Whoops, price of imported products are FALLING.

Time constraints being what they are for the next couple of days I’m going to piecemeal my replies to you. Let me begin by replying to this statement from you.

I do not condone theft at any time, by anyone, for any reason. I have never said I condone theft and have never hinted at it. For some reason you have confused my opposition to mercantilism as Trump practices it via tariffs as my support for the theft of technology by the Chinese government. As long as you harbor such a foolish thought we can’t really have a serious conversation about the topic.

I am happy to discuss political topics with just about anyone at any time. I have not shied away from presenting my viewpoint and politely listening to an opposing one. I understand my views are considered to be somewhat oddball by some of you because you are hearing points from me that rarely fit the narrative of what you think of when you think of an “enemy.” In your own words I am posing “ancillary questions,” questions you might not have pondered in the past and therefore fumble around when seeking refutation. Oftentimes in your case your response comes in the form of emotional outbursts complete with insults. You have said before you believe I think you are intellectually inferior to me. I have never said anything that could objectively be viewed as such. What I do think, on the other hand, is not that you lack in intelligence, but rather in maturity. It is very difficult to want to have a conversation with someone who so often acts as a teenager.

Now, I’m headed back to my “real life,” the non-political one. I intend to enjoy my family this weekend. I wish the same to you. I’ll check back in as time permits to reply to your more cogent comments.
Damn, I nailed your response to a T.
And I don't expect him to return to this thread and answer my post directly. He'll obfuscate or ask some strange ancillary question that isn't germane to the conversation to anyone but him. That way he can justify his intellectual superiority to us fools.

So tell me, how I'm wrong when I say that you are okay with trafficking in stolen goods because you are against tariffs to stop the flow of them when tariffs are the only effective means to stop the flow?
Did. Not. Read. (the entirety of the bickering) Actually did skim the verbosities

The great thing for the common man is prices at the pump keep dropping
Bump for @Ponca Dan

I'm against crime. I'm just not for an effective police force or judicial system.
I'm against illiteracy. I'm just not for an education system.
I'm against communicable diseases. I'm just not for immunizations.
I'm against hunger. I'm just not for farming.
I'm against importing stolen goods. I'm just not for tariffs.

Maybe now you'll see how untenable your stance is.
Chinese sponsored 1.5 Billion in battery tech stolen in Bartlesville OK this past Dec. (I might have some first hand knowledge of this one)
Chinese PLA Unit 61398 (APT10) is a cyber unit of their government caught in many industrial espionage works.
When Pokemon GO came out we were warned that Chinese spies were caught in industrial areas using that as the excuse to take pictures in secured areas.
I've hired FBI agents to give presentation about industrial espionage and they have many examples.
Chinese sponsored agents stole new flame resistant insulation tech.
Chinese agents stole plans on how to create better lubricants.
Wind turbine tech
Wireless tech
Networking code
Nuclear tech from the TVA
Solar Cell tech
Network firewall tech
computer chip making info from Micron
The entire Huawei company was built on stolen tech
Look up the Sinovel case
Apple, Tesla, all have had property taken

It isn't just IP theft. Eighty-seven percent of seized counterfeit goods imported into the U.S. were manufactured in China and Hong Kong. In general, this massive market comes as a result of manufacturers reverse-engineering foreign companies’ trademarked, patented, and copyrighted materials.

The examples are so numerous that any ignorance on your part has to be willful because you endorse this theft.
Just google 'examples of Chinese intellectual property theft hack'.

OK, I have a window of opportunity to respond. As is so often the case with you, you think you’re answering a question without actually doing so. I asked for specifics of how some of the Chinese theft has been carried out, and you respond with a list of charges. The closest you came to explaining any of the theft was your first example, battery theft, saying you have first hand knowledge, but providing not one a single piece of evidence. You mumble something about spies taking pictures of Pokémon.

Here’s what I think about the battery theft of which you are knowledgeable. I think you are a mid-40 year old mid-level manager that has a mid-level knowledge of what you have been told by your superiors in your company. Superiors that have every incentive to tell their story in a way that makes them look very much like poor victims in an espionage game they know you know almost nothing about. I think the truth is not so cut-and-dried as you have concocted in your head, that maybe your top executives did some very stupid negotiating they don’t want you to know about. I think the Chinese in your story did some very bad things, but maybe - just maybe - what they did is not quite so bad as you believe.

