehovah Witnesses?