I think every one of the espionage stories you are committed to have two sides. I think the Chinese are committed to stealing as much technology as they can get away with, just like Bill Gates has been at Microsoft, Steve Jobs was at Apple, and virtually every high level executive is at virtually every high level international tech company in the world. China may be more successful than the others, about that I have no idea, but they are not unique to the practice, and it is ludicrous for you to pretend they are. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if you believed they are the only “crooks” in the industry. To pretend the Chinese are the only people in the world that steal ideas and produce products from that theft is naive. Maybe you are that naive, who can tell?

What flabbergasts me is your insistence that the ONLY way to get the Chinese to stop what they’re doing is with tariffs. I can’t count the number of links I have posted on this board from economists of EVERY persuasion that explain the ill advice of tariffs. Tariffs hurt the people in the country whose government imposed them. Trump is harming Americans in his attempt to harm the Chinese. Farmers across this country, men and women who have stolen from no one, are hanging on by their fingernails because of the unilateral decision of the president. You, a mid-level manager at a huge international company may not have felt the effects yet. So maybe in your mind a little collateral damage to people you don’t know is justified. In a truly just world it should be people like you, those that support the tariffs, that should bear the brunt of the damage they cause. Maybe then you would not be so quick to insist upon them.

There are other option than tariffs to deal with the issue of tech theft by the Chinese. I have recommended an option not that long ago. You, in your blinkered world view simply cannot see beyond the option your dear leader tells you is the only one available. Hell, maybe you aren’t that smart after all.
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OK, I have a window of opportunity to respond. As is so often the case with you, you think you’re answering a question without actually doing so. I asked for specifics of how some of the Chinese theft has been carried out, and you respond with a list of charges. The closest you came to explaining any of the theft was your first example, battery theft, saying you have first hand knowledge, but providing not one a single piece of evidence. You mumble something about spies taking pictures of Pokémon.

Here’s what I think about the battery theft of which you are knowledgeable. I think you are a mid-40 year old mid-level manager that has a mid-level knowledge of what you have been told by your superiors in your company. Superiors that have every incentive to tell their story in a way that makes them look very much like poor victims in an espionage game they know you know almost nothing about. I think the truth is not so cut-and-dried as you have concocted in your head, that maybe your top executives did some very stupid negotiating they don’t want you to know about. I think the Chinese in your story did some very bad things, but maybe - just maybe - what they did is not quite so bad as you believe.

I think every one of the espionage stories you are committed to have two sides. I think the Chinese are committed to stealing as much technology as they can get away with, just like Bill Gates has been at Microsoft, Steve Jobs was at Apple, and virtually every high level executive is at virtually every high level international tech company in the world. China may be more successful than the others, about that I have no idea, but they are not unique to the practice, and it is ludicrous for you to pretend they are. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if you believed they are the only “crooks” in the industry. To pretend the Chinese are the only people in the world that steal ideas and produce products from that theft is naive. Maybe you are that naive, who can tell?

What flabbergasts me is your insistence that the ONLY way to get the Chinese to stop what they’re doing is with tariffs. I can’t count the number of links I have posted on this board from economists of EVERY persuasion that explain the ill advice of tariffs. Tariffs hurt the people in the country whose government imposed them. Trump is harming Americans in his attempt to harm the Chinese. Farmers across this country, men and women who have stolen from no one, are hanging on by their fingernails because of the unilateral decision of the president. You, a mid-level manager at a huge international company may not have felt the effects yet. So maybe in your mind a little collateral damage to people you don’t know is justified. In a truly just world it should be people like you, those that support the tariffs, that should bear the brunt of the damage they cause. Maybe then you would not be so quick to insist upon them.

There are other option than tariffs to deal with the issue of tech theft by the Chinese. I have recommended an option not that long ago. You, in your blinkered world view simply cannot see beyond the option your dear leader tells you is the only one available. Hell, maybe you aren’t that smart after all.
OR... I'm a cybersecrity analyst reporting to our CISO who's job it is to handle these situations. Maybe the FBI even complimented us on our skill in catching the ****er and he's sitting in jail right now awaiting trial.

You are an ignorant fool. The worst kind. The kind that is assured you are correct. I'm not going to provide you links to ever one. If you aren't an idiot or lazy then you'll educate yourself. But I'll give links to the one I know first hand about.
And the actual FBI criminal complaint.

So, you can eat a bag of dicks. I'm not talking out of my ass like you so often do. I know EXACTLY of what I speak.

Talk to @BvillePoker. He knows. Hell, @CowboyJD gets the FBI briefings as well. He knows. Now shut up about shit you don't know about since we were one of the few that actually caught them and are good enough to provide evidence to the authorities. It's BECAUSE of me and my teammates that this asshole is sitting in a cell.
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OK, I have a window of opportunity to respond. As is so often the case with you, you think you’re answering a question without actually doing so. I asked for specifics of how some of the Chinese theft has been carried out, and you respond with a list of charges. The closest you came to explaining any of the theft was your first example, battery theft, saying you have first hand knowledge, but providing not one a single piece of evidence. You mumble something about spies taking pictures of Pokémon.

Here’s what I think about the battery theft of which you are knowledgeable. I think you are a mid-40 year old mid-level manager that has a mid-level knowledge of what you have been told by your superiors in your company. Superiors that have every incentive to tell their story in a way that makes them look very much like poor victims in an espionage game they know you know almost nothing about. I think the truth is not so cut-and-dried as you have concocted in your head, that maybe your top executives did some very stupid negotiating they don’t want you to know about. I think the Chinese in your story did some very bad things, but maybe - just maybe - what they did is not quite so bad as you believe.

I think every one of the espionage stories you are committed to have two sides. I think the Chinese are committed to stealing as much technology as they can get away with, just like Bill Gates has been at Microsoft, Steve Jobs was at Apple, and virtually every high level executive is at virtually every high level international tech company in the world. China may be more successful than the others, about that I have no idea, but they are not unique to the practice, and it is ludicrous for you to pretend they are. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if you believed they are the only “crooks” in the industry. To pretend the Chinese are the only people in the world that steal ideas and produce products from that theft is naive. Maybe you are that naive, who can tell?

What flabbergasts me is your insistence that the ONLY way to get the Chinese to stop what they’re doing is with tariffs. I can’t count the number of links I have posted on this board from economists of EVERY persuasion that explain the ill advice of tariffs. Tariffs hurt the people in the country whose government imposed them. Trump is harming Americans in his attempt to harm the Chinese. Farmers across this country, men and women who have stolen from no one, are hanging on by their fingernails because of the unilateral decision of the president. You, a mid-level manager at a huge international company may not have felt the effects yet. So maybe in your mind a little collateral damage to people you don’t know is justified. In a truly just world it should be people like you, those that support the tariffs, that should bear the brunt of the damage they cause. Maybe then you would not be so quick to insist upon them.

There are other option than tariffs to deal with the issue of tech theft by the Chinese. I have recommended an option not that long ago. You, in your blinkered world view simply cannot see beyond the option your dear leader tells you is the only one available. Hell, maybe you aren’t that smart after all.

Bump for @Ponca Dan

I'm against crime. I'm just not for an effective police force or judicial system.
I'm against illiteracy. I'm just not for an education system.
I'm against communicable diseases. I'm just not for immunizations.
I'm against hunger. I'm just not for farming.
I'm against importing stolen goods. I'm just not for tariffs.

Maybe now you'll see how untenable your stance is.

You need to try again. You are clueless.
OK, I have a window of opportunity to respond. As is so often the case with you, you think you’re answering a question without actually doing so. I asked for specifics of how some of the Chinese theft has been carried out, and you respond with a list of charges. The closest you came to explaining any of the theft was your first example, battery theft, saying you have first hand knowledge, but providing not one a single piece of evidence. You mumble something about spies taking pictures of Pokémon.

Here’s what I think about the battery theft of which you are knowledgeable. I think you are a mid-40 year old mid-level manager that has a mid-level knowledge of what you have been told by your superiors in your company. Superiors that have every incentive to tell their story in a way that makes them look very much like poor victims in an espionage game they know you know almost nothing about. I think the truth is not so cut-and-dried as you have concocted in your head, that maybe your top executives did some very stupid negotiating they don’t want you to know about. I think the Chinese in your story did some very bad things, but maybe - just maybe - what they did is not quite so bad as you believe.

I think every one of the espionage stories you are committed to have two sides. I think the Chinese are committed to stealing as much technology as they can get away with, just like Bill Gates has been at Microsoft, Steve Jobs was at Apple, and virtually every high level executive is at virtually every high level international tech company in the world. China may be more successful than the others, about that I have no idea, but they are not unique to the practice, and it is ludicrous for you to pretend they are. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if you believed they are the only “crooks” in the industry. To pretend the Chinese are the only people in the world that steal ideas and produce products from that theft is naive. Maybe you are that naive, who can tell?

What flabbergasts me is your insistence that the ONLY way to get the Chinese to stop what they’re doing is with tariffs. I can’t count the number of links I have posted on this board from economists of EVERY persuasion that explain the ill advice of tariffs. Tariffs hurt the people in the country whose government imposed them. Trump is harming Americans in his attempt to harm the Chinese. Farmers across this country, men and women who have stolen from no one, are hanging on by their fingernails because of the unilateral decision of the president. You, a mid-level manager at a huge international company may not have felt the effects yet. So maybe in your mind a little collateral damage to people you don’t know is justified. In a truly just world it should be people like you, those that support the tariffs, that should bear the brunt of the damage they cause. Maybe then you would not be so quick to insist upon them.

There are other option than tariffs to deal with the issue of tech theft by the Chinese. I have recommended an option not that long ago. You, in your blinkered world view simply cannot see beyond the option your dear leader tells you is the only one available. Hell, maybe you aren’t that smart after all.
You offered BS ineffectual options. Just admit you are happy to deal with stolen items and be honest about it.

FYI, I'm also a farmer. The 'effects' of what you are saying are BS. Your collateral damage is magnified in your eyes simply because you are an absolutist. That's not a real world stance. It's your bias, not mine, that's showing in this conversation.
OK, I have a window of opportunity to respond. As is so often the case with you, you think you’re answering a question without actually doing so. I asked for specifics of how some of the Chinese theft has been carried out, and you respond with a list of charges. The closest you came to explaining any of the theft was your first example, battery theft, saying you have first hand knowledge, but providing not one a single piece of evidence. You mumble something about spies taking pictures of Pokémon.

Here’s what I think about the battery theft of which you are knowledgeable. I think you are a mid-40 year old mid-level manager that has a mid-level knowledge of what you have been told by your superiors in your company. Superiors that have every incentive to tell their story in a way that makes them look very much like poor victims in an espionage game they know you know almost nothing about. I think the truth is not so cut-and-dried as you have concocted in your head, that maybe your top executives did some very stupid negotiating they don’t want you to know about. I think the Chinese in your story did some very bad things, but maybe - just maybe - what they did is not quite so bad as you believe.

I think every one of the espionage stories you are committed to have two sides. I think the Chinese are committed to stealing as much technology as they can get away with, just like Bill Gates has been at Microsoft, Steve Jobs was at Apple, and virtually every high level executive is at virtually every high level international tech company in the world. China may be more successful than the others, about that I have no idea, but they are not unique to the practice, and it is ludicrous for you to pretend they are. Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if you believed they are the only “crooks” in the industry. To pretend the Chinese are the only people in the world that steal ideas and produce products from that theft is naive. Maybe you are that naive, who can tell?

What flabbergasts me is your insistence that the ONLY way to get the Chinese to stop what they’re doing is with tariffs. I can’t count the number of links I have posted on this board from economists of EVERY persuasion that explain the ill advice of tariffs. Tariffs hurt the people in the country whose government imposed them. Trump is harming Americans in his attempt to harm the Chinese. Farmers across this country, men and women who have stolen from no one, are hanging on by their fingernails because of the unilateral decision of the president. You, a mid-level manager at a huge international company may not have felt the effects yet. So maybe in your mind a little collateral damage to people you don’t know is justified. In a truly just world it should be people like you, those that support the tariffs, that should bear the brunt of the damage they cause. Maybe then you would not be so quick to insist upon them.

There are other option than tariffs to deal with the issue of tech theft by the Chinese. I have recommended an option not that long ago. You, in your blinkered world view simply cannot see beyond the option your dear leader tells you is the only one available. Hell, maybe you aren’t that smart after all.
That was a dumb passive aggressive reply. But let's play the "I think" game like you did.

I think you're just a construction guy who doesn't give a single shit about anything outside of your profits. Cheap illegal labor and cheap materials are all you seek because that maximizes your profits. You don't give a shit if intellectual property is stolen as long as you can get your materials cheaper. Quality is no doubt a tertiary concern of yours. You live in a gated neighborhood because you don't want the cheap labor illegal shitbags trolling your hood. You don't want tariffs or anyone messing with illegal immigrants because those things will impact your pocketbook.

I'll start calling you Shallow Dan.
That was a dumb passive aggressive reply. But let's play the "I think" game like you did.

I think you're just a construction guy who doesn't give a single shit about anything outside of your profits. Cheap illegal labor and cheap materials are all you seek because that maximizes your profits. You don't give a shit if intellectual property is stolen as long as you can get your materials cheaper. Quality is no doubt a tertiary concern of yours. You live in a gated neighborhood because you don't want the cheap labor illegal shitbags trolling your hood. You don't want tariffs or anyone messing with illegal immigrants because those things will impact your pocketbook.

I'll start calling you Shallow Dan.
In this instance I’m not sure what you found to be passive about my aggression. As for the rest please feel free to think what you want about me, and I’ll feel free to do the same when it comes to ostatedchi.
In this instance I’m not sure what you found to be passive about my aggression. As for the rest please feel free to think what you want about me, and I’ll feel free to do the same when it comes to ostatedchi.
It sucks that you're wrong about him (he's only stated what he does at least a dozen times and a simple Google search backs him up) but I'm not wrong about you. Sorry Shallow Dan.
It sucks that you're wrong about him (he's only stated what he does at least a dozen times and a simple Google search backs him up) but I'm not wrong about you. Sorry Shallow Dan.
Yeah, I might be wrong about him. Perhaps he’s a 40-something year old cyber security savant with a high powered position with whatever congolerate he works for. I doubt it, though. I doubt a high powered security savant has the time he spends on this message board. Be that as it may his unrelenting devotion to Trump and his tariffs betrays that he is an economic imbecile. Is that aggressive enough for you, or am I still too passive?
Yeah, I might be wrong about him. Perhaps he’s a 40-something year old cyber security savant with a high powered position with whatever congolerate he works for. I doubt it, though. I doubt a high powered security savant has the time he spends on this message board. Be that as it may his unrelenting devotion to Trump and his tariffs betrays that he is an economic imbecile. Is that aggressive enough for you, or am I still too passive?
You are so wrong it's laughable.

I feel sorry for your family. They can't escape you like we all can.
Yeah, I might be wrong about him. Perhaps he’s a 40-something year old cyber security savant with a high powered position with whatever congolerate he works for. I doubt it, though. I doubt a high powered security savant has the time he spends on this message board. Be that as it may his unrelenting devotion to Trump and his tariffs betrays that he is an economic imbecile. Is that aggressive enough for you, or am I still too passive?
Sure thing, Shallow Dan. You sure get pissy when you get called out by someone who knows what he's talking about. The corner isn't a good look for you, but this "aggressive" look when you're wrong is much worse. Tantrum time is how I'd describe it.

I'm glad Trump is getting between you and your profits made on the backs of illegal labor and cheap Chinese material. You're part of the problem in this country. Your customers deserve better.
Sure thing, Shallow Dan. You sure get pissy when you get called out by someone who knows what he's talking about. The corner isn't a good look for you, but this "aggressive" look when you're wrong is much worse. Tantrum time is how I'd describe it.

I'm glad Trump is getting between you and your profits made on the backs of illegal labor and cheap Chinese material. You're part of the problem in this country. Your customers deserve better.
I love you, too, Medic. You’re one of my favorites, and always have been.
OR... I'm a cybersecrity analyst reporting to our CISO who's job it is to handle these situations. Maybe the FBI even complimented us on our skill in catching the ****er and he's sitting in jail right now awaiting trial.

You are an ignorant fool. The worst kind. The kind that is assured you are correct. I'm not going to provide you links to ever one. If you aren't an idiot or lazy then you'll educate yourself. But I'll give links to the one I know first hand about.
And the actual FBI criminal complaint.

So, you can eat a bag of dicks. I'm not talking out of my ass like you so often do. I know EXACTLY of what I speak.

Talk to @BvillePoker. He knows. Hell, @CowboyJD gets the FBI briefings as well. He knows. Now shut up about shit you don't know about since we were one of the few that actually caught them and are good enough to provide evidence to the authorities. It's BECAUSE of me and my teammates that this asshole is sitting in a cell.
So it was a chinese national involved in industrial espionage,dont american companies do that with other american companies.
Major tech US companies have been sued by smaller companies for using their
propriety material in the software of larger companies.
That does not make China responsible let the FBI find out which company this chinese national was working for and put tariffs on that company.
From what you have posted it is not clear whether he was able to send the material
to his chinese company.
India is the biggest thief in pharmaceutical sector, they get the formula of a multinational company's drug and they start manufacturing it in India and it is totally legal according to Indian laws.
So it was a chinese national involved in industrial espionage,dont american companies do that with other american companies.
Major tech US companies have been sued by smaller companies for using their
propriety material in the software of larger companies.
That does not make China responsible let the FBI find out which company this chinese national was working for and put tariffs on that company.
From what you have posted it is not clear whether he was able to send the material
to his chinese company.
India is the biggest thief in pharmaceutical sector, they get the formula of a multinational company's drug and they start manufacturing it in India and it is totally legal according to Indian laws.
You actually make a good point. But the factor you miss is that China is a totalitarian communist government and there's not really a thing as an independent company. The companies are doing this with the encouragement and approval of the Chinese government. And in many cases on direct behalf of the Chinese government. What you point out is a distinction with out a difference.

You are correct that we don't know exactly how much data he transferred in this specific instance. We'll never know unless some new Chinese company springs up with no R&D and starts making batteries based on our tech. But we have to assume it's gone.

If India is guilty of it then put tariffs on those items as well. I'm good with that. Any other excuse making for China's actions is simple Whataboutism.
More over Trumps reason for putting tariffs was trade deficit.
So take that up with someone else. That's not the point I'm making. I don't care so much about trade deficits but having an equal footing for trade. A foundational plank of that equal footing is that the countries and companies we trade with respect our intellectual property, patents, trademarks, and treat our products as we treat theirs.
You actually make a good point. But the factor you miss is that China is a totalitarian communist government and there's not really a thing as an independent company. The companies are doing this with the encouragement and approval of the Chinese government. And in many cases on direct behalf of the Chinese government. What you point out is a distinction with out a difference.

You are correct that we don't know exactly how much data he transferred in this specific instance. We'll never know unless some new Chinese company springs up with no R&D and starts making batteries based on our tech. But we have to assume it's gone.

If India is guilty of it then put tariffs on those items as well. I'm good with that. Any other excuse making for China's actions is simple Whataboutism.
India are selling those drugs to the US with the approval of FDA.
So maybe your drug prices would come down
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Ali Baba is listed on dow jones I think. I have friends who have factories in china with hardly any govt interference.
It happens and yes China is totalitarian so is Russia and Saudi Arabia and N Korea,
So what.
I don't get your question. If those other countries are also stealing technology then impose tariffs on them that would make it uneconomical as well.
But China is far and away the worst offender. And any attempt to dismiss their efforts because of others is blatant whataboutism.
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Lithium ion batteries have been to Pakistan for atleast three years.When was this Chinese national was caught stealing phillip66 technology.
Lithium ion batteries have been to Pakistan for atleast three years.When was this Chinese national was caught stealing phillip66 technology.
Are you dumb? This is new technology that makes much more efficient batteries at a much cheaper price point. What does that have to do with Paki having old technology batteries?

Did you not read ANY of the provided links. The answer to your question about when is in all of them.
Yeah, I might be wrong about him. Perhaps he’s a 40-something year old cyber security savant with a high powered position with whatever congolerate he works for. I doubt it, though. I doubt a high powered security savant has the time he spends on this message board. Be that as it may his unrelenting devotion to Trump and his tariffs betrays that he is an economic imbecile. Is that aggressive enough for you, or am I still too passive?

The commies really did get Dan.

Preach Dan!
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Me reading this thread

